I have learned (rather “re-membered”) through my life, to be willing at all times and in all things to follow my pure and holy “heart of hearts”. Although often not understood, and certainly mis-understood by many others, I have proceeded. This “following” has brought me along a precipitous path of intrigue and adventure. I would never have guessed all the lessons that would unfold and the great treasury that would be discovered, one gem at a time. The greatest treasure, the “pearl of great price” I have found hiding within my own self… the True and Divine *ME*.
One mile-stone of my path was my “call” to move to southern Utah as I “am needed there” in 1999. Intrigued and surprised, still I responded and witnessed amazing doors open to expedite this move from Mesa, Arizona, the place I had called “home”.
After a year of living in Cedar City, Utah, my husband at that time agreed to join with me in receiving specific direction as to WHY we had been called there. The answer came through a beautiful shared experience as my mind, and then his, was opened to the need for us to establish a place of refuge and tender care and healing, a place of teaching and living truth in preparation for global peace. The name that I was given was “Harmony House for Children”.
Although many profound opportunities ensued and people magnetically responded, every door that initially appeared to be opening let us know that “the time was not yet ripe”. Two years later, in mid 2003, my 20-year-marriage ended. Wonderingly, I placed “Harmony House” in the back of my mind, knowing that (as in all things) understanding would come in the right time. While discussing our “settlement agreement”, I went over, reached out to, and held my (nearly) former spouse, telling him I forgave him and tenderly loved him. With tears streaming down his cheeks he responded that he did not understand me. Replying that he also did not understand “God” but could allow God to BE God and that that was what I had needed from him was to honor and respect my right to Be *Me*, he begged me to allow him to be a part of “Harmony House” when the time was right to proceed with it. I responded with gentle firmness that “doing the Lord’s work, I can ONLY work with those I can trust and that I had learned I could NOT trust him”.
However, I hoped that perhaps the time would come that he Would prove himself trustworthy after all.
After many important life lessons, in 2008 I received another important “transfer”, this one to the South American country of Ecuador. Meeting many people who had been prepared for me unawares, I found myself one day in March of 2009 sitting across the desk from the Governor of Puerto Quito. As five of my near and dear new Ecuadorian friends explained to Narcisa the principles of “La Casa de Armonia” (“Harmony House”) and urged her to consider implementing it there in their impoverished community, I saw Narcisa shift from being preoccupied with her “important” governmental work to, setting it all aside, a stunned expression. Initially incredulous that someone (me) from “the states” would come to their country to assist them in their dire straits, she asked (in Spanish): “How are you going to PAY for this? We have no money, just an overwhelming need!”
Without prior knowledge of the answer to this question, indeed, teaching myself as I trusted my mouth to be an instrument for “the Word”, I explained: “It’s not about money!” I then expounded (to all of us) a profound eternal principle. This principle I will now share with you.
“When the NEEDY are the Target, money is freed up for the Whole Free Market!” Like the “widow with her two mites”, each one of us have Something to contribute to humanity. No matter how poor or insufficient our own situation, we each have a surplus of something. Perhaps we have an extra box of tile sitting around, or a favorite book. Maybe we have some time to share or our grandma’s inheritance that we really don’t need for our self. It could be that we have a vacation coming up or are retired or are looking for a way to satisfy an inner yearning to really do our part to help the current world situation. Regardless of the “surplus”, each of us has something, even if it is our willingness to give a smile or hug to a down-trodden stranger.
With tears streaming down her face, Narcisa pledged that, after the ensuing election, she would contribute 30 hectares of land within her province for the establishment of “La Casa de Armonia”. The other four adults in the room each met her emotional vibration with joy, tears, and similar pledges of support. I watched on in amazed gratitude and awe.
However, it was not to be. At least not at that time. Surprisingly, I received a summons from within to leave Ecuador that May and come back to the states. Trustingly, I left, knowing that perhaps I had only been required to “plant the seed” of vision and hope there in Puerto Quito, Ecuador. Maybe a germination period was required before the idea and people were properly matured and ready to proceed. Maybe I was merely the sower and not the reaper of their particular part of the global field. Perhaps I would not take part in that harvest after all.
It has now been six years since my return. These six years have been the continuation of an amazing life where I have continued in my “Trust Fall”. I have had many opportunities to “test” others (unawares to myself at those times, even) to see their heart’s preparation for assisting in what I believe is the work of the “Gods”.
Nearly seventeen months ago, I was introduced by friends to a friend of theirs. Unsuspectingly, I soon found myself in another chapter of intense intrigue. As we quickly realized that we had been prepared from before our mortal memories to join forces, Dave Seely and I have been led through some amazing experiences. As he was still at that time extricating himself from his false ego and the shackles of false beliefs and habits, I became a mentor to him of sorts. As his false sharp edges have been exposed and he has had opportunity to choose to release them and polish the resulting facets of his True Self, he has become the Man that I immediately recognized and that, equally, he has realized all along was waiting to be discovered within himself. It has been probably the *Greatest Love Story* of all time. And *I* have been profoundly blessed to have a starring role in it!
Though, again, so mis-understood by many who have watched from their unique perspective on the side-lines, everywhere Dave and I have gone, our love and constant adoring physical and verbal hugs of each other has brought forth countless sighing comments from others such as: “I want what you have!” “You two have the fairy-tale kind of love that I had nearly given up was possible!” “You two are so perfect for each other!”
