
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

April 05, 2016

The Stairway to Heaven... part 6--Women and the Priesthood

Today I interrupt my unfolding of "The Stairway to Heaven" (a.k.a. "The Sermon on the Mount" or "The Gospel of Christ" or "How to Truly BE HAPPY") to assist my dear brother and friend (a.k.a. "The True Messenger") to deliver his daily message.  :-) 



Although purposely veiled, the pivotal point in both the unsealed and the sealed "Book of Mormon" is when "Jesus" "descends out of heaven" with holy angels to interact with and assist those most prepared.  TSP ("The Sealed Portion") exposes those "holy angels" as "celestial women".  "Real Truth" exposes "Jesus" as being the key word representing in "scripture" "real truth", or that knowledge which stands the test of time.  And, in time, I will go through the Book of Mormon (sealed and unsealed) and unfold, unseal, all that is veiled.  For today's purposes, suffice it to suggest that the Reader go with me on this.  Suspend (at least temporarily) your unbelief and expand your mind as I open up certain concepts...


When I pick up a new and unfamiliar piece of piano music, I usually, cursorily, glance over the key signature, designated timing, melody line, difficulty level, composer's name and any suggestions for playability.  Sight-reading comes fairly easy to me and I enjoy getting to know new works of musical art.  I may lose interest and quit fairly soon.  Or I may sense something of deep beauty that is waiting to be discovered within the white page and black squiggly marks printed upon it.

However, a computer program can discover and reveal those same squiggly marks.  In fact, it will do so with accuracy far beyond that which I can manifest.  Additionally, there is no "learning curve" for a computer program designed for this purpose.  For me, however, it requires much effort, time, and most of all, desire, to "master" a piece of music... at least those pieces on the level that are most interesting ("delicious") to me.  Practice, practice, practice builds confidence. Correct notes.  Rhythm.  Movement of volume and tempo.  Making music *music* is only possible as I struggle and work, exerting my concentration and diligence to "translate" that which I am "reading" into my own life and upon my own piano.  As my fingers repetitively bring forth that which is written, they develop cellular memory.  This cellular memory imprints upon my brain a program of this particular song.  In time, and with the correct intention and allowing, my fingers can take over for me without any "concentration" required. 

All this and more is required to integrate accurately that which is printed upon the musical staves.  But this, I volunteer, is NOT TRUE MUSIC!  Theoretically, I may have achieved mastery of this particular song. True mastery of music, however, does not come without soul.  If I were to methodically, mechanically, as that computer program, translate the musical language of the page into audible sound vibrations, it might hold temporary interest to any listener, but have no long-lasting value.  To be really appreciated, I must imbue that which I play with my self.  I must invest ME into it.  As my heart interacts and DIRECTS my playing, then that which would have been a purely "correct", even "perfect" rendering has the potential to be perceived as beautiful, stirring, memorable... true music to one's ears.  The music can be said to have "come to life".  Additionally, my investing of my own self into that performance brings greater life, energy, joy to Me.


Symbolically used, the term "woman" represents ANY human who has the propensity (spirit) to believe or receive (conceive) an idea (seed) given by another.  A "celestial woman" is one who exists to allow only pure "seed" or beliefs into her heart and mind.  She does this with the intent of bringing forth (bearing) acts of beauty into the world around her.  These intentions bring her a JOY beyond anything she could do of a purely "selfish" or "vain" nature.  And yet, the only way that a "celestial woman" CAN bring forth true beauty, true joy, true and lasting service to humanity, is by focusing all of her awareness on the peaceful feelings within her soul and conforming her actions likewise.  She must "bless" her heart and imbue that blessed heart into all she does and is.

This gives her actions GRACE.  Grace is what gives my music life and beauty.  Although TRUTH can present accuracy and perfection, only when grace is fully utilized does one's life... or a piece of music... move and stimulate those who witness it.   Therefore, only "women", those who can most gracefully change their mind, change their direction, flow through life with fluidity, become "eternal mothers", or rather, those who can bring forth beautiful and lasting creations.

"Priesthood" is a symbolic and very misunderstood term, properly meaning "intelligence".  Intelligence is NOT information.  This world is FILLED with information!  This information (which many people clamor to pour into their brains and their lives, accruing mortal "degrees" up the yin yang), is driving the human race insane!  No, priesthood, or pure intelligence, is only "seen through the veil".

To "see through the veil" is a characteristic of one who is spiritually, attitudinally, a "woman", never mind which form her physical body currently has.  The LDS Endowment represents this by the female "Eve" figuring out or understanding what to do next.  In distinction, the males--requiring a string descending from the cap on their head going down past their left ear to be tied onto their left shoulder band--must be told by an outside source what to do. And, thus, being informed by an "outside authority" into their head or brain, they usually get it wrong.

So, not a digression after all, verse 1 of chapter 5 of Matthew has "Jesus" (real truth) being understood and internalized by those prepared to bring forth truth AND grace more fully into this world. 

1  And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain to teach unto them the things which the Father had commanded of him; and when he was set in the place where he would teach the people, he called forth his disciples and they came unto him that they might hear more clearly the things that he would command the people, so that they could teach these same things unto the people as they had been given authority to do.

Women are the ultimate in creation.  Celestial women, anyway.  Again, this can equally apply to either physical gender, being purely an attitudinal distinction of one capable of receiving real truth and bringing it forth with grace.  Thus, a "Celestial woman" or an "Eternal Mother" is, like "Jesus" was described: "full of grace and truth".  When living in this state, pure intelligence ("priesthood") is what comes forth from them.  To bless and transform this world. 

When a pure heart seeks pure truth, they receive "authority" to teach these same things unto the people (or, those prepared to be "fed" these spiritual truths") within their sphere of influence.  This, then, is the unfolding of the foundation of "the Gospel of Christ".   Thus, truth is only delivered in completeness, with grace and by a true "disciple" who has received the priesthood (intelligence) to disseminate it correctly.

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