
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

April 14, 2016

The Stairway to Heaven... part 9--Walk This Way

I have been greatly privileged in my life to have sinned much.  For those readers with open minds who are prepared for this post, you will come to realize that only as I have lived contrary to the words of Christ (this very "stairway to heaven" that I have proceeded to expound), is sinning even possible.  Forthrightly, I acknowledge that I have suffered grievously.  And much.  This very sinning has been directly involved in my suffering.  But... Before you judge me and (thus) sin yourself, I will proceed to present some definitions. 

"To sin" is to feel bad, to have a "heavy heart", to some degree or another.  To sin is to not feel the fullness of joy that one is created to feel--ALWAYS.  To sin is to be in the red in one's emotional bank account, to be POOR in Spirit.  To sin is "to fall short of the glory (tremendous feelings of peaceful joy) of (your) God (self)."

"To suffer" is to feel or bear what is painful, disagreeable or distressing to the mind/ mentally, or body/ physically.  To suffer is to endure (support, sustain, allow, permit; not to forbid or hinder) mental or physical anguish. To suffer mental pain is referred to in John's Revelation as "The Armageddon".

"Dis-ease" is brought on by extenuated sinning and allows for suffering mentally as well as, at some point, physical pain. 

"Pain" is the nervous system sounding the alarm that an out-of-balance physical situation exists within the body.  It is the wake-up distress (SOS) call to repent (change one's mind) regarding some belief or action in an effort to regain balance in the organism.

Yes, I understand that these definitions differ from those most utilize.  But, these ARE more in harmony with the original intentions of "scripture" and "true messengers".  Thus, most of us have been taught backwards!  When we enlist in an action that is out of harmony with that which our "God" would have us do, we feel bad.  That bad feeling (sin) leads to the suffering that, like the gas gauge on the car, is our barometer that we are running/ acting on or near empty, or devoid of his (our "God's") support.  We are acting contrary to who we truly are!  That bad feeling (enmity/ emotional pain/ sin) is our guidance system.  It is our conscience.  It is the holiest of gifts that we have been given.  It is telling us that we are out of alignment, have wandered off our own "straight and narrow path".  Enmity in our heart signifies that we are acting contrary to WHO WE ARE… just as pain registering in our brain registers that the hand on the hot stove is being damaged by remaining there.

Over time and repetition, however, that out-of-alignment action can become a habit and grow into a character trait which can turn off the distress signal of sin and we are then (in scripture jargon) "passed feeling".  Though impossible to "dis-connect" from our source, we have insulated and muffled its distress signal.  This repeated action can even achieve a sense of comfort, even though it is contrary to our true nature.  It is the spyware that now runs the emotional and mental programming and has become the counterfeit "master" of our life.


"Jesus'" message promises (see again Matthew 5:1) "the kingdom of heaven".  He even promised it THAT VERY DAY of listening to his message (see verse 2). 

"The Kingdom of Heaven" is code for "peace"... lasting peace.  This, alone, is the inner barometer which offers one correct, unadulterated feedback to his present level of inner eyesight.  "Jesus" (and I) had (have) much to say on this subject.  Because of my experiences the past few days, I have even more understanding to offer.

Let me share...

Friday late afternoon (after my post about "the flowers in my garden" and unequivocally acknowledging my abilities to assist/ mentor "disciples"/ tutees even as the one known as "Jesus" did), I was given the opportunity to suffer.  You see, as any who truly know my heart can attest, as confident as I seem and am in many areas, it is against my nature to knowingly make things difficult for others, or appear to elevate myself above any other. Everything I am exults in serving and blessing the lives of those around me... even (and often) at my own personal expense.  It has taken me 53 1/2 years to get to the point of exerting enough strength to first figure out for my self, then publically acknowledge... who I am and what my role is.  Because of my earnest and persistent searching, I came to an understanding, though not complete (100%) confidence, on February 14, 2006 of Who I Am, Who I Have Been, Who I Am To Be.  Despite what any (even those who might THINK they know my heart) believe, it has taken great cosmic forces to encourage me to "step up to the plate" and over-ride discomfort to make that post.  Finally, confidently, completely capable of publically stating:  "I AM WHO I AM."

