
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 21, 2016


Dave and I just finished watching one of the most moving stories throughout all time, portraying the life of Gladys Aylward.  As depicted by Hollywood in the 1958 movie, "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness", the story presents the struggles of Gladys' life as she follows the most beautiful desires of her pure heart to "be in the service of her fellow man" as a Christian missionary in China.  Through deep and poignant struggles, Gladys exercises her emotional stamina and resolve to finally be ready and able to do that which she realizes she was inwardly called to China to prepare for and do:  save a group of 100 orphans by leading them through treacherous terrain through their war-torn country. 

Gladys had within her a well of living water which sustained her and from which she drew to strengthen her when pushed beyond her former abilities.  We each do.  It is this living water which is accessed as we dig in deep within in our climb to the top of the Stairway to Heaven.  No matter where any of us lie in our emotional strength, by zealous and continual dedication to the principles brought forth within this blog and originally presented by the one named "Jesus", we can each draw upon the same source to quench our own thirst.  This power is possible for any of us... and each of us.  Just because "Jesus" was called "the Only Begotten Son" does NOT mean that everyone else cannot become "adopted sons and daughters", grafted in to the same branch and drawing from the same pure power.

Please, Dear Reader, please allow me to assist you in your climb.  I have found the source.  I drink from it daily... always, in fact.  It is delicious, precious beyond any earthly value.  Freely provided for all... though the stipulations may seem rigorous.

To help bring the concept into an understandable realm, I will now share a couple experiences to illustrate:
In May of 2011 Krystal and I went with Tyler and Melani to the Arizona Science Center to see the "Body World’s Exhibit” that was being held there.  The Science Center had been a favorite pastime for my children and I since its opening.

One activity that we had often enjoyed at the center was entitled “Mindball”. Mindball is a two person game controlled by players’ brain waves in which they each try to control a ball's movement across a table by becoming more relaxed and calm. Wearing a band of electrodes around their head, each player tries to push the ball toward his opponent with the power of their still mind, using the electrical activity of their brains.  Only the low-frequency brain waves of alpha and theta register and are televised upon the nearby screen, signifying how "calm and relaxed" each person is... moment by moment.  By maintaining a relaxed and focused state, the player could move the ball over to his opponent’s side of the table, thus “winning” that round.  If there were distracting sounds or movements, the player’s brain waves would register on the screen as their attention was being drawn out of the relaxed mode.  To win a game of Mindball, then, you have to out-calm your opponent.

While waiting for our scheduled time at the body exhibit, we had been enjoying a few of the other permanent displays, finally finding ourselves at the Mindball table.  Just as we got there, a man who had obviously been playing it with members of his family got up and was complaining to a staff member that there was something wrong with the exhibit.  The employee expressed surprise as in his years’ experiences with it the game had never been inaccurate.  He sat down at one end of the table and asked if one in the hovering crowd wished to sit at the other end to check it out.  Six-year-old Krystal immediately responded.  She had done this (and very well, I might add) several times in the past.

I helped her adjust the strap of electrodes.  A long hollow clear tube lay on the table between her and the other participant (the staff member) containing a ping pong ball in the center position.  When the button was pressed to initiate the ball’s movement, it would progress to one or the other side (or back and forth between the two players) according to the players’ brainwaves.  Depending on the “match” of the two players, the game usually took anywhere from a couple to several minutes to complete the few feet of track. 

Krystal won the first round after just a couple minutes.  The employee was obviously intrigued and had them exchange positions, thus being able to “test” both sides of the game.  Again the second time Krystal won, and again it was after only two or three minutes.  Standing up, obviously impressed with this little child’s mental abilities, the staff member asked if anyone else would like to try.  I would have held back and allowed one of the other crowd members to join in, had not Krystal enthusiastically motioned to me saying, “Mommy, YOU try!”

So I sat down and, while placing the headband around my forehead, heard my Inner Guidance Councilor say “Love and Gratitude” while displaying a picture of Dr. Emoto’s frozen water crystals.  When the staff member began the game I showered loving gratitude from my heart.  Surprisingly, the game was over in just a few seconds.  Those watching gasped.  As I had had my eyes closed, I had shut out the competing (and thus attention-getting) views as well as not been able to personally witness what had taken place as evidenced on the monitors.  I heard people whisper stunned comments.  I also perceived that the staff member wondered if there WAS a problem with the game after all.  He indicated that we do it again, again trading places.  This was done.  Again, the ball had completed the track to the staff member’s side in just a few seconds.  I was now crowded with people asking, “What did you do?!  How did you do that?!”  Smiling with deep satisfaction that I had now proven for myself the validity and power of maintaining peaceful and loving gratitude of heart, I gave a very brief explanation before being called away by Tyler and Melani as it was now our scheduled time to attend the Body Exhibit.

I felt so thrilled by that experience.  No longer was the “attitude of gratitude” just a hazy notion.  I had proved its veracity.  Also I had proven that which I had believed and heard touted that The one who loves the most is the one with the most power”.  Yes.  Truly, Grateful love is the GREATEST ATTITUDE!”  This is true and I had just proved it.  At least for myself.  J

I also immediately realized that if, through this “reJOYcing” (the term I use to embody the action of sending out powerful loving gratitude from one’s heart)  my heart is able to empower my mind and I am able to move a ping-pong ball, that with sufficient reJOYcing I CAN, literally, MOVE MOUNTAINS!

Another exhibit at the Science Center that tantalized me and brought further awareness and understanding was entitled “Forces of Nature”.  Within this exhibit is an “Immersion Theater” where many people can participate at the same time.  Positioned for easy viewing around the perimeter of the raised and fenced off platform were three television-type screens which displayed a movie of several natural disasters.  In addition to the sense of sight presented, the immersion theater utilized several other senses.  Heat, air gusts and/ or water as rain or vapor were utilized as well as jolts and rocking or shaking movements of the platform itself to simulate several different “natural disasters”. 

