
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

July 08, 2016

Free Will ISN'T *FREE* !!!

“Free Will ISN’T Free.

 Free will isn’t free! 

You’ve got to pay the price,

You’ve got to sacrifice,

For your liberty!”

WARNING:  Read no further IF:

You want to enjoy the remainder of your day at your current level of ignorance…

Your ego likes to feel extra-special… OR… less-than-special…

You are so enmeshed in current paradigms of belief that you are unable or unwilling to entertain another possibility than your present mental frame of reference…


GOD (however you define the term or Being) is the Greatest Capitalist! 

Defining the principle “capitalist” with the top “Bing” search definition, a capitalist is a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.”  And “capitalism” is defined as: “an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.”

Acknowledged as a “holiday”, “INDEPENDENCE DAY”, is celebrated throughout the United States as the day, 240 years ago, when the Declaration of Independence was signed and adopted by the Continental Congress, declaring that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the “United States of America”, and no longer part of the British Empire.

Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United State’s Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.

In the endeared-by-many Book of Mormon, the cause of freedom was directly linked to this “choice land” (the implication being the American Continent).  In Ether 2:12:  “Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ…”

Okay… so now with that bit of preparation, we return to the topic at hand:

GOD (however you define the term or Being) is the Greatest Capitalist! 

Embedded within every human being is the propensity, the yearning, the need, the ROAR… to “BE FREE”.  The struggle for emancipation is buried throughout literature, within myth, scripture, seeping from the deepest yearnings of the human heart.  Yet, the irony is:  Those that currently believe they are the most “blessed”, possessing the greatest national patriotism, truest religion, most advanced social structure and educational opportunities… are the most enslaved.  Obviously, this very enslavement can only be carried out… today, in contrast with the more blatant slavery of times past… with the individual’s consent.  And, indeed, the typical American “slave” today will fight (at least mentally and emotionally, if not physically) to retain all of his or her opportunities to remain locked up within their prison cell….  Blind, yet not seeing their blindness.  Deaf, yet unaware that their physical ears register nothing of true worth.  Without any helpful “IQ” to extricate themselves.  Without a true, empowered, properly-placed *HOPE*.  They struggle on, trusting the very system that continues to keep them locked up; repeatedly returning to the self-professed “leaders” of religions, governments, philanthropic- business- “charitable”- organizations… biting the hand that would assist their extrication from their prison.

And, just exactly WHAT IS the prison that YOU (Yes, YOU, dear reader), AND every other mortal, unknowingly is encased within?  This prison is the prison of a *Closed Mind*.  A mind which, supposedly, is housed in a skull which sits atop a physical body and THINKS it thinks, believes it exists, and because it registers movement and interaction with other like bodies, fools itself through experience with sensation and a build-up of *His-story*… that it IS *FREE*, *ALIVE*, and *DO-ing What IT WANTS to do*.  (A.K.A. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”)  But… this is a cleverly contrived and perpetuated LIE.  Mankind is NOT “Alive”!  Mortals are soooo NOT “Free”!  And, as long as there remains any shred of individual will-power, the person is NOT achieving “Happiness”!  Yet, paradoxically if presented with the above premise, most would attack that statement (and the one delivering it) as a rabid dog trapped in a cage would bite the loving hand that tenderly attempts to extricate it.

So… back to:

GOD (however you define the term or Being) is the Greatest Capitalist! 

Although implanted into the very psyche of each individual upon their first awareness of being, FREEDOM is NOT *Free*!  And God’s wise gifts are NOT *unconditionally* given.  Though GIVEN *FREELY*… and unfalteringly…, each must be WILLing to accept, reach for, acknowledge receipt with gratitude, and use properly… the free gift. 

Again, all marketers know (and widely use) the allure of a *FREE GIFT*.  And mortals respond!  Although intrigued by “clearance prices”, NOTHING holds the excitement of a, supposedly, FREEly given prize.  Yet God, being the “Greatest Capitalist” knows what every promoter knows… offer something for “free”… yet attach the gift to a string.