Within a couple hours of writing the post Friday I began feeling achy.  I soon realized that I also felt nauseous.  My muscles throbbed.  The back of my eyes were sore.  My feet were especially in great pain.  As I felt these physical sensations well up within me, and shared them with my "Beloved" (Dave), he gently offered me Excedrin to dull or eradicate the pain.  However, I knew that Excedrin (like all the "fruits" of "Lucifer"/ those things offered by another person outside of my Self) was a "turn off pain indicator".  Popping a pill would be like using a hammer to smash my "check tire" gauge, or my "oil indicator", or anything else in my car's brain (a.k.a. instrument panel) when they were giving feedback that was less than optimum.  It would be most stupid.  AND it would prevent me from gathering the potential gifts that pain's presence could potentially offer me.  Instead of USING suffering as a helpful, wise counselor, I would be telling my "God" Self to "shut up", I have no need for you.

I felt not to partake but to do what I always do and that was to apply "Jesus'" words, these very words that I desire to shed light on for You.

As I proceeded to relax (physically and emotionally) deeper into the experience and peacefully acknowledge gratitude for my body's wisdom and desire and ability to communicate that wisdom to me, I was able to go deeper and deeper into feeling blessed and even gifted by the experience of pain.  I allowed and compelled myself to warm up my heart and open up my mind to truly feel the blessing which the suffering was allowing me.  I truly APPRECIATED the pain as well as knew that I would further be endowed with a gift through it all.  And I was.

I volunteer:

EACH OF US has a unique, very particular set of skills stemming from our personal experiences.  Though we each share the same "father" (blueprint, light or intelligence inside), our myriad experiences through myriad bodies, cultures, up-bringings and imprintings, have honed very individual ways of perceiving and understanding and, thus, dealing with our surroundings and each other.  As I shared earlier regarding "grace":  truth (our "father") means nothing if not coupled with our own unique feeling signature or "grace".  Our life and all interactions are stale, robotic, uninteresting without grace.  AND, without value to the rest of humanity.  Each of us are necessary to the All of us!

2 Nephi 2: 14 tells us that there are "things to act" and "things to be acted upon".  D&C 93:30 explains that that which acts is intelligence, light.  Abraham 3:19-23 discloses that spirit is organized according to different grades or degrees, some being greater than others.  D&C 93:33 declares that that which is "acted upon" is element (matter).  The Journal of Discourses volume 7 page 2 says that element (matter) is capacitated to receive intelligence.
Soooo... to open this up a wee bit:
ALL mortals (intentionally) "fall" by listening to and accepting perspectives, beliefs, information contrary to their original blueprint ("Father").  Instead of being the profoundly powerful, beautiful, whole ("Holy") being we were created to be, sin (bad feeling, depression) enters into our heart, we change our minds about who we Are, and thus re-align our actions accordingly in an attempt to regain SOME bit of (albeit temporary) good feeling.  Yet, it is this individualized and even contrary-to-who-we-truly-are nature that allows us to grow in grace and distinction.  This grace then can become our unique contribution to the rest of humanity... as utilizing it brings us enjoyment and satisfaction.
In (the Inspired Version of) Matthew 2:11 it says:  "And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto God, the child as a gift; and upon a golden incense burner they burned frankincense and myrrh, offering unto God an offering for the child." 
NOT meaning what the programmed "Christian" may believe, this statement offers PROFOUND insight!  When each of us (would-be "Wise Man") allows our self to let go of all false imprinting by others and discovers WHO WE TRULY ARE (NOT who we think we WANT to be, but WHO WE ARE), that is the greatest "treasure" imaginable!  Truly, it is a "pearl of GREAT price"!  As we then offer our unique set of skills and perspectives unto "GOD" (or for the betterment of EVERYONE on the entire planet!) we are then (and ONLY THEN) in a place to find our JOY as well as able to enhance the good and joy of each and every one else.  However, the transition process may be a little trying and to be expected.  (It has been for me!)  :-)
The frankincense burning on the "in(ner) sense burner" signifies a mental cleansing, a "repenting" or changing of one's minds, thoughts and understandings. The burning myrrh represents a physical cleansing is taking place.  Each atom of the body must be "washed clean" from its false beliefs and "crap". 
Slowly, cleanse-by-cleanse, order and harmony is restored in one's mind and body.  A greater and deeper peace is found in one's ("Holy of Holies") heart.  The spirit goes through up-grade after up-grade.  Confidence grows.  One learns to let go of more and more any attachment to the material world, including excess stuff, relationships that are no longer in harmony with this new "spirit", inordinate focus on the outside appearance of things.
As one does this, they learn to truly and completely Trust (NOT another mortal or anything the mortal mind has constructed, but) their own Inner Guidance System ("God") to assist them in their day.  This peace and the joy which comes in the wake of correct action propel one to even deeper and deeper alignment and trust.  That one then learns to have peace, enjoy life, and let the one responsible for their existence (their "God") TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR EXISTENCE.
When a person really believes, truly believes... with ALL of their heart, that the universe is a good place, that beauty and balance are the natural state of affairs, that all things (atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, bodies, inert matter, truly ALL THINGS) are LIGHT (Intelligence, consciousness, truth) and exist to benefit them equally with all others, then they can begin to open up to:

Every *thing* in existence is but myriad manifestations of *Light* interplaying and interweaving in one grand cosmic dance or symphony. Light is Intelligence, Truth, Consciousness. To the degree that each "individuated" (or seeming-to-be-so) *thing* lives in balance, peace, harmony, in-the-present-NOW, with its self, feeling this peace both inside and out, it will be the vessel and instrument of light/ consciousness/ Truth. If a man lives for him self then he will manifest a discordant light, or rather, receive and reflect through his actions, a lesser degree of "intelligence", light. His knowledge of the "mysteries of God" will not be complete. Yet, as his focus opens to living/ feeling/ allowing thought to work within him FOR THE GOOD OF ALL then he becomes partaker of more JOY, more intelligence, more consciousness....

As that one grows in "light", they let go of more and more "matter" (element, "crap") and become less knocked about by society ("acted upon") and more and more POWER-FULL until the day when they are finally and unequivocally ONLY living in a state of power; in control at all times of their own emotions and in control (at all times) of their own environment. 
THIS is the state or degree that "Jesus" reached as exemplified by him becoming set on the top of his spiritual mountain.  This is the state or degree that I finally reached with that post on April 8th.  Yet, being finally brave enough to declare myself ("offer my gift") to humanity, still required some residual cleansing.  Thus, the nausea, aches and pains ("suffering").

I have herein offered A LOT to any reader.  To help clarify, I will try to re-state some things in another way.
When our current experience matches or aligns with those resonating with that "Inner Guidance Counselor, we feel a physical sensation of peace and balance. We recognize this physical sensation as joy. 
If a person truly believes that they are their own God, then that person is not denying the power thereof!  And what is "the power thereof"?  What is the power of godliness? It is the power to act and not be acted upon. It is the power to express who we really are instead of acting like we are expected to act by others. It is the power to exercise our free agency the way WE WANT TO!!!  And we WANT to ONLY do that which is best for ALL humanity... equally.

We, then, have become a "Christ", or act Masterfully yet gracefully and wisely in our own heart, mind, life and sphere of influence.  We are constantly vigilant (without negligence) to the feelings/ feedback from our own body—as felt in our heart.  All opposing mental forces have united in balance.  We have the same sight that "Jesus" had, yet with our own unique (grace-filled) flavor to enhance it.  That awareness allows us to understand what the long-term ramifications would be to eating _______, doing ___________, saying _________ etc.

 Along my own personal hike up the spiritual mountain I have had a plethora of opportunities to encounter alien (to me) territory.  As I turned within for my guidance, the VERY FIRST *peaceful* impression has ALWAYS been my most infallible guide.  Often times at a cross roads I would look outside my own heart to see what others had chosen in a similar situation.  As I have then compared that outside information to what I was feeling withIN I have been able to proceed AS LONG AS I FOLLOWED MY INNER SOURCE UNFAILINGLY.
One profoundly beneficial crossroads for me came on December 24, 2004 when I discovered a "True Messenger".  As I proceeded to test the "message" with my inner guidance, I have been able to continue my climb. The message is, basically:  "Do not put ANY other mortal "God" above-below-behind-before yourself.  Love yourself completely and correctly AND ALL OTHERS likewise!"  I have repeatedly watched others, however, who have tasted of the "message" cling to the messenger ("mailman") as if HE were to be put above-below-behind-before THEM!  Like "Jesus" was then required to do, and "Joseph" and all other messengers bearing "glad tidings of great joy which should be for all people"... I have witnessed him being compelled to then give the person what they (thought) they wanted, chastise or rebuke them in an attempt to try to get them to LET GO of him and (instead) FOCUS ON RECEIVING THE (CORRECT and COMPLETE) MESSAGE.