Indeed, Dave calls me his “Twin”. Truly, our minds and hearts resonate in uncanny precision and parallelism.
Through our experiences together Those who have guided my heart have used me to “test” Dave and prepare His Heart, allowing him to lay aside his former interests and habits for those that bring him far greater joy. Above all, he has learned the peace of living transparently, unashamed of who he is and willing to also live for the good of all others on this planet. Truly, he has achieved a “mighty change of heart” and placed his life into the hands of Those who guide and know each one of us here on Earth. Likewise, he has adopted as his vision the desire to wisely use his appetites, desires, passions, and all that he has at his disposal to care for the “least among us”. In this, Dave has found his greatest Joy. Yes, we are spiritual “Twins”.
Although our financial where-with-all has been slashed over the last few weeks, we have just sold the home that we have been living in and have had enough to purchase the nearby lot that we resonated with as we proceed now to officially begin the establishment of “Harmony House”. Both of us are consecrating “our time, talents, and everything we have” to the establishment of peace. Though we begin with just a modest abode, each detail has been planned with the goal of creating a place where healing, peace, “joy” may increase the understanding and brotherhood of those who are led to join with us. In this, we will continue our lives together, with our daughter Krystal and any and all others who come to us with “broken hearts and contrite spirits” and, likewise, offer their “two mites” upon “the altar of mankind”.
I will finish writing my books of all that I have learned on my journey of love. We will continue giving the “Joy of Harmony Seminars”. And, together, we will teach and enjoy the greatest music ever yet to be composed and explored in our “Music is FUN-da-Mental” classes. Through it all, we will be catalysts for happiness, camaraderie and fun! This will be OUR “two mites”.
Yes, there is rampant anger, war, bloodshed, desecration and ugliness. However, Our focus, the mark of Our Target, is upon “the least among us” in our circle of influence. Somehow, we will continue what we have begun and, eventually, we will leave this world being able to say that we have “fought the God fight” and have done all we possibly could to “establish the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”… for ALL!
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.
My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".
Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!
September 04, 2015
July 09, 2015
Re-gain-ing *Balance*
This video presents a stellar example of how VITAL it is... for the entire Planet... that EACH ONE of US find our own "balance" and live true to It! Indeed, the "ripple effect" is powerful and far-reaching!
As each one of us finds our own individual balance (read "balance" and true "happiness" as "harmony"), it assists each and every Other individual to find THEIR own individual balance. Because balance, after all, is NOT "individual" but depends on every "other" *one* of us on this magnificent "teeter totter" in this global sandbox we call "Earth".
May MY LIFE and My finding My own "balance" continue to assist You... my GRAND Children... and All of Creation! This is my Quest. This is my reason for breathing. This is my "books" and my life's work. *The JOY of Harmony!*
No matter Who/ What is "deer" to us, *LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS... for ALL(!)* equalizes the playing field, regulates human affairs and cares for all the needs of Each One... AS IT BEAUTIFIES THE PLANET and ALL LIFE!
May we each be not afraid to release even that... or those... which are "deer"... if it is "out of balance". May we each live in total congruence with our pure inner child and allow all others that same privilege. May we integrate our inner resonance in our outer affairs. Together assisting this world in its re-balancing and blossoming.
This video presents a stellar example of how VITAL it is... for the entire Planet... that EACH ONE of US find our own "balance" and live true to It! Indeed, the "ripple effect" is powerful and far-reaching!
As each one of us finds our own individual balance (read "balance" and true "happiness" as "harmony"), it assists each and every Other individual to find THEIR own individual balance. Because balance, after all, is NOT "individual" but depends on every "other" *one* of us on this magnificent "teeter totter" in this global sandbox we call "Earth".
May MY LIFE and My finding My own "balance" continue to assist You... my GRAND Children... and All of Creation! This is my Quest. This is my reason for breathing. This is my "books" and my life's work. *The JOY of Harmony!*
No matter Who/ What is "deer" to us, *LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS... for ALL(!)* equalizes the playing field, regulates human affairs and cares for all the needs of Each One... AS IT BEAUTIFIES THE PLANET and ALL LIFE!
May we each be not afraid to release even that... or those... which are "deer"... if it is "out of balance". May we each live in total congruence with our pure inner child and allow all others that same privilege. May we integrate our inner resonance in our outer affairs. Together assisting this world in its re-balancing and blossoming.
regaining balance,
the ripple effect,
March 17, 2015
The Walk
Dear Reader ~
You may notice that I have returned from a sort of "sabbatical". Actually, and obviously, I had periodically put on hold my contributions to the world through these blog posts. However, each apparent sabbatical has brought me closer to where I am today. So, being here together, with me in my overstuffed Victorian red chair and you wherever you may (or may not) be seated, I offer my latest thoughts which I entitle, you may have already noticed, "The Walk".
To begin (again), I wish to point out a few things. First, I will write as if I truly believe that I have sight and understanding which has enhanced my own life. Second, I believe that my writings and the way your various minds interpret that which you read from what I offer through my blog (or elsewhere) may uplift and enhance YOUR vision and, thus, future life. Third, I realize that with a simple stroke or swipe you may clear my words from your view and, thus, me from your life. Fourth, I am at peace no matter who does or does not read, value, accept and act upon that which I write. :-)
All of the above serves as a mere preamble to this and all future posts.