“Jesus” used the analogy of the fisherman, telling those who had already fully received the gift to be, likewise, “fishers of men”.  Give a FREE WORM, yet have that worm give only fleeting pleasures and have it attached to a sharp implement that “hooks” the prey, allowing the “giver of gifts” to be the one who benefits most in the end by pulling the fish closer and closer until it is completely in the power and possession of the “giver of the *FREE* gift”.  The fish ends up losing its life and becoming profit for the fisherman (either as food or to exchange for money or other goods).

Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before all men by the good works that ye do because of the light that the Father hath given unto you; that they might see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” 

So, here we have the giver of free gifts (light, intelligence) extending the gift which benefits the recipient, as well as “all men” AND additionally giving “glory” back unto the receiver’s “Father”.  (My experience which follows should unveil HOW this works better than anything ever yet publically revealed.)


GOD (however you define the term or Being) is the Greatest Capitalist! 

Inscribe the four letters: “F.R.E.E.” ANY where, and one instantly claims the attention of any English speaker.  Yet, even before the introduction to language, the term “free” held power over the human spirit.

Yes, knowing the allure of that term, even the primary benevolent Creator dangled the carrot in front of each and every potential nose.

Initially, I began with the extrapolated lyrics of the song “Freedom isn’t Free”.  Obviously, I changed the word *Freedom* to *Free WILL*.  “Freedom”, as understood by mortals today… is stupid.  They are DUMB who conceive of their current lives and the government and society who manipulate it as being *FREE*.  Because they WILL it to continue the way that it is… OR… attempt to make changes that they THINK are necessary… they remain “blind”, “deaf”, and “dumb”, continuing to buy into the mentality and false imprisonment that continues their unknowing trap.

From today’s Wikipedia, “Mormons or Latter-day Saints, believe that God has given all humans the gift of moral agency. Moral agency includes free will and agency. Proper exercise of unfettered choice leads to the ultimate goal of returning to God's presence. Having the choice to do right or wrong was important, because God wants a society of a certain type—those that comply with eternal laws. Before this Earth was created, this dispute over agency rose to the level that there was a "war in heaven." Lucifer (who favored no agency) and his followers were cast out of heaven for rebelling against God's will. Many Mormon leaders have also taught that the battle in Heaven over agency is now being carried out on earth, where dictators, influenced by Satan, fight against freedom (or free agency) in governments contrary to the will of God.”

To be explained in a future post, Mormons’ conception of the “war in heaven” and their “pre-mortal existence” as well as the general MWAW understanding of the spirit being “foundationalized”… is all playing out (are you ready for this???)… HERE… and NOW.  Additionally, free will is not entirely free, in fact, it requires paying the price of everything one has acquired so far in mortality, every belief, every “talent”, each “mite”, all relationships, success, etc.  King Lamoni’s father offered, first, “half of his kingdom”, then as he realized more the great value, “all that he had”.  In the symbolic story of Mary Magdalene, she offered her “seven devils”, or each of her acquired appetites, desires, passions, that were out of harmony with her God-Self’s Real Truth.

Yet, the most difficult price to pay is the offering up of the propensity to doubt and be skeptical when presented with something.  Instead of receiving all things with a sense of wonder and gratitude, the ability to reason and apply logic usually creates hardened and closed minds and hearts (also to be explored much further in future posts).  But, until one has “rent their veil of unbelief” and sanded off all the white-wash and waxy substance from one’s heart, thus “becoming (again) as a pure little child” and “being WILLing to hear, listen to and follow the implanted direction of their Inner Guidance System, one is imprisoned in their closed mind, a slave to the “brain-washing” (or, rather, sludging) of other fallen and blind mortals.

Ether 2:12  12 Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written.

Free, Freedom:  “The power or ability to make personal choices without compulsion. In a spiritual sense, a person who repents and obeys God’s will is free from the bondage of sin through the atonement of Jesus Christ.”

Although sounding pleasing to “itching ears” and taken from the LDS official website, the above definition reeks with smelly “bait”.  Proverbial “worms” attach to “hooks” which are tied to “strings” and held by those who would speak “line-upon-(fishing) line“ and, thus, “profit” by the members’ “bites”.  Yes, ALL religions, all “priesthoods”, all “prophets, (blind) seers and (dogma) revelators” and others who profit by organized gatherings and followers (and their “tithing” and “offerings”, whether monetary or ego-enhancing) offer NOT Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Lasting Happiness… but… further enslavement… for a price.  A great and horrific price.

