
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

February 20, 2014

On My "Mark"

OH, WHAT A RIDE IT HAS BEEN ! :-) For those who have followed my blog in the (distant) past, my posts from when I was in Ecuador as well as my life's story are now compiled within the first two volumes of my book: "The JOY of Harmony." However, I am now preparing to round another sharp corner and embark upon another chapter of my journey. Oh, what an adventure this has been ! :-) Upon getting my instructions from within in June of 2008 to "sell all that I have and go live among the poor... in South America," then getting more specifics which propelled me to the great land of Ecuador, I have dug deeper and deeper to that stillness and depth within me. My "treasure in heaven," my "holy of holies." My inner vision and understanding have changed immensely. To recap the last nearly five years since my return: I found upon becoming somewhat re-established within the USA, again in Gilbert, AZ, in June of 2009, that *I* had indeed changed. No longer did I have the propensity to will myself to deal with money as I had earlier been able to. Never having the fixation upon "stuff" or the "dollar sign" as most others in our culture do, still I tried to engage back within the culture that I had been raised in and had formerly found somewhat comfortable. I write extensively about my experiences in my book, but suffice it to say that I tried many ways to "make a go of it" to keep the peace and serenity that I had found while also interacting with others and nurturing and providing for the emotional, physical and financial needs of my young daughter, Krystal. Everything that I attempted, though being within my howbeit stretched realm of comfort and while giving service to others (which is where I find my "wholeness" and JOY), still did not bring sufficient income to meet our meager needs. Finally, after Christmas of 2011, I began an alternate path of "homelessness" and vulnerability that I had never experienced before... with my beautiful (then) seven-year-old in tow. What a palette of experiences and lessons have ensued since then! Oh, how necessary that chapter has been for me. Oh, how I have marveled time and again at Krystal's ability to trustingly flow with me as I trusted my inner guidance. Oh, how I have been amazed time and again as she has wonderingly commented that she felt so blessed and that her life was so fun. ("I am the luckiest girl alive!") WOW! I have been able to witness repeatedly the great gift of her life while having nearly no THINGS and the glorious gift of gratitude (the GREATEST ATTITUDE) that that has allowed. Yes, I will share much more about this later and, especially, within my books. Since August of 2012, we have found ourselves living in others' homes (usually for a few months at a stretch) while trading services and/or paying rent for the use of a bedroom or two. I was able to find a job in October of 2012 working as a CARE-Giver of the elderly and physically handicapped. I have found great satisfaction in my opportunities while learning further of the needs in that area, both of their physical and emotional decline and the needs that ensued as well as the absolute necessity of the establishment of the *Worldwide United Foundation* and its benefit to that particular sector of humanity. Progressing louder and more incessantly within my heart, however, came the call to "let it all go" and to not even TRY to "serve two masters." Although I will only and CAN only follow my holy heart, still I wondered how I would be able to do that (let go of "Mammon") and what "that" would even look like. As this call became louder and louder, I still found it absolutely staggering to have the experience I did of December 21, 2013. As I made my way west along Red Hills Parkway over the bluff on the north side of town and overlooking the city of St. George, Utah on that Friday, I rounded one of the many turns and there, directly in front of me and perfectly written in the clear blue sky was the following, ledgered with a heavenly quill and with ink of voluminous and brilliant white clouds: "Quitt!" (and underlined). I was stunned and so wished I could stop my car, linger and ponder on what lay literally in front of my eyes. Yet, because of the traffic, the lack of a real shoulder on the road on which to pull over, and my waiting client, I continued my drive... in deep wonderment and awe at what I had just witnessed. Although I tried to mentally explore that the word "quit" (with the additional "t" and exclamation point added for emphasis) could very well apply to many things, I always readily returned to my knowing that that "sign" was directly referring to my repeated "call" over the previous couple months. Realizing that I had never even heard of nature writing anything so specific and perfect, I immediately knew that my quitting must be required and essential for not just ME and Krystal but that it would somehow contribute to the betterment of the WHOLE WORLD! :-) ... to be continued...