
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 19, 2016

TRUE *Love* #4

How to TRULY Love MySELF


1.  Love, wisely love, myself... with ALL my heart, might, mind and strength. 
2.  Live the "Golden Rule", having as the "mark" of my "target" (or the eyes of my imagination focused upon) the alleviation of the needs of "the least among us" and the global and inevitable enJOYment of harmony and camaraderie for ALL.
3.  Release all expectations of receiving “love” or acceptance from others. 

4.  Without judgment for others’ actions and with my focus on “elevating the needy”, be continually aware of the guidance of my heart and the feedback it is giving me for my actions and thoughts… thereby gaining wisdom and insight to help choose further actions.

5.  My opinion of myself is all that matters.  Others’ opinions of me are their own business.

6.  RELAX.

7.  Be MY self.  Quit holding myself to someone else’s—any one else’s standard (a judgment).  Just follow my own, peaceful, happy heart!

8.  Do ONLY what I WANT to do.  I ALWAYS have a choice.  (If I feel I “have” to do something, I can search my mind for the reason why I feel I “have” to.  I can then “choose” to get out of doing it or “choose” to do it.  Because it’s MY “choice”, I am not a “victim”.  I maintain my power.  Therefore, I can be happy and “want” to do it.)
9.  Surround myself with happy people, feelings and situations; gracefully yet firmly and quickly leave any situation where my peaceful power is not respected.
10.  Treat ALL OTHERS as my equal.
11.  Live with Inner Peace and control of my e-motions at all times.
12.  Speak with power, truth, and kindness.
13.  Always do my best, realizing that that "best" can change from moment to moment.
14.  Live with no regrets.
15.  Learning wisdom from the hindsight of the past, BE the present moment.  Use the gift of this moment to create the future that aligns with who I TRULY AM.

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