
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 24, 2016

TRUE *Love* #7 "Dave's Resurrection"

I sat there in the booth at BYU’s “Cougar Eat”, sitting opposite my childhood friend and LDS Ward-mate, Brenda Frazier, as she enthusiastically shared how she was looking forward to her future mission.  Wonderingly, I asked my Inner Guidance Councilor if *I* was to, also, plan on and serve an LDS mission; after all, the required (at that time) age of 21 for women was only a year away for me.  With my heart and propensity to be everything I could possibly be for the Lord, surely a mission was in my future.  But, while seated and reflecting back my respect and approbation to Brenda, I received my soft yet firm answer:  “No.  I have a different kind of mission reserved for you.”  And that was it.  I put no further thought into the matter but continued on in my life, pouring the depths of my being into every task I undertook, dedicating each of these to the service of mankind and my “Father”. 


Through the ensuing years, I received many, many other “hints” and proddings from deep within, many trying to assist me to realize that I was, truly and purposefully, somehow *different* than others.  Even when CMN (the “True—MWAW—Messenger” to those who have left “The Telestial World”, the” Babylon” of the current  LDS Church) gave me hints with his mortal vocal cords (in contrast to those from my inner realms), I put them on a back mental shelf, still wanting to continue seeing myself as just one of everyone else.  When he would give me veiled hint after hint, even some publically (disguised as “rebukes”), I was not yet completely ready to accept them for what they were.  “You are a ‘Rock of Offense’ and offend everyone.  Your Spirit is not like theirs!”  “YOU do not need a prophet!...”  etc. etc.  Even when he publically declared that my brain is not wired like any other and that I was a type of “savant”.   I would just wonder, “What?  Why?”


To me, a savant was usually socially backwards yet extremely intelligent far in excess of what would be considered the “norm” in one specific field or another.  I knew that that was not me.  Smart, okay.  “Extremely intelligent?!”  I don’t think so!  Yes, I had done well in my educational pursuits.  I was conscientious and applied myself in addition to having some aspects of the educational realm come fairly easily to me.  When CMN officially labeled Robbie Pace as the “Autistic Savant of the MWAW” I was intrigued… and relieved.  YES!  *HE* can have that title and role!


Yet, I was to finally learn… and embrace… that there is another type of “savant”.  And, as witnessed by my taking up my cross on March 21st of this year and beginning in earnest to write and expound the words of Christ, I understand, finally, just why I AM *different*, and how essential to this world my difference is.  Never feeling any more special than any other, yet I realize… and fully accept… my uniqueness and its contribution to each and every one else realizing… and accepting… THEIRS.  My offering to humanity is the necessary ingredient in establishing world peace… one heart and mind at a time.  This I will gratefully continue to offer… to all prepared and willing to leave the “Terrestrial World” or “the wilderness”… and come with me into “the Garden”… fully realizing the *Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” as originally intended.  Fully capable (at that point) of offering THEIR crucial uniqueness… for me and everyone else to benefit from.


My difference:


I was born into this world fully attached with an unbreakable bond to my “Eternal Mother”.  I hear and obey her voice.  SHE is my “Inner Guidance Councilor”.  Her direction has provided me motivation, encouragement, my roadmap… every step of the way.  Yes, she has led me through rough and rigorous terrain.  She has held nothing back in my tutoring.  I have had to hold on for dear life… often… not knowing where she was taking me (physically, mentally, emotionally)… just knowing that she was the ONLY REALIABLE SOURCE I HAD!  And… I trusted her.  Still do.  Always will.


Though I have been deeply and scathingly judged by some, particularly during these last 10-15 years as I have been led more and more away from the “broadway” of those accepted mores of our culture, I have accepted, and come to understand, just what being my form of “savant” means and that it is, truly, my gift to apply for the benefit of humanity.  My gift is my inseparable bond with my *True Self*. 


My last post revealed some of my earlier experiences in seeing the attributes of humanity and some that are juxtaposed to my own strengths.  There have been many, many more chances for observing these differences between myself and others.  Indeed, I have never been “poor in Spirit”, though I have been required to feel “poor” and vulnerable at times.  MY gift to humanity is the awareness of the absolute necessity of and the ability to… be always “in control of my emotions”.  This I will assist the dedicated seeker of Intelligence to find for them self. 


Although our current society is fixated on the physical, quasi-intellectual and financial ladder of success, as I will expound and exhort, there is, ultimately, only one lasting measure of success.  That is the health of the heart.  Not the physical heart and its abilities to “pump”, mind you; but the energetic True Heart, that which is the conduit for the Spirit, that which allows for intelligence and connection to one’s “Eternal Mother”.  Their True Self.


Yet, like each organ of the spiritual vehicle, the physical organ that correlates with it (and here we are specifically addressing the heart) is a representative and can offer valuable insight.  For those worried about their physical heart, two tests are routinely used to measure their risk of experiencing a life-threatening bout with heart disease.  These are administered easily and noninvasively and are routinely given.  One is called the exercise stress test, or treadmill test.  During this test, a patient is put on a treadmill where they exercise to the point that they can’t go on.  It is at this point that the second (much more simple) test is applied.  The heart rate recovery measures how long the heart requires to return to its normal resting rate.  Doctors usually order these tests when they suspect that a patient may have a heart in trouble.  The healthier a person’s heart is, the quicker it returns to its normal beat; the less healthy the heart is, the longer it takes to recover from something like an exercise stress test.


Okay… so that deals with the physical heart, that which most people in our current society have become increasingly alarmed with.