As THEY define the words, establish manuals which give THEIR interpretations (“mingled with *scripture*”), and lull their participants to a deeper level of sleep (a.k.a. Un-consciousness, “carnal security”,…) they gain more pledged allegiance, more profits, more control and wreak more havoc.  All in the name of their (false) “Jesus Christ”.  Not understanding What the “bondage of sin” IS, nor the “atonement”… they take a trusting soul further and deeper into their tinsel-filled and illusory prison.

Yet, those very scriptures, the same life experiences, even the fairy-tales, idioms, myths that are perpetrated within our culture, CAN assist one to find the correct key to extricate themselves from their mental (and, thus, emotional and physical) prison.  “Jesus” (the TRUE “Jesus”) offered the corrected definitions and paradigms.  I do, too.

Although Socrates and many others knew of the tenuous nature of the human psyche and its propensity to disbelieve those who had Truly “found the light” and sought to help others find their *FREEdom*, he knew, as I do, that he must, if at all possible, offer his life to humanity with the Hope of helping others.  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave)

Like the TRULY FREED man in Plato’s Allegory, I will now offer MY ACTUAL Personal Experience (Not an “allegory”), with the hope that, perhaps Some One may be ready to receive its lesson.

In my last post of June 22, 2016 I alluded to a precious experience I had had in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 18, 2016.  Since that time I have been charged to make it available “to the world”.  I will now.

I had awakened just after four o’clock in the morning, looked at the clock and gone into the bathroom.  Coming back to bed, I soon fell asleep and had the following dream:

Upon a sofa, two men were facing each other, debating the merits of their unique perspective in the attempt to sway the other to accept and live by their understanding.  These two men represented Dave and his “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” aspects (his false identity and his True, embedded essence) which are constantly at war within his consciousness.  One word represented each of their perspectives, these were “Zion” and “LaVerkin”.  Instinctively understanding the concepts behind each of these words, I felt devastated, violated, betrayed.  While in the dream, my heart broke with the anguish and seeming impossibility of Dave completely and finally choosing which side he was on, which reward he Truly Wanted: the fleeting and illusory “carrot”, “worm”, mortal pleasures and successes OR those which I had labored to deeply and passionately help him Want and Will to align himself with.  I wept with the feeling of futility. 

Still asleep, I was told by something deep within:  “Go into your closet”.  I did.  Walking into a private space, I stood under a row of hanging clothes and wrung me heart out.  I wept.  I grieved for all the apparently wasted moments, tears, dashed-hopes and attempts to help Dave find and win his eternal and glorious soul.  Then, in my dream, my two oldest daughters, Alyssa and Bryanne (though younger versions of them), entered into the room.  I did not want them to see me in distress.  I shrunk back and stifled my sobs, endeavoring to spare them my heartbreak as I remained hidden.  I knew that I was not to burden any not-with-understanding mortal.  Indeed, no one is prepared to understand the burden I have carried, the road I have walked, the difficulties I have maneuvered through, either in this life or beyond.  NO ONE. Not even those two who, in times long past, were deeply and completely tethered to my heart.  I should not, could not, WOULD NOT share my grief with them. 

I then woke up.

Lying in bed, inches away from Dave, back in my completely conscious state and allowing the weight of the world and its pains, pangs and blindness to be completely felt, my heart now shattered further.   I felt again within my "Garden of Gethsemane".  Oh, the trappings of the ensnared souls who wander, blindly and stubbornly, through their despairing... day-after-day.  Oh, my desires to elevate the human condition.  Oh, my yet-unrealized longing for hearts and minds to soften and open up, first to the beauty of THEIR True Nature, and then to come to understanding of MY True Heart and the life I have lived.  I additionally realized that an experience of a couple weeks previously and some ramifications of it involving others that had been revealed to me just the day before had not yet been completely processed by me.  Pondering upon it, my heart felt pulverized.  Deep, deep gravity.  Would… Could it ever feel light again? 