Many have exposed (before me) that we are each, individually and collectively, on a "journey" of sorts. It is stated that the character commonly known as "Jesus" talked about being "the way" in which to maneuver through this journey. Many today reference "the path". I propose (using the words of poet T. S. Eliot) that: "We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." Although lost and mired in darkness (a.k.a blindness, unconsciousness, misunderstanding), each human being is "spiritually" walking a path to do just that: arrive back where he began.
Like salmon, each one has buried deeply within a "homing device" which, when listened to and heeded, allows for the journey to most efficiently lead them to that place of spiritual origin, our "spiritual spawning". However, being turned down to a level beyond sense, most wander around spiritually "deaf" or "past feeling" (of an "unsound mind") and are, thus, easily drawn away into temporary tantalizing distractions. More and more "experts" are touting their viewpoint as a correct revision to mankind's faltering steps. Being "blind", mortals look to these often "lettered" and validated-by-others "experts" as "eyes" to see for them in their blindness. However, all have fallen in spiritual ditches together.
I will dare to appear arrogant enough to state that I can (am able to) Truly "see" and also that I desire (Truly want) to show any interested "a better way". After all, again using Elliot's words: " Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
With all the "experts", parents, churches, schools, doctors, lawyers, governments, organizations, books, seminars, channelers, hypnotists, gurus, etc. all providing more or less polluted direction, I will attempt to lend my own eyes (understanding) to assist you, Dear Reader, in your walk.
Symbolically presented, yet often having been interpreted as actual fact, another ("Jesus") who presented himself as having "eyes that see", walked with two others (his "disciples") along their journey. The story is told in Luke 24: 13-35 as occurring in the evening of the day of Jesus' resurrection. According to the story, the two disciples have heard that the tomb of Jesus was found empty earlier that day. They are discussing the events of the past few days when a stranger asks them what they are discussing. "Their eyes were kept from recognizing him." He soon rebukes them for their unbelief and shares with them prophecies about the Messiah. On reaching Emmaus, they ask the stranger to join them for the evening meal. When he breaks the bread "their eyes were opened" and they recognize him as the resurrected Jesus. Jesus immediately vanishes. Cleopas and his friend then hasten back to Jerusalem to carry the news to the other disciples, and arrive in time to proclaim to the eleven who were gathered together with others that Jesus truly is alive. While describing the events, Jesus appeared again to all who were there, giving them a commission to evangelize. Then he took them out as far as Bethany and blessed them before ascending back into heaven. A similar event is mentioned in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 16:12) although the disciples' destination is not stated.
Okay, now to expose the grand (yet veiled) mystery. Emmaus, whether ever in actuality a "real" place (which "experts" debate), means "warm spring". Again, like salmon, each of us were spiritually spawned (which I will unfold at a later time) in what may be referred to as a "warm spring". It is this originating point of being that each of us, subconsciously, is seeking to return to. Emmaus in some earlier versions is written "Oulammaus" which is, also symbolically, the place where the Old Testament Patriarch "Jacob" was visited by God in his dream while sleeping on a rock and received his vision often entitled today: "Jacob's Ladder". Additionally, it is proposed, the original name for this destination point was "Luz" (in Hebrew), meaning "light".
Using and unveiling commonly used metaphors and scriptural-ease, I will attempt to present "the way" it really is. :-)
Before I do, however, I will share with you a fable given by a collective entity commonly known as "Aesop" and called: "The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey":
A Man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: "You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon?" So the man put the boy on the donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides." So the man ordered his boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn't gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: "Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along." Well, the man didn't know what to do, but at last he took his boy up before him on the donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours and your hulking son?"
The man and boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey's feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.
"That will teach you," said an old man who had followed them.
(The moral of this Aesops Fable: "Please all, and you will please none.")
Like puzzle pieces from a grand collective puzzle, each of us are part of one great "body of Christ". Additionally, each of us have become smeared and covered ("veiled") by our acceptance of others' definitions of who we are and "should" be... until we fail to recognize even ourselves, take up a different character and role and engage each other in a mortal drama often viewed as a grand "tragedy". The only way to re-discover who we, individually, are and to "wake up" from our cosmic delusion (re-member the body of Christ, or properly and cooperatively put the puzzle together), we each must experience a "broken heart and a contrite spirit". To have our heart broken is easy. All it takes is interaction with each other to achieve that... repeatedly, it might seem. To achieve a "contrite spirit" (contrite means "rubbed") is to allow our self to become, again, "like a little child" and humbly realize that those to whom we previously looked for guidance were just as blind as we were. We "rub" or "polish clean" each facet of our inner eye ("puzzle piece") to where we can gradually, step-by-step, regain our way out of the ditch and back onto our corrected path, finally and again making our way closer to our original starting point. THEN, we can join with each other cleaned-up piece and assemble ourselves together... CORRECTLY! (As ONE "Body of Christ".) In essence, becoming un-blinded, we spiritually "strip ourselves naked" and without shame continue walking with more and more self confidence.
Again in Luke (8:17) we find that "there is nothing hidden that won't be made manifest".
So now, Dear Reader, I wish to expose (make plain, unveiled) what is really meant by walking the "Road to Emmaus" or, climbing "Jacob's Ladder" or accessing the "Stairway to Heaven". Before I do (which will be in future posts), I would encourage each dedicated seeker of truth to read, ponder and study the following words which are from the Inspired Version of Matthew 5.