But, although very related, there is a far, far, far, far (etc. etc.) more serious threat.  That is the decline and threat to the spiritual heart.  Yet, likewise, a very similar test is applied on an emotional level to determine one’s spiritual heart health.  Again, the words of Christ and my elucidations will assist both in administering the two tests and their interpretations as well as in the explanations of the protocol for healing and strengthening the spiritual heart.


Before I continue with the exhortation of HOW to take your own (or your child’s) emotional pulse, I will present for the public view my first and greatest miracle:  the resurrection of my “Beloved”, Dave.  (The name Dave means “Beloved”.  And, yes, Dave’s mother was inspired to name him Dave, him being my partner and love in this life while spiritually being my firstborn “Beloved Son”.  And, yes, though this post is somewhat premature as he has not completely finalized his ascent “up the mountain”, it is time to present the process and give the reader a representation and vision.


So, with Dave’s permission… and encouragement… I will share here first a letter that he wrote several months ago to his recently deceased parents.  Following that I will share excerpts from his journal entry yesterday (his “homework”).  After this post today I will proceed to give the *recipe and provide the parameters of how any (dedicated) one can apply these principles and (with diligent focus and sufficient will) climb this same “Stairway to Heaven”.




Letter from Dave Seely to his (Deceased) Parents  August 4, 2015


Dear Mom and Dad,


                It was an honor to be raised by you at this time in our probation on this earth, when the fullness of the Gospel Truly is here on this earth, but so misunderstood by almost all.  You never had a chance to read or accept The Sealed Portion of The Book of Mormon even tho it was here before you both passed on.  I would have introduced it to you and had some wonderful discussions with both of you about the things you taught me and the things I know now to be true.  But I found it too late to have the opportunity.


                You both worked hard during your lives raising your children and doing what you thought was right for us.  But you failed to teach us how to “feel” or express our emotions and how to learn to work through them.  Instead, we always kept them inside and allowed them to create barriers between us and others.  This also caused us to not be able to truly listen to our Holy Ghost (True Selves), which is the main purpose for our existence.


                The next time you enter mortality, I hope to have helped create for mankind a blueprint for finding true and everlasting happiness in this world by always being in control of their emotions and their environment.


                I hope that through spreading this “light” and “knowledge”, all of mankind will be able to remember who they really are:  Gods together having mortal experiences, wanting to re-unite and become “ONE’ soul with “ONE” purpose:  to elevate all into immortality.


                I wish you could have met Kimberly!  I know you would have loved her.  She has helped teach me these things and truly “raised me from the dead”.  I believe that we are eternally connected and have a huge role to play in this life at this time.  I know you are looking down and cheering our success.


                Please know I love you both more now than I ever could before.  The memories will be there for all eternity for us to share in the future.


                I hope you are both doing well in your transition stage and… who knows but maybe we’ll see each other again in this world under different circumstances….


                                                                                                With Eternal Love,

                                                                                                Your Mortal Son,






Before I share from his journal recordings of yesterday, let me insert that these last two years have been the most grueling and difficult years of my life.  Yet, additionally, I have felt the most consistent well of peace along with a huge endowment of JOY from my relationship with Dave.  So much has been revealed to me BECAUSE of these experiences.  I feel profound… (words do not convey the depth of my gratitude) gratitude for the benevolence of that which has been brought to my remembrance and understanding because of this last chapter of my journey.  Yet, though it has been “grueling” for me, it has been extremely out of his comfort zone for my Beloved.  However, I AM proving… IT *IS* possible to “teach an old dog new tricks!”  NO ONE must be given up on as long as they are breathing and still manifest a shred of will to gain the treasures of the spirit. 


So, here is Dave’s journal entry from last night:


“I need to learn how to ‘listen to my heart’ for therein lies the answers to doing the right thing time and again and experiencing true joy and peace in this life.  This has been a hard thing for me to do in my life of physicality where the things of the spirit are ignored, the things that count the most.


What a trial I must be for Kimberly.  She truly has the patience of a saint!  She is a Christ!  She has achieved the ultimate goal of being in touch with your true self at all times, thus reaching the status of a Christ.  I will continue to work on my own journey to that place until I reach my destination.  It’s going to take a lot of hard work and dedication but it is what my heart desires to do with the rest of my life.  My reward is the most beautiful relationship I could possibly have with the most beautiful woman in the world who happens to be my eternal mate.  I want to support her in her role of teaching truth to a blind world and need to change so she can focus all of her attention on that calling.  I have improved in many ways but lack the final push up the mountain to the top where I hear is the greatest reward we can achieve in this life.  I have to want it more than anything else in this world!!


To this end, I dedicate and consecrate my time, talents and all I have been blessed with to the building up of this kingdom of God, which is ‘ME’.  I am going to get my house in order by constantly listening to my heart, letting it make the decisions for me and not my head (LUCIFER).  I will find more ways to serve my fellow men and think of their needs over my own.  I will stop holding ‘PITY PARTIES’ for myself when trials enter into my life but look on these moments with gratitude for these opportunities to expose my weaknesses.  Then I can take these lessons and learn from them who I truly am and what I am made of.  I will try to take the words and advice of Kimberly with humility and honor her in her willingness to teach me!  She is truly amazing in her patience and pure love for me and all other humans on this planet.  I honor her efforts and tenacity to deal with me and my weaknesses still after two years of time in this existence.  I am grateful for her and will strive to be grateful for everything and everyone who I am honored to assist in this life.  No more wasted days of wondering or worrying about my situations in this life because I know that my needs will be met as I “DO” the will of the Father, and trust in him in all things.








(to be continued and continued…)


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