Some have left him confused.  Others, equally misunderstanding, stick around and try to sling mud or crap back at him.  Most forget that "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth".  (Hebrews 12:6) If they could, instead of suggesting that "someone needs to kick (the true messenger) in the A__", just remain in their own peace and live their life with or without opening, accepting and living the message, their lives would have so much less suffering.  :-)

Many cultures have a story or stories to personify this mortal tendency.  "Paul" (and many indigenous people) refer to it.  One concept is "kicking against the pricks". (Acts 9:5:  "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks").    Pricks being goads or sharp metal spikes adhered to the end of a stick used to prod cattle on while plowing.  When a stubborn ox attempted to kick back against the goads (pricks), he would actually wound himself.  The proverb is often used to teach the lesson that it is foolish to rebel against one with greater enlightenment ("authority") than one's (current) reality.  Any attempt to do so will result in much greater difficultiesA modern equivalent might be the proverb "out of the frying pan into the fire". The lesson is similar. When we try to avoid a minor irritation, we must be careful not to find ourselves in even deeper trouble.

Perhaps no one personifies "kicking against the pricks" (contending with "a true messenger") better than "Brer Rabbit" as he goes up against "The Tar Baby".

"Walk this way" is a recurrent pun in a number of movies and television shows. It refers to the double usage of "way" in English as both a direction and a manner.  In one tell of the joke, one character would say, "Walk this way" and walks off in a limping or waddling or otherwise odd manner, and the seond character would follow, mimicking the mannerisms of the first. 

Although widely touted as "What would Jesus do?" (WWJD), WWJD is impossible.  You are NOT “Jesus”.  But neither are you Thomas Monson, Christopher Nemelka, Brad Pitt, or Anyone else!  You are YOU.  But, how can you walk the way You are meant to walk?

When I began walking at about nine months old, it was quickly ascertained that I was "pigeon-toed", my right leg severely pointed inwards.  When I got a little older, I was required to wear corrective braces between my specially-made shoes while I slept to "straighten out" my legs.  This was my personal physical experience in learning to "walk this way".

My life then proceeded to implant myriad other actions and beliefs in an attempt to conform me to outside authorities.  Again, it took many decades of often false (to my True Self) acting to finally figure out for myself that THE ONLY WAY TO CORRECTLY WALK IS TO FOLLOW MY OWN INNER GUIDANCE AND ALLOW ALL OTHERS TO DO THE SAME FOR THEMSELVES!

Again, even "Jesus" or ANY "Messenger of Truth" can (and WILL) attempt to trip another up who is attempting to follow THEM... instead of following THE MESSAGE.  Again, that message is "Don't follow ANY ONE... even me!  Follow your own Guidance Counselor.  But first, make sure you can correctly hear and understand that Inner Guidance!"

“I am the way, the truth and the light.  I am the Direction, NOT the manner of walking.  Use your OWN set of specific specialized skills to walk with your own feet.  Don't use ME as a crutch longer than you must!  If you try to impersonate ME without delivering to humanity your OWN "grace" in your OWN unique "flavor", then I will use my "pricks" in your backside, setting you up to stumble and fall flat on your own face!"

So, to sum this all up...

I was given the precious opportunity this past weekend of "suffering" so that my many years of "sinning" could come to an end.  My "sinning" was my not confidently taking up MY OWN "cross", walking ("gracefully") my own path, as the one appointed to "expound and exhort" True Doctrine so that it makes sense.  I had, instead, adopted a "walk" that was more in conformance with outside authorities, but denied the power of my own "godliness".  Those days are over!  The expounding and living True to the *I AM who I AM* have begun!




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