1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain to teach unto them the things which the Father had commanded of him; and when he was set in the place where he would teach the people, he called forth his disciples and they came unto him that they might hear more clearly the things that he would command the people, so that they could teach these same things unto the people as they had been given authority to do.
2 And after he had presented his disciples before the people, he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water, if ye repent and believe on the things which I shall give unto you from my Father; and after that ye are baptized with water, which is the covenant ye shall make before God that ye shall do the things which I shall command you this day; behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost, which shall cause you to know that the things that I shall give unto you are true. And this fire shall burn within you, giving you a remission of your sins by the peace that ye shall find in your souls. For ye are poor in spirit and seek for the kingdom of heaven. And it is this kingdom that I shall give unto you this day.
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me and learn that which the Father hath given me for them; for their spirits shall be filled and they shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 And again, blessed are they that mourn because they seek for more righteousness, but cannot find it in the doctrines and precepts of men which they have been given; for they shall be comforted by the words which I give unto them this day.
5 Blessed are the meek who seek to do the will of the Father in all things; for they shall inherit the earth that hath been prepared for them.
6 And blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness in meekness and lowliness of heart; for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost who shall teach them all things.
7 And blessed are the merciful who love others and extend to them no judgment for what they do, which is evil; for they shall obtain mercy for that which they do, which is evil.
8 And blessed are all the pure in heart who in righteousness seek to know God and His ways, that they might understand truth, and not to consume it upon their lusts as do they who are impure; behold, they shall know God.
9 And blessed are the peacemakers who contend with no man over doctrine. Yea, these shall come to know the true doctrine, and then they shall be called the children of God.
10 And blessed are they which are persecuted and mocked by others because of their righteous works; for they shall find their peace and happiness in the kingdom of heaven.
11 And blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, because of that which ye do for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad in your persecutions and afflictions; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you, who I sent unto the people to teach them these things; for your reward shall be given you from heaven by receiving peace and comfort from the Spirit of God.
You may notice that I have returned from a sort of "sabbatical". Actually, and obviously, I had periodically put on hold my contributions to the world through these blog posts. However, each apparent sabbatical has brought me closer to where I am today. So, being here together, with me in my overstuffed Victorian red chair and you wherever you may (or may not) be seated, I offer my latest thoughts which I entitle, you may have already noticed, "The Walk".
To begin (again), I wish to point out a few things. First, I will write as if I truly believe that I have sight and understanding which has enhanced my own life. Second, I believe that my writings and the way your various minds interpret that which you read from what I offer through my blog (or elsewhere) may uplift and enhance YOUR vision and, thus, future life. Third, I realize that with a simple stroke or swipe you may clear my words from your view and, thus, me from your life. Fourth, I am at peace no matter who does or does not read, value, accept and act upon that which I write. :-)
All of the above serves as a mere preamble to this and all future posts.
Many have exposed (before me) that we are each, individually and collectively, on a "journey" of sorts. It is stated that the character commonly known as "Jesus" talked about being "the way" in which to maneuver through this journey. Many today reference "the path". I propose (using the words of poet T. S. Eliot) that: "We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." Although lost and mired in darkness (a.k.a blindness, unconsciousness, misunderstanding), each human being is "spiritually" walking a path to do just that: arrive back where he began.
Like salmon, each one has buried deeply within a "homing device" which, when listened to and heeded, allows for the journey to most efficiently lead them to that place of spiritual origin, our "spiritual spawning". However, being turned down to a level beyond sense, most wander around spiritually "deaf" or "past feeling" (of an "unsound mind") and are, thus, easily drawn away into temporary tantalizing distractions. More and more "experts" are touting their viewpoint as a correct revision to mankind's faltering steps. Being "blind", mortals look to these often "lettered" and validated-by-others "experts" as "eyes" to see for them in their blindness. However, all have fallen in spiritual ditches together.
I will dare to appear arrogant enough to state that I can (am able to) Truly "see" and also that I desire (Truly want) to show any interested "a better way". After all, again using Elliot's words: " Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
With all the "experts", parents, churches, schools, doctors, lawyers, governments, organizations, books, seminars, channelers, hypnotists, gurus, etc. all providing more or less polluted direction, I will attempt to lend my own eyes (understanding) to assist you, Dear Reader, in your walk.
Symbolically presented, yet often having been interpreted as actual fact, another ("Jesus") who presented himself as having "eyes that see", walked with two others (his "disciples") along their journey. The story is told in Luke 24: 13-35 as occurring in the evening of the day of Jesus' resurrection. According to the story, the two disciples have heard that the tomb of Jesus was found empty earlier that day. They are discussing the events of the past few days when a stranger asks them what they are discussing. "Their eyes were kept from recognizing him." He soon rebukes them for their unbelief and shares with them prophecies about the Messiah. On reaching Emmaus, they ask the stranger to join them for the evening meal. When he breaks the bread "their eyes were opened" and they recognize him as the resurrected Jesus. Jesus immediately vanishes. Cleopas and his friend then hasten back to Jerusalem to carry the news to the other disciples, and arrive in time to proclaim to the eleven who were gathered together with others that Jesus truly is alive. While describing the events, Jesus appeared again to all who were there, giving them a commission to evangelize. Then he took them out as far as Bethany and blessed them before ascending back into heaven. A similar event is mentioned in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 16:12) although the disciples' destination is not stated.
