
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

April 23, 2016

PLEASE..... Help..... Me.....

I awoke about an hour ago (it’s  3:18 a.m. now).

 Yes, I “awoke”.  As if from a “deep, deep, sleep”….

In my “dream”, I had been in a comatose state in bed, watching in my mind’s eye the world going on outside of and around me.  In this paralyzed state, I gradually became more aware that I was not actually participating in life, but merely confined to a bed, “sleeping”.  Though with eyes closed, I saw a man enter my dark room, light brilliantly pouring in through the doorway as he did.  Exerting Every…  Nuance…  Of…  Strength…  I…  Could…  Muster…  From…  Each…  Molecule…  Within…  My…  Body…,  Every…  Vestige…  Of…  Will…  Power…  I...  Could...  Find…,  My body began trembling.  (Literally, Kimberly’s physical body began violently shaking the bed.)  With Herculean effort, I was finally able to raise both my arms in the air as I lifted my torso off the mattress.  With muffled sound, as if moaning from the depths of my being, sounds escaped my throat… both in this “dream” and audibly to anyone who would have witnessed me/ Kimberly asleep…:


And with that, so-struggled utterance, I awoke.  In both the “dream” and in “reality”.

Lying conscious now in bed, I deeply pondered a few minutes before looking at the clock… 

2:20 a.m.

Contemplating the significance of the dream has finally compelled me to write this, my heart, and make it available.

I/ Kimberly/ am in a very vulnerable situation…………..

I have no where to turn.  No where to go.  A young daughter who looks to me… always has… for life.  I am all she has.

In my deep desires to be completely transparent and hide NO THING, to reveal everything that can be revealed, I share, not knowing before hand if there will be ANY who even read this in time.


The baton has been passed to me.

I can “expound and exhort” and make bare all consciousness, the *Actual Truth* that will assist fallen, warring humanity.  I have been mentored by Beings that I can only describe as “through the veil” and in hidden ways.  Yet, I have heard Them.  I understand.  With everything I am, everything I hope to be, I want to make this understanding, understanding that will literally save humanity, available to You.  To any.  To all.

I…  Want…  So…  Much…  To…  Give… My…  Life…..  Not…  By…  Dying…  But… By…  Living…, Revealing that which has been hidden, undecipherable.  Without boasting, but in the depths of humility, I acknowledge that I am the one that the world has been waiting for.  And though I come with “power”, it is certainly NOT the kind of “power” with which mankind has been characterizing their *Super Heroes*.  In fact, in the world’s eyes, I am a “nobody”.  Or even less.  I have been literally constrained from getting what society would call a paying job.  I have, instead, dug into the depths of conscious consciousness and accessed *Wisdom*.  Though this current body is weak.  Though I deal daily with several hours of ordeals to even maintain my physical life.  Though I am graying, middle-aged, missing many teeth and with receding gums.  Though I lost my beautiful singing voice many, many years ago and have been struggling to maintain my speaking voice.  Though of my beloved living nine children, several will not even claim me and many will have nothing to do with me.  Though I have contemplated suicide many times, not because of depression, but because of its cousin… “futility”.  I seek and have been seeking to unbind myself from the gags of TRUTH.  Truth that must come out.  Truth that, I finally acknowledge, must come out of MY vocal cords.  I have so much to give.  So much that WANTS to be given.  So many there are on this present earth that NEED the assistance that “The Powers That Be” have been pouring into me.


I face homelessness.  With no where to go.  And no “family” or support structure to call upon.  My “Beloved”, Dave Seely, has physically and emotionally stretched and tried to assist me to the utmost that he has been able.  He has built a beautiful dwelling he has adamantly stated was for Me.  Krystal has, for the first time in her 11 ½ years, become established.  For the first time in her young life she has almost, nearly, finished an entire school year in the same school.  For any who have read my most recent blog posts, I have Truly believed that all the variables were now, finally, in order.  I have written my life story, though few have even dared to read it so far.  Those who know even threads of it have marveled over the life(s) I have lived.

My deepest yearning is that my life will Not have been in vain.  That the understanding I have realized, partnered with “the Eyes of Christ” that “The Powers That Be” have opened within me, WILL be able to be received by someone.  Someones.  Somewhere.  Sometime.


Unless I can find a way… today…

Krystal and I will be homeless.  Again.

I have no where to go.  No one to turn to.  Except to the world itself.  For the world’s sake.  I pledge my life, my strength, anything and everything at my disposal to offer upon the altar of humanity.  FOR ALL HUMANITY’S SAKE.

Somehow, it seems that my answer/ OUR answer is NOT a temporary shelter.  NOT an empty bedroom in someone’s basement where I can trade services for our bare necessities.

Somehow I must find a way to gather funds to buy this house from Dave, my so-struggling “Beloved”.  If I give him equal value in payment for his perceived worth of this house he built “for me”, then I will be able to stay here with Krystal, without relying on his constantly shifting abilities to maintain his peace.  Thus, I will be able to bring forth that which is within me, finding my voice in the process.  Assisting YOU, Dear Global Friend, and… I so deeply and dearly hope… be a catalyst to help ALL those on this planet who struggle with hopelessness, vulnerability, “no voice”, poverty, lack of validation and perceived worth.

May my life not be in vain.

May I find a way.


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