
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 16, 2016

TRUE *Love* #1

It has come to my attention throughout these last few years particularly, that someone who happens upon my words, “just can’t understand them”.  This has occurred so many times, even from those near and dear to me, that I have come to accept, even expect, that confession.  Yet… repeatedly, I have also borne witness that often times, those same people later share (with enthusiasm): “I get it!  OMG!!!  I’m a changed person now!  What I read (or heard you share) makes sense and has catapulted my life and relationships in a whole different and more profound direction!” 

Depending on your perspective and intent, you will find errors in my writing and everything else I do in life. Giving my very best, still I realize that communication is a two-way process.  No matter how pure my intention, words are usually clouded with misunderstanding and what you hear and understand may be far different than what I desire to convey.  Only as we BOTH come from pure hearts can true communication take place.  Therefore, Dear Reader, please remember that you will find within my life (and Anyone’s) just what you are looking for.  That is an eternal principle.  Even a very important one that “Jesus” himself spends much time elucidating through his Sermon on the Mount that I will continue to open up to all willing.

Truly, I do not write to the understanding of men.  I write for the “A.N.G.E.L.S.”:  those who Know they are “Advanced Nomads of God’s Eternal Love”.  AND for those who desire to give THEIR very lives for the advancement of God’s Eternal Love.  Although I sincerely hope that some day in the near future the minds and hearts of a greater number of people will have opened and advanced to the degree where they CAN comprehend the wisdom behind the messages I deliver, I accept that there will be, needs to be, a learning curve of sorts.  There certainly has been for me!

So, for those (few in number currently) who do desire to read AND understand, I know you are wondering, How do I assume to have anything truly worthy of sharing?  And, In whose name do I speak?  Or better:  Where are your degrees, diplomas, training?  Or, as my teenage son, Spencer, wrote me in a text over a year ago:  “Mom, are you drunk???”  My response to him was:  “Yes!”  My next text was:  “With Love.”  I will here insert that I have not, as yet, ever become drunk with any kind of alcoholic beverage.   Although that path may deliver temporary benefit to many, I deeply drink a vastly more superior *Spirit* than that offered by the fermented grape.   I readily and eagerly confess:  My words are not my own.  My life is not my own.  I AM ‘drunk’.  On love.  It is love that has sent me here to share with you… any and all.  It is pure love that is the message that I offer.  It is the love of *Christ*.  From Christ.  He is my mentor, He has taught, corrected, humbled, empowered and prepared me.  Giving me of his power.  It is in His name that I share and his message which I deliver.

My motivation is love.  My authority comes from love.  I wield the power of love. 
Yes!  The most important thing in all of human existence is to come to an understanding of love: true, unadulterated love. Indeed, *LOVE is the answer…* to Each and Every Question and Situation.  However, no mortal truly uses the power of Divine Love.  It has remained hidden from mankind.  The mission of the one commonly known as Jesus the Christ was to personify this love.  The nature of Christ was nothing less than Pure, Untainted, True Love.

 Yet love is so misunderstood today!  Perhaps the following can help to shed light on True Love:


Several years ago, while going to the community rec center with both my adult daughter Alyssa and then 5-year-old Krystal, we entered into the "Kiddy Korner" where the attendant greeted us.  As she drew back from the window, she announced to whoever was outside (unseen to me) on the playground that they needed to come in while she checked in a "new child", my daughter Krystal.  As the solo child skipped his way inside, I heard him call to her: "Can I play outside with my new friend?" 

I was struck with the profundity of this request.  Not knowing anything about the "new" child (Krystal) who had now entered his "world", indeed, not even having seen her yet, he had, nonetheless, pronounced her... his "friend".  How natural.  How beautiful.  How like a pure little child. 

Arriving home later that day, I pondered on what is recorded in John chapter 15: 9-17.  “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you:  continue ye in my love.  If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.  These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.  This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.  Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.  Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.  Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you…  These things I command you, that ye love one another.”

I contemplated the joyous "laying down of (my—“Kimberly’s”) life" for my "friends", or rather, joyously and gratefully living my life for the Good Of All (GOD) or, as I like to define "G.O.D.": the "Gathering Of Deities".

I pondered upon my experiences where my heart has been so filled and stretched with joy and a beautiful, comfortable, re-membered feeling (“love”)... even when in the presence of those who were “strangers” to my consciousness.  Whenever I have allowed myself to experience this, it has truly felt like I have "come home" and was taking part in a "family reunion" of sorts.  I wondered how many similar, though not-remembered experiences I might have had with these currently “strange” people... different bodies, different “time”, same hearts and desires.