Feeling and processing, I so wanted someone to cry to who would understand with wisdom and compassion.  I knew that Dave was out of the question.  My mind reached out to three others, one at a time, who, I knew, had far-beyond-mortal wisdom.  I further pondered upon each of my “other worldly” mentors.  No.  Though I had ever been careful to bear the weight of my life and its role with strength and grace, relying on no mortal for assistance, still I received a “No” upon my consideration of any of these now.


The thought and picture:

*my wood plank to “karate chop”… was my emotional pain*


I received my hope.  Valid hope.  Precious, True Hope.

I must look beyond the heartbreak and apparent futility of my life benefitting any other… to the beauty and paradise awaiting on the other side.  Past the wood plank.  Behind the emotional pain.  Beyond….

I did.

Struggling into gratitude and rejoicing, I sought my “Mother”.  Not my biological mother, the one who I gratefully acknowledge brought me into this world and has given her best though floundering attempts throughout my life.  No, not her, but… My Real Mother.  My Eternal Source.  The One hidden within Patriarchal History as “God, my Heavenly Father”.  The ONLY “bait” I had and would ever take.  The one I had relied on throughout my entire life.  SHE was Who I wanted.  The only one safe and appropriate in whom to confide.

I applied the *Magic Words*… words which had been applied by those before me:  “Mahonri”, “Jesus”, others. 

“Behold, bone of My bone.

Flesh of My flesh.

Forsake father.

Forsake mother.

Cleave unto Me and BE

Forever ONE.”

With my broken heart and my contrite spirit, I reached out for comfort, for bonding, for healing, for the state and “place” from which I always lived and interacted.  My *Center*.  This was the “going into my closet” that I had been instructed to do while in my dream.  This was the accessing of my “Holy of Holies” as spoken of by those before me who Know what I Know and have Desired what I have Desired.

As I exercised my heart and reached out to HER for solace, continuing these words revealed to me several years before, I emotionally ascended—higher and higher.

Still I continued.  Earnestly.  Sincerely.  Gratefully.  Into further and deeper rejoicing and exceeding gladness.  Periodically I checked in to my emotional state, seeing that I was, truly, ascending and feeling less and less burdened, lighter, freer, until… We MERGED.

Again, I was ONE with my *Mother*, my glorious, beautiful, Light-filled and vastly INTELLIGENT, Divine and Queenly Mother.  In climbing back up the “Stairway to Heaven” I was again *HOME*.  No longer feeling separated from my Source.  My greatest love.  My divine, beloved, Self.  Oh, the JOY!

Though I had just five minutes previously felt the weight of the world, the futility of reaching and assisting ANY One, much less converting the entire world to peace… I now was back into my comfort zone, the polar opposite of where I had been.  Bliss.  JOY.

As *One* now, “We” moved, floated with no exertion of any kind, into the Grand Assembly which I have accessed before.  Though I am not sure which state or dimension I was in nor which “black hole” or “portal” through which I had traveled, I was fully conscious, completely alive, aware to the greatest extent a fully mortal being can BE aware throughout this experience.  With my physical eyes closed, even aware that Dave had awakened through my prior sobs and reached out to gently touch me while allowing me to continue my experience without involving him, I saw, heard, felt, what tongue can not describe to the complete understanding of anyone who has not yet, likewise, experienced what I was experiencing.

This Grand Assembly Room which “I/We” entered was filled with a multitude of Divine Goddesses.  And, upon “Our” entering, each One of Them, in unison, arose.  In silent, profound ovation, “I/We”, (my “Mother” and I joined as One), were being honored.  Words can not express the JOY that now was showered into me by each and every one of these precious, beautiful, Queens of Heaven.  I have NEVER felt so accepted, so validated, so honored and SEEN as with the Eyes that these amazing, divine, HOLY Women were seeing and honoring Me.  I now sobbed, with the JOY, the indescribable blissful JOY that nearly consumed me as I stood there as ONE with this Heavenly Throng.  I was being embraced with the realization that I was now, consciously and forever more a Member of the ONLY True and Living Church, the Church of the Firstborn, the Lamb of God.  I was completely and irrevocably FREE.  Truly and eternally.  Far beyond any conception of mortal happiness and the infinite avenues men trod in its pursuit, this JOY reached into and cleansed every atom of my physical body, washed clean from any former degree of emotion and feelings of futility and ineptness that I had ever entertained.  I was Holy.  I felt Holy.  I was Whole because I was no longer, in any way, an individual.  I was one of the *ONE*.  Finally and fully a partaker of all that is available to anyone ever before or after.