All these various sensations are used to give those brave participants a sense of really “being there”.  All in the sense of “fun”.  And experience.  There is no frantic screaming while running from earth's cataclysms to safety.  Everyone involved know... "It's just a game!  I won't get hurt!  This will end in just a few minutes!"  Smiles abound on most faces as they wait and brace themselves for what surprise is coming next.

Those participating were thus allowed to experience the earth as never before. What does it feel like to be in the middle of a hurricane, tornado, wildfire, volcanic eruption, or monsoon? Utilizing the (correct) principle that “personal experience is the best teacher”, the exhibit enabled those participating to gain understanding and respect for the Earth and her continual movement and changes as a dynamic planet.  The changes experienced were dramatic.  Within just a few minutes of time, those who elected to, thus received exposure to several different “catastrophes” that our planet-mates now periodically experience that appear to wreck havoc, take life and destroy man-made structures as well as the natural environment.

The most intriguing aspect of this exhibit to me was watching the reactions of those participating.  Instead of anguish and tormenting feelings of victimhood, the sounds and body language expressed were those of enthusiastic expectancy and intrigue.  Experiencing this several times myself with various groups, I have never found one person who “cursed God” or became angry that “these things happened to ME!”  I have thought often, if each individual could just have a five minute view of the anticipation and "shouting for JOY" that they experienced BEFORE beginning their mortal life, then the experiences would take on more of the adventure and intrigue of this Immersion Theater.  And yet, I have come to view this life experience  as allowing for opportunities to open up trust, understanding and the opportunity to learn to respect Earth, our “planet-mates” and our experiences here together as dynamic, changing and wondrous beings. 

A favorite challenge I have often made myself is to stand ankle-deep in the ocean or within a wave pool, progressing deeper step-by-step until I am in to about my mid-section.  All the while I view myself sinking roots from my feet down into the depths of the ocean and anchoring into the core of the planet.  Trying to not be moved by the energy of the swelling waves, I endeavor to stand firm and strong.  My objective is to be as a rock, immovable, no matter the strength of the opposing force of water.  Additionally, I have thought often about the jolts of life itself:  “Can I stand (“be still!”) amidst chaos, bumps and confusion all around me—and experience a blessed life of JOY?”  Am I able to bring this same inner stillness as I move gracefully and while interacting with others in my day-to-day life?  I happen to believe that each of my earthly neighbors (seven billion [roughly] in all) is helping me to exercise that ability.

Perhaps you have seen the plastic children’s toy called a “Weeble.”  Maybe you’ve heard the jingle: “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!”  Built upon a spherical base, the small plastic figurine presents the concept that it can get knocked over, pushed, or any number of actions perpetrated upon it, yet it will never permanently remain "down".  Indeed, a Weeble wobbles, but it immediately seeks to "right" itself into an upright position.  The messages of "Jesus'" Sermon on the Mount, if studied and applied, assist each of us to do likewise.  This current mortal reality allows each one of us to be "buffeted", perhaps lose our momentary balance emotionally, even bruise our foolish pride, but we can (and MUST!) each learn to take each “blow” by wobbling somewhat, perhaps, but not letting it bother us long term.
Indeed, through the process of learning to TRULY *LOVE* our self, we MUST learn to maintain control over our own emotions.  However, Dear Reader, please ponder!  Maintaining control OVER one's emotions does NOT MEAN that we do not feel feelings.  In fact, the higher one climbs their spiritual mountain, the greater will be the joys, the deeper the emotional well, the vaster one's empathy and caring and CAPACITY to feel and, thus, send out those feelings via e-motion.  Energy in Motion.

There is much to explore as we continue in what are the correct parameters concerning our feelings and emotions; how, when, where, to whom one shares.  When, how, where, to whom one should NOT share.  And, most significantly, how to stabilize after the sharing.

For those who have followed my blog, I wish to draw your attention back to the one I recently posted entitled:  "Please... Help... Me...!"  In it I expose my raw and deep feelings of that moment.  Feelings of vulnerability and blindness.  For anyone who has really known me in my life, I have seldom--if ever--acknowledged weakness or helplessness.  Though my life has been fraught with great unknowns, conflict and difficult experiences, I have continually drawn on the living waters within me to strengthen me and assist me in my journey.  I have always desired to remain strong (like a rock) in order to be a source of strength for others to glean strength from.  Yet, share those feelings I did when directed by my Inner Guidance Councilor.

Some time after sharing that post I was given clarity into the necessity of exposing my "nakedness".  Though I was quickly able to stabilize myself, discover answers and move forward correctly in my life's journey, that vulnerable, human part of me was a part of my experience and a real assistance to my growth.  Always has been.  That experience was for me necessary to publish, publically, my reliance upon the compassion of the world.  An opportunity for me to acknowledge my ability to feel emotion and the pain of the unknown... as I continued walking forward.  In strength, even if into further unknowns.  This we each must do. 

Each time we fall we must “Get right back up!”   We may, and must, acknowledge: “Ouch!  That hurts!”  Even wince as we reach out to rub the stubbed toe, etc.  We may cry out with the startle reflex or even pant or cry for a moment or two.  This is natural.  This is acceptable.

BUT, we are NOT a “victim.”  NEVER.  Unless we assign that status to our self.

We CAN each be "strong and immovable" emotionally... as we Truly *Love* our self with ALL our heart, might, mind and strength and keep climbing our spiritual mountain.
(Continue with us as we explore further terrain and ascend our mutual "Mount of Transfiguration", gleaning power, love and wisdom along the way.  And at the top... the FULLNESS of *JOY*!)  :-)




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