I remembered, vividly, experiences of looking around the area at my (some still "unknown") "brothers and sisters" or, rather, “friends” as we sat together in a library (or park, or grocery store, or restaurant, or church building, or sports arena, etc.), tears welling up, flooding my heart, spilling out and making their way down my face as I felt the camaraderie.  Realizing that I was, probably, alone in my overwhelming experience, still I had the sense of a shared respect as well as a sense of distant memories of common desires to be true to "the GREAT commandment" to purely "love ourselves" AND our "neighbor" (“brother”, “sister” or “friend”) AS ourselves… as “equals”, as “friends”.  Often, while pondering on the beauty and wonder of feelings and experiences such as those, I have wept... tears of JOY.  How I have desired to help further the cause of bringing that same JOY to each of my brothers and sisters, “God”.  Indeed, I have realized how, in truth, Family IS Forever.  ONE Family.  Singular!  Whole.  United.  Holy.  Divine.  I have learned that there is NOTHING SWEETER than giving up one’s own individual selfish pursuits and, instead, becoming one part of the ONE, living my part of what is good for ALL.

I recently had a dear friend write to me, saying:  “I think we are equals, Kimberly.”  Another time, this same person wrote:  “You are like me.”  I have tremendous respect for this individual who wrote these words.  His words strengthened my understanding that he, likewise, respected and saw (understood) me like or as himself, his equal, his “friend”.  One of the other balanced, equal, amazing spokes of the “wheel” of God.

As I have read and pondered much in my life, I have seen the great balancing act of some common words in our language that we often take for granted.  How often do you hear someone ask:  “Do you like this?/Me?/Him?”  How hungry we are to know that someone that we esteem… “LIKES” us.

As little children, this “like” thing can turn on a dime.  “I don’t like him anymore!  He took away my toy!”  “Do you like me?”  “She’s my friend!  We like each other!”  Five minutes can make an incredible difference on where a playmate stands on the “like” continuum.  Though quickly one can distance themselves (“She NOT my friend anymore!”) because of a perceived IN-equality, they can then be “BEST of friends” shortly thereafter when the playing field has been leveled. 

In the use of words (language), “parallel structure” is the use of two or more elements in a sentence, or even sentences, to represent comparable ideas.  A “simile” is a specific case of parallel structure which uses the words “like” or “as” in the comparison.  “Similes” are the great equalizers in our language.  Picture an equal sign [=] showing the relationship between two different things in an equation. As a hidden wordplay, “I SMILE” when I feel respected, valued and equal-to others.

Some common examples of similes are:  “For He is like a refiner's fire”; “her eyes twinkled like stars”; “he runs like a cheetah”; “she walks as gracefully as a cat”; “he was as brave as a lion in a fight”.

Indeed, to be seen as an “equal”, to be validated with the same worth as another… this is true friendship.  This is real love.  This is at the heart of every interaction; in fact it is what motivates every action; being perceived as “special” in a unique way and included as a valuable member of society… just like everyone else.  This is the motivating desire.  This is the key to interpersonal and intrapersonal communication and interaction.  This is life.  Knowing how to implement this earns one the “Master’s” Degree and entrance into a whole other realm of existence.  A “whole new world”.  A member of “The Holy Order of the Sons of God” (because we have joined the society of all those who are devoted and joined in hearts to equality, balance, harmony and, thus, living for the “Good of All”. 

By dwelling on the similarities in a relationship (you are “like” or “as” me, we both “like” ______, ) we “equalize” our value and, thus, enhance our enjoyment of each interaction.  In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is quoted as saying:  “That upon which you dwell becomes that IN WHICH you dwell.”  By seeing, or “dwelling upon” our similarities and “oneness” as human “friends”, we then view and experience earth as “heaven”.  Conversely, it’s by changing that perspective and treating each other as an “inequality” that our satisfaction is “divided” instead of synergistically “multiplied” and earth then seems like “hell”.  Friendship, respect and correct interaction equalizes the players and brings forth the pleasure, even, possibly, joy, available in the exchange.
Truly, when we see, feel and act with “equality”, we are really nurturing our own self.  In our current societal epidemic, we are seeing one after another of our fellow friends contract their vision and look at each other “narrowly”, with fear, suspicion and a sense that we must protect what is “ours”—our relationships, material possessions, reputation, from being pillaged or stolen by another.  As one looks upon (or “dwells upon”) others in this way, they suffer heart problems, even heart failure themselves as their “love of (their fellow-) man (has) waxed cold”.  Is there really any mystery to the huge percentage of heart attacks and other ailments… often leading to the death of the mortal body?  Indeed, what we do (or think, feel, see) unto another is what we are, quite literally and physically, doing to our own self.  Thus, the greatest of all similes:  “Do unto others AS you would have others do unto you.”  The great commandment, the clarion call to love, also is the greatest medical remedy and joy-provider, yes “equalizer” in existence.

(to be continued... )


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