Okay, now to expose the grand (yet veiled) mystery. Emmaus, whether ever in actuality a "real" place (which "experts" debate), means "warm spring". Again, like salmon, each of us were spiritually spawned (which I will unfold at a later time) in what may be referred to as a "warm spring". It is this originating point of being that each of us, subconsciously, is seeking to return to. Emmaus in some earlier versions is written "Oulammaus" which is, also symbolically, the place where the Old Testament Patriarch "Jacob" was visited by God in his dream while sleeping on a rock and received his vision often entitled today: "Jacob's Ladder". Additionally, it is proposed, the original name for this destination point was "Luz" (in Hebrew), meaning "light".
Using and unveiling commonly used metaphors and scriptural-ease, I will attempt to present "the way" it really is. :-)
Before I do, however, I will share with you a fable given by a collective entity commonly known as "Aesop" and called: "The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey":
A Man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: "You fools, what is a donkey for but to ride upon?" So the man put the boy on the donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: "See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides." So the man ordered his boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn't gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: "Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along." Well, the man didn't know what to do, but at last he took his boy up before him on the donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours and your hulking son?"
The man and boy got off and tried to think what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey's feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.
"That will teach you," said an old man who had followed them.
(The moral of this Aesops Fable: "Please all, and you will please none.")
Like puzzle pieces from a grand collective puzzle, each of us are part of one great "body of Christ". Additionally, each of us have become smeared and covered ("veiled") by our acceptance of others' definitions of who we are and "should" be... until we fail to recognize even ourselves, take up a different character and role and engage each other in a mortal drama often viewed as a grand "tragedy". The only way to re-discover who we, individually, are and to "wake up" from our cosmic delusion (re-member the body of Christ, or properly and cooperatively put the puzzle together), we each must experience a "broken heart and a contrite spirit". To have our heart broken is easy. All it takes is interaction with each other to achieve that... repeatedly, it might seem. To achieve a "contrite spirit" (contrite means "rubbed") is to allow our self to become, again, "like a little child" and humbly realize that those to whom we previously looked for guidance were just as blind as we were. We "rub" or "polish clean" each facet of our inner eye ("puzzle piece") to where we can gradually, step-by-step, regain our way out of the ditch and back onto our corrected path, finally and again making our way closer to our original starting point. THEN, we can join with each other cleaned-up piece and assemble ourselves together... CORRECTLY! (As ONE "Body of Christ".) In essence, becoming un-blinded, we spiritually "strip ourselves naked" and without shame continue walking with more and more self confidence.
Again in Luke (8:17) we find that "there is nothing hidden that won't be made manifest".
So now, Dear Reader, I wish to expose (make plain, unveiled) what is really meant by walking the "Road to Emmaus" or, climbing "Jacob's Ladder" or accessing the "Stairway to Heaven". Before I do (which will be in future posts), I would encourage each dedicated seeker of truth to read, ponder and study the following words which are from the Inspired Version of Matthew 5.
1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain to teach unto them the things which the Father had commanded of him; and when he was set in the place where he would teach the people, he called forth his disciples and they came unto him that they might hear more clearly the things that he would command the people, so that they could teach these same things unto the people as they had been given authority to do.
2 And after he had presented his disciples before the people, he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water, if ye repent and believe on the things which I shall give unto you from my Father; and after that ye are baptized with water, which is the covenant ye shall make before God that ye shall do the things which I shall command you this day; behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost, which shall cause you to know that the things that I shall give unto you are true. And this fire shall burn within you, giving you a remission of your sins by the peace that ye shall find in your souls. For ye are poor in spirit and seek for the kingdom of heaven. And it is this kingdom that I shall give unto you this day.
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me and learn that which the Father hath given me for them; for their spirits shall be filled and they shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 And again, blessed are they that mourn because they seek for more righteousness, but cannot find it in the doctrines and precepts of men which they have been given; for they shall be comforted by the words which I give unto them this day.
5 Blessed are the meek who seek to do the will of the Father in all things; for they shall inherit the earth that hath been prepared for them.
6 And blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness in meekness and lowliness of heart; for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost who shall teach them all things.
7 And blessed are the merciful who love others and extend to them no judgment for what they do, which is evil; for they shall obtain mercy for that which they do, which is evil.
8 And blessed are all the pure in heart who in righteousness seek to know God and His ways, that they might understand truth, and not to consume it upon their lusts as do they who are impure; behold, they shall know God.
9 And blessed are the peacemakers who contend with no man over doctrine. Yea, these shall come to know the true doctrine, and then they shall be called the children of God.
10 And blessed are they which are persecuted and mocked by others because of their righteous works; for they shall find their peace and happiness in the kingdom of heaven.
11 And blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, because of that which ye do for my sake.
12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad in your persecutions and afflictions; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you, who I sent unto the people to teach them these things; for your reward shall be given you from heaven by receiving peace and comfort from the Spirit of God.
Aesop's Fable,
ISV Matthew 5:1-2,
T. S. Elliot,
February 20, 2015
Eat, Drink and *BE* Mary ! :-) (part 1)
Okay, Dear Reader... Did you catch the (apparent) typo?
The title of today's post: "Eat, Drink and *BE* Mary !" should have been spelled "Merry" as in the adjectival use: "cheerful and lively". Or, did I really mean "Marry" as in the verb, signifying "cause to meet or fit together, unite, combine, wed, join in marriage, fuse, mix, blend, merge"?
