
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

April 08, 2016

The Stairway to Heaven... part 7--The Flowers in My Garden

While shopping at Walmart last Friday, I splurged and on impulse bought a Hyacinth bulb in a little glass vial for $3.33.  Taking it home, I admiringly and hopefully placed it upon our bathroom counter.  Having never raised a hyacinth before, I did not really know what to expect.  Yet, each day revealed greater insights and beauty. 

Sunday, some of the tightly cloistered mini-blossoms began opening--the ones furthest down and closest to the bulb and roots.  Daily, assisted by the steam from my showers, I believe, more and more of those miniature star-shaped-beauties opened themselves up.  Gradually, a second stalk, ascending from that same bulb, began revealing itself, and unfurled its blossoms as well. 

Throughout my life I have found tremendous pleasure interacting with flowers.  Though Dave, Krystal, and I have planted evergreen and flowering bushes throughout our yard as well as in pots and rows of various types and groupings of flowers, this double hyacinth bulb is unique.  Being inside, right here in our intimate environment, it blesses my life much more than I ever anticipated.  Oh, how I thrill to walk into our bathroom and delight in its fragrant essence.  I smile and nestle my nostrils down into the depths of the petals for a sweet indulgence.  Hmmmm!  Delightful!  What pleasure it brings to me.  Even, what JOY.  Oh, the power of this one simple individual creation!  I marvel in gratitude and awe.

Two weeks ago I had a multi-layered vision.  I will not reveal all of it at this time, but I do wish to illuminate one section.  I found myself walking upon a grassy field and, being instinctively drawn by something elusive, followed my curiosity to discover a small flower garden.  With delight, I advanced closer in order to partake of its beauty.  I was struck by the variety of colors and shapes of the contributing flowers... the deep purples, scarlets, pure creamy whites, golden yellows....  I was equally moved by each of the different styles, shapes and sizes all nestled together in one visual delight; each one unique, not measuring itself by any of the others, content, even "proud" of being their own, true, graceful self.  Being compelled by their beauty, I drew nearer, and, as I did so, the evergreen hedge behind this few feet of flower garden retreated further into the background, enlarging the borders of the bed with each step I took.

As I opened the eyes of my understanding to translate the meaning of this vision, I was given to understand that my pristine garden, this world in its original heavenly state, though still unseen by most who currently walk this earth, is growing and blossoming right on schedule.  Indeed, my beautiful flower garden WILL "blossom as a rose" and spread to fill, not just this southwestern desert, but, eventually, the entire world.  I was filled with great, consoling comfort.  I wept with relief and consolation.  I was shown that, even now, there are those relatively few who have prepared themselves and have found the "living water" and are drinking it in.  There are some who are not afraid of the sunshine, but, in fact, feast upon it.  There are, even now, several "flowers" who have gone through the necessary steps to germinate, send down their roots, sprout, lift up their stems to the light, send out their buds to open up, pour forth their delicious essence, and... bring delight and joy to my life.  And their own!  As they bless the entire world!

Though this first verse in Matthew 5, which I have unfolded, has been crucial in laying a foundation for the rest of the "Gospel of Christ", there is so much more to expose and develop for any willing Reader.  This unveiling and expounding is MY offering in the garden.  I get to be the "gardener".  I was told by one of my mentors (who will not be named nor introduced as yet) way back in 2009 that I was the only one yet living in "the garden".  Oh, how I have longed to not be alone.  How dearly I have wanted the time to arrive where there could be others living "here" with me.

I KNOW how the one known as "Jesus" felt as he prepared himself to teach "the people".  I have felt of his earnest and unquenchable yearning to bring others into the beauty, truth AND GRACE... with him.  I have felt of his anguish in being "the lone man" in the garden.  Like music, vastly more joy is possible when natural beauty can be shared and enjoyed by more than one solitary gardener.  Truly, "when the student is ready, the teacher appears".  Gratefully, "when the teacher is ready, the student(s) appear".  If you, dear Reader, choose, I can (finally and gratefully) assist You to open up your own petals and offer your unique essence to this world... as you grow serene, dignified, and as a one-of-a-kind flower... "in the garden".  A "disciple".  A magnificent, empowered, "Celestial Woman"*.  Filled with Real Truth.  And Grace.  And a divine, delectable essence.  The world needs YOU!

*Review my last post for this definition, because ALL are called.  :-)

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