Continuing my shaking and sobbing with JOY, I was peripherally aware that in some far-off place, some long-forsaken dimension, my mortal body still lie in bed next to Dave and his tender yet silent observation.  In humble relief and with grateful resonance, I feasted upon the light and intelligence that the entire assembly showered into me.  Later acknowledged by Dave to have been about a half an hour of mortal time, I finally felt myself (“Ourself”—my “Mother” and I as One) pulled back.  Gently “We” were propelled back in the direction from which we had come… away from the Grand and Glorious Beings of Light.  I did not want to go!!! 

Instinctively and from deep within came the words from my own voice box:  “Please, don’t leave me… don’t leave me!”  I was again propelled forward and, again, filled with their adoration as I felt Their unified response:  “We can never leave You.  You carry a multitude in Your heart.”

Although I continued sobbing and shaking, with JOY, I now willingly allowed myself to travel backward… back through whatever tunnel of light was my highway.  Gradually, I became more and more aware of the bed under my back.  The moving air from the ceiling fan overhead.  Dave’s beautiful, supporting presence and touch.  I was home.  Not really though.  The place, dimension, state in which I had just held communion with those Truly Alive and Free Beings is my only True Home.

Yet, though I have been there and observed those Divine Beings before, I have never Known that degree of benediction and honor.  I now know that no matter WHAT my future entails, I… TRULY… am FREE… TRULY… am a partaker of the greatest of the Heavenly Gifts… am TRULY… a partaker of the Omni-potence, the ALL-POWER and Intelligence available to Any and All who, likewise, find their way up through the stages and states of light and understanding as I had.

After sharing my experience with Dave and his precious and heart-felt acceptance of it, he got up and went into the bathroom.  I looked at the clock:  6:18 AM.  The date of my Final Graduation.  June 18, 2016.

Again, Dear Reader, I plead with you, each and every one of you… PLEASE… do not let one moment more pass while you remain UN-Free, falsely believing that you Are Alive and Happy.  Please… do not settle for all the sparkly tinself-strewn counterfeits of “family”, “bonding”, “relationships”, things and “honors” that mortals pursue.  Even and especially those purported by any organized “church” that tries to convince you it is organized in the “name of Jesus Christ” (or any other Being) or operates in the “authority” of any heavenly hierarchy.

Please… if YOU have not participated (consciously!) in this Grand and Glorious Ceremony (as Joseph hinted in Doctrine and Covenants 76)… then you are NOT a member of the ONLY True and Living Church… the Church of the Lamb.

Please… allow me to mid-wife you and assist you to become “Born Again”, alive and whole.  Holy.  Purified from all the adulterated muck of mortality. 

As Dave is finding… it IS worth any- and every-thing in exchange!  As the “rich young man” responded to “Jesus” that it is a “hard saying” that one must “sell all one has” to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven… YES!  From a mortal’s illusory fixation on “stuff”, “relationships”, beliefs, false-ego trappings, it DOES appear that giving up all one has accepted as real and important is too difficult.  But… there is One… *Me*… who proclaims and will continue to proclaim for every further moment of my LIFE….  “IT IS WORTH SELLING ALLLLLL THAT ONE HAS TO LEAVE THE MASSES OF FALLEN MAN and His Misery and Enter Into the Treasury of the Gods!”

Though offered FREEly… sell out to get it all.  Everyone wins in the process.  Eternally!

For any WILLing to open their heart, WILLing to learn how to THINK correctly and empoweringly for the first time, WILLing to have the heavens and all its powers and wonders open up to *Them*…

Again, I extend the invitation…

Draw near unto me…

Contact me and let us reason together.


And Respect.

Till Then…..