Nope, Dear Reader... Although I will certainly explore those other meanings (and each of them DO hold great significance to that which I intend to explore), today's title was intentionally spelled "Mary".
I propose that in this grand "buffet table of life", most, if not nearly EVERY mortal has been partaking (through their eating, drinking, and actions) of that which has rendered them a zombie, lifeless, nearly soul-less. TRULY as "whited sepulchers"! With the plethora of choices available, the grand spotlight has been focused to a greater and greater extend on that which is "delicious to the taste" (or carnal senses) and "very desirable", yet offers only a "dumbed-down" existence.
For those who continue with me, I will offer a very different perspective. This viewpoint (my own) will shine the light on just WHAT man(un)kind has been feasting upon and how death of the spirit and thus of the body has always followed. Yet, death is the back-door entrance into a state of rest. There IS another way. This "other" way brings one through the Grand Front Door Entrance into a literal state of "bliss, drunkenness, and JOY" beyond comparison to any of the sensual delights which temporarily titillate or satisfy those seeking mortal pleasures.
It is precisely this other way that I have dedicated my life to discovering, living, and assisting all others to explore... as they desire.
So... for those who have read and pondered upon my former post "When Nature Wants A Man", and if (as many if not all concur) "Men ARE that they might have (This) JOY", just WHAT has man(un)kind been missing? What variables can be shifted, added, deleted to properly, completely, and eternally bring about this sought-after state?
Let's continue to explore it together... uniting ("marrying") the entire family of man back into one cheerful, full-of-LIFE, global society of... (are you ready for this?) "Mary"'s. :-) Is this vision I hold even possible? Oh, yes! Though few in recorded history, there have been significant hints given. And, there have been those of us who appear as mere mortals who have found and embraced this state!
Just this weekend, my 18-year-old son, after a few shared texts, asked me: "Mom, are you Drunk?" My answer to him was: "YES! :-) On LOVE!" And I am certainly not the first to have found this divine elixir.
In the symbolic language of love (again, hidden within plain sight throughout myriads of poetic and mystical/scriptural texts), "wine" represents the divine love that intoxicates the soul; "getting drunk" means losing oneself in that love; the "cup" refers to one's body and mind, etc. Indeed, for any who have caught a few drops of this grand potion, life and mortality pale so in comparison that they can and will NEVER be content again until they receive the never-ending "fountain of living water" (or "living elixir") that is promised to be opened up within THEMSELF!
Truly, one drop is enough to ruin the rest of one's mortal life and weary one into a continual search for the divine wine-bearer. Rumi stated it well: "The wine I drink is the fire of love And God Himself pours it into my mouth!" and "We drink the wine of our own blood, Aged in the barrels of our souls, We would give our lives for a sip of that nectar, Our heads in exchange for one drop."
So... for all those courageous souls who desire to journey with me across this illusory existence and into one of REAL JOY and lasting drunkenness, exchanging former patterns of eating, drinking and being, for *LIFE*... hang on to your seats and prepare with open heart and mind to enter into a state of transcendent beauty and delight. We have much to explore, including who "Mary" is...! :-)
Till next time...
The title of today's post: "Eat, Drink and *BE* Mary !" should have been spelled "Merry" as in the adjectival use: "cheerful and lively". Or, did I really mean "Marry" as in the verb, signifying "cause to meet or fit together, unite, combine, wed, join in marriage, fuse, mix, blend, merge"?
Nope, Dear Reader... Although I will certainly explore those other meanings (and each of them DO hold great significance to that which I intend to explore), today's title was intentionally spelled "Mary".
I propose that in this grand "buffet table of life", most, if not nearly EVERY mortal has been partaking (through their eating, drinking, and actions) of that which has rendered them a zombie, lifeless, nearly soul-less. TRULY as "whited sepulchers"! With the plethora of choices available, the grand spotlight has been focused to a greater and greater extend on that which is "delicious to the taste" (or carnal senses) and "very desirable", yet offers only a "dumbed-down" existence.
For those who continue with me, I will offer a very different perspective. This viewpoint (my own) will shine the light on just WHAT man(un)kind has been feasting upon and how death of the spirit and thus of the body has always followed. Yet, death is the back-door entrance into a state of rest. There IS another way. This "other" way brings one through the Grand Front Door Entrance into a literal state of "bliss, drunkenness, and JOY" beyond comparison to any of the sensual delights which temporarily titillate or satisfy those seeking mortal pleasures.
It is precisely this other way that I have dedicated my life to discovering, living, and assisting all others to explore... as they desire.
So... for those who have read and pondered upon my former post "When Nature Wants A Man", and if (as many if not all concur) "Men ARE that they might have (This) JOY", just WHAT has man(un)kind been missing? What variables can be shifted, added, deleted to properly, completely, and eternally bring about this sought-after state?
Let's continue to explore it together... uniting ("marrying") the entire family of man back into one cheerful, full-of-LIFE, global society of... (are you ready for this?) "Mary"'s. :-) Is this vision I hold even possible? Oh, yes! Though few in recorded history, there have been significant hints given. And, there have been those of us who appear as mere mortals who have found and embraced this state!
Just this weekend, my 18-year-old son, after a few shared texts, asked me: "Mom, are you Drunk?" My answer to him was: "YES! :-) On LOVE!" And I am certainly not the first to have found this divine elixir.
