
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 20, 2016

TRUE *Love* #5

Question:  "... what is it that a person has to do to eliminate stress and fear and be happy?"

Answer:  Learn to Truly Love yourself… AND ALL others equally.

Here are two simple yet profound illustrations:
A few years ago, while feeding lunch to the preschoolers entrusted to me within my home, I looked up from dishing up the plates and noticed the crest-fallen look on the face of one 4-year-old girl that I had had for a couple years. Having "taught" them continuously about living in peace and happiness, this "look" was not at all typical of Anna. I asked, "Anna, are you feeling happy?" "Nooooooooo," she quietly whimpered. I then asked: "How DO you feel?" She replied: "Saaaaad." "Do you LIKE to feel sad?" "Noooooooo." "How do you WANT to feel?" "Happy." "Okay, do you want my help, or can you find a happy thought by yourself?" "I want your help."

"Okay, what WERE you thinking about?" "I miss my Mommmmmmmy!" "What do you miss about your mommy?" "My mommy plays games with me and I love her." "Ahhh.... You like to play games with your mommy." "Yes." "Your mommy is kind to you." "Yes." "You got to be with your mommy for breakfast this morning." "Uh-huh." "Your mommy loves you and is fun to be with AND you get to be with her in the mornings!" "Yes." "You get to be with your mommy again tonight." "Uh-huh."

"You also like to come here and play with your friends, right?" "Yes." "What are some fun things you like to do here with me and your friends?" She was able to enumerate several. "Soooo... you have a mommy who loves you and plays games with you AND you get to play with your friends and learn and have fun with me, too!" "Yes." "Wow! You have happy, fun things to do in the mornings and evenings AND you get to play here and have fun during the day! WOW!"
By now, she was smiling. I asked her what she was looking forward to doing the rest of the afternoon. She listed off a few things, by now smiling and feeling empowered. Her conversation now brightly turned to her surrounding, listening, group of friends.

Marilyn, a friend, gratefully shared with me the following experience after she had been internalizing the principle:

Her husband, Bob, went in to the garage to clean it out, grumpy and banging things around. She asked him why he was upset. "Cause I have to clean out this d_____ garage!" She then verbally lead him through a similar change of perspective where he decided that he was NOT a "victim" but was, instead, CHOOSING of his OWN FREE WILL to be the one to clean out the garage for a variety of reasons, including: he did not want to pay money to anyone else to clean it out, no one else knew where and how he wanted everything, he wanted to throw out some things that he wanted to personally choose what and where they went, he really liked the way he felt to walk or drive into a clean, organized garage, relatives were arriving soon and he would feel better knowing that they would see his garage clean, etc.


The development of humankind throughout the ages of *his-story* has taken collective society from a state of anarchy and victimhood through gradual yet sequential and necessary steps, stages that are also literally played out within the developmental stages of a human lifespan.  From emotional infancy through toddler- and child-hood, into puberty, the teenage years, young adulthood, physical maturity and beyond.  We will explore these ages and stages much, much deeper in coming venues, but suffice it to say that, though the physical vehicle of the body may grow up and achieve a sense of maturity, for many now on the planet they struggle with EMOTIONAL infancy or "the terrible twos".

It was the one known as "Jesus'" role (and now mine) to help those prepared to grow up emotionally and become a full-fledged and humane being.  This is my goal through these blog posts for those so willing. 

From lawlessness into justice ("an eye for an eye", equal restitution); from justice into mercy ("forgive 70 X 7" and "go the extra mile"); from forgiveness into compassion ("love thy neighbor as thyself") and then, finally, into realizing the Divinity of a full-fledged and Powerful God ("Lazarus Arise!").  No more an "Infant of God" or even a "Child of God" but completely and wholly a Mature and Self-Realized *God* with all the rights, privileges and powers that that entails.

Is this possible today?  YES, yes, a thousand times YESSSSS!

And this "Stairway to Heaven" outlines the upward path.  This digression into "TRUE *LOVE* is a necessary one to help give you a vision and a hope, allowing you to catch a glimpse of that which lies in wait for You... at the top of your own spiritual mountain.

TRULY, as a person immerses him or herself into the first commandment, realizing that "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God..." means one's pure and holy feelings, there comes a POWER divine and unshakeable.

Choosing to live continually in peace and in alignment with one's True Self gives that one subtle yet profound ways to "take back and always maintain their power".  They live no more as a "victim" but as a person who DOES have control over their emotions and, thus, life. At times, that control may only be in our own choices to feel only peace. Usually, those choices lead to thoughts, actions and states of being that have vast potential to benefit not just our own self but many others around us.


Indeed, True love exacts that:
I must love myself with all my heart (great, consistent, allowing, gloriously warm feeling), with all my might (passionate, focused energy) with all my mind (thoughts, statements and beliefs about myself) and with all my strength (my physical body acting in concert with those feelings).

As I allow and cherish my SELF and live in accord with the great unifying JOY of my body, thoughts, and feelings, my works (that which I DO) will all be a representation of who I really AM. I will then (naturally) treat all others with the same depth of allowance, joy and wisdom. I will perceive NO ONE as above or below me, while perceiving and treating ALL others as equally divine, beautiful, and worthy of my perfect love.

As I live in this manner, I will be accessing the pure balance of peace that was originally
experienced by "Me" before my incarnation within this current body.
(to be continued still...)  :-)

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