In the symbolic language of love (again, hidden within plain sight throughout myriads of poetic and mystical/scriptural texts), "wine" represents the divine love that intoxicates the soul; "getting drunk" means losing oneself in that love; the "cup" refers to one's body and mind, etc. Indeed, for any who have caught a few drops of this grand potion, life and mortality pale so in comparison that they can and will NEVER be content again until they receive the never-ending "fountain of living water" (or "living elixir") that is promised to be opened up within THEMSELF!
Truly, one drop is enough to ruin the rest of one's mortal life and weary one into a continual search for the divine wine-bearer. Rumi stated it well: "The wine I drink is the fire of love And God Himself pours it into my mouth!" and "We drink the wine of our own blood, Aged in the barrels of our souls, We would give our lives for a sip of that nectar, Our heads in exchange for one drop."
So... for all those courageous souls who desire to journey with me across this illusory existence and into one of REAL JOY and lasting drunkenness, exchanging former patterns of eating, drinking and being, for *LIFE*... hang on to your seats and prepare with open heart and mind to enter into a state of transcendent beauty and delight. We have much to explore, including who "Mary" is...! :-)
Till next time...
February 12, 2015
When Nature Wants a Man
Because the concept of "want" is central to that which I wish to unfold for the reader's understanding, and because Angela Morgan presents the theme so well, I will post today her poem "When Nature Wants a Man" and in later posts expound upon it as I unravel the principle of "want". It would behoove any reader to ponder deeply upon the stated as well as implied messages.
When nature wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man, And skill a man,
When nature wants to mold a man,
To play the noblest part;
When she yearns with all her heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall praise—
Watch her method, watch her ways!
How she ruthlessly perfects
Whom she royally elects;
How she hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay which only nature understands—
While his tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands!—
How she bends, but never breaks,
When his good she undertakes…
How she uses whom she chooses
And with every purpose fuses him,
By every art induces him
To try his splendor out—
Nature knows what she’s about.
When nature wants to take a man,
And shake a man,
And wake a man;
When nature wants to make a man
To do the Future’s will;
When she tries with all her skill
And yearns with all her soul
To create him large and whole…
With what cunning she prepares him!
How she goads and never spares him,
How she whets him, and she frets him,
And in poverty begets him…
How she often disappoints
Whom she sacredly anoints,
With what wisdom she will hide him,
Never minding what betide him
Though his genius sob with slighting and his pride may not forget!
Bids him struggle harder yet.
Makes him lonely
So that only God’s high message shall reach him,
So that she may surely teach him
What the Hierarchy planned.
Though he may not understand.
Gives him passion to command.
How remorselessly she spurs him
With terrific candor stirs him
When she poignantly prefers him!
When nature wants to name a man
And fame a man
And tame a man;
When nature wants to shame a man
To do his heavenly best…
When she tries the highest test
That she reckoning may bring—
When she wants a god or king!
How she reins him and restrains him
So his body scarce contains him
While she fires him
And inspires him!
Keeps him yearning, ever burning, for a tantalizing goal—
Lures and lacerates his soul.
Sets a challenge for his spirit,
Draws it higher when he’s near it—
Makes a jungle, that he clear it;
Makes a desert that he fear it
And subdue it if he can—
So doth Nature make a man.
Then, to test his spirit’s wrath
Hurls a mountain in his path—
Puts a bitter choice before him.
“Climb or perish!” so she says…
Watch her purpose, watch her ways!
Nature’s plan is wondrous kind
Could we understand her mind…
Fools are they who call her blind.
When his feet are torn and bleeding
Yet his spirit mounts unheeding,
All higher powers speeding,
Blazing newer paths and fine;
When the force that is divine
Leaps to challenge every failure and his ardor still is sweet
And love and hope are burning in the presence of defeat…
Lo, the crisis!
Lo, the shout
That must call the leader out.
When the people need salvation,
Doth he come to lead the nation…
Then doth Nature show her plan
When the world has found—a MAN!
When Nature Wants a Man
By Angela Morgan
When nature wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man, And skill a man,
When nature wants to mold a man,
To play the noblest part;
When she yearns with all her heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall praise—
Watch her method, watch her ways!
How she ruthlessly perfects
Whom she royally elects;
How she hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay which only nature understands—
While his tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands!—
How she bends, but never breaks,
When his good she undertakes…
How she uses whom she chooses
And with every purpose fuses him,
By every art induces him
To try his splendor out—
Nature knows what she’s about.
When nature wants to take a man,
And shake a man,
And wake a man;
When nature wants to make a man
To do the Future’s will;
When she tries with all her skill
And yearns with all her soul
To create him large and whole…
With what cunning she prepares him!
How she goads and never spares him,
How she whets him, and she frets him,
And in poverty begets him…
How she often disappoints
Whom she sacredly anoints,
With what wisdom she will hide him,
Never minding what betide him
Though his genius sob with slighting and his pride may not forget!
Bids him struggle harder yet.
Makes him lonely
So that only God’s high message shall reach him,
So that she may surely teach him
What the Hierarchy planned.
Though he may not understand.
Gives him passion to command.
How remorselessly she spurs him
With terrific candor stirs him
When she poignantly prefers him!
When nature wants to name a man
And fame a man
And tame a man;
When nature wants to shame a man
To do his heavenly best…
When she tries the highest test
That she reckoning may bring—
When she wants a god or king!
How she reins him and restrains him
So his body scarce contains him
While she fires him
And inspires him!
Keeps him yearning, ever burning, for a tantalizing goal—
Lures and lacerates his soul.
Sets a challenge for his spirit,
Draws it higher when he’s near it—
Makes a jungle, that he clear it;
Makes a desert that he fear it
And subdue it if he can—
So doth Nature make a man.
Then, to test his spirit’s wrath
Hurls a mountain in his path—
Puts a bitter choice before him.
“Climb or perish!” so she says…
Watch her purpose, watch her ways!
Nature’s plan is wondrous kind
Could we understand her mind…
Fools are they who call her blind.
When his feet are torn and bleeding
Yet his spirit mounts unheeding,
All higher powers speeding,
Blazing newer paths and fine;
When the force that is divine
Leaps to challenge every failure and his ardor still is sweet
And love and hope are burning in the presence of defeat…
Lo, the crisis!
Lo, the shout
That must call the leader out.
When the people need salvation,
Doth he come to lead the nation…
Then doth Nature show her plan
When the world has found—a MAN!
February 11, 2015
What is Wanted?
Contrary to a popular song ("You Can't Always Have What You Want") and also contrary to that same oft-repeated phrase hammered in by my mortal father while growing up ("Kimberly, you can't always have what you want!"), I DO BELIEVE that We REALLY DO... Get What We Want.
But, alas... WHAT IS WANTED???
At a significant place within the walls of a building considered very sacred to the LDS people (of which I was one for most of my life), these words are given as a key to "entering into the presence of the Lord". In answer to this question given by a veiled being representing the Council of Gods, "Adam (or Eve for the women), having been true and faithful in all things, desires further light and knowledge, by conversing with the Lord (Elohim) through the Veil... After correctly answering several test questions, the patron is then stumped with one he or she cannot possibly answer (because no mere mortal could ever conceive of its real significance nor meaning).
After demonstrating complete and proper preparation (with any required assistance), the patron is then tutored (figuratively and, in most cases received ignorantly) in the correct response. Although deleted (along with other significant parts) from the amazing declaration which this entire "holy" ceremony was originally intended to represent and teach (for ALL humanity, not merely a relatively few "righteous" ones!), there are "Five Points of Fellowship" which are symbolically given as developmental milestones along each human's path of discovering that most important answer to the most provocative and enticing of all questions: "What is wanted?"
It is the unveiling of these "secrets" and the enlightenment of the "dark and dreary" wasteland that mortals walk which is my intent through these blog posts... and, indeed, through my life and the very reason for every breath I take.
For those brave souls who are led to this site with "broken hearts" and "contrite spirits"... it will be possible for each one to then figuratively, yet very, very really, to eventually hear the words for him or herself: "Let him enter!"
While concealed from the masses of men who wander blindly in unbelief and ignorance, the "Promised Land" (or "Kingdom of Heaven") really does exist... NOW... upon the earth. In fact, this very place, which is the quintessential reward held on reserve for EACH of us, requires no sum of money, no Olympic-quality physical exertion, in fact, NO "THING" is asked for its acquisition. And yet... EVERY THING is required for it to be fully received and embraced. The discovery of this beyond-amazing reward is always personal. Yet, full realization of this "Pearl of Great Price" is held on reserve for each one of us.
All that is required is the correct answering (through one's very life) of this all-important question: "What is wanted?"
So, Dear Reader, here we go. I will give my utmost to assist each of you brave ones in your journey. And, I promise... Each of you will invariably acknowledge at your personal journey's end: "It was so worth it! Every bit!"
May we each see each other on the other side of that veil and, together, rejoice and embrace in grand celebration is my vision. In peace and with great hopes, Kimberly
At a significant place within the walls of a building considered very sacred to the LDS people (of which I was one for most of my life), these words are given as a key to "entering into the presence of the Lord". In answer to this question given by a veiled being representing the Council of Gods, "Adam (or Eve for the women), having been true and faithful in all things, desires further light and knowledge, by conversing with the Lord (Elohim) through the Veil... After correctly answering several test questions, the patron is then stumped with one he or she cannot possibly answer (because no mere mortal could ever conceive of its real significance nor meaning).
After demonstrating complete and proper preparation (with any required assistance), the patron is then tutored (figuratively and, in most cases received ignorantly) in the correct response. Although deleted (along with other significant parts) from the amazing declaration which this entire "holy" ceremony was originally intended to represent and teach (for ALL humanity, not merely a relatively few "righteous" ones!), there are "Five Points of Fellowship" which are symbolically given as developmental milestones along each human's path of discovering that most important answer to the most provocative and enticing of all questions: "What is wanted?"
It is the unveiling of these "secrets" and the enlightenment of the "dark and dreary" wasteland that mortals walk which is my intent through these blog posts... and, indeed, through my life and the very reason for every breath I take.
For those brave souls who are led to this site with "broken hearts" and "contrite spirits"... it will be possible for each one to then figuratively, yet very, very really, to eventually hear the words for him or herself: "Let him enter!"
While concealed from the masses of men who wander blindly in unbelief and ignorance, the "Promised Land" (or "Kingdom of Heaven") really does exist... NOW... upon the earth. In fact, this very place, which is the quintessential reward held on reserve for EACH of us, requires no sum of money, no Olympic-quality physical exertion, in fact, NO "THING" is asked for its acquisition. And yet... EVERY THING is required for it to be fully received and embraced. The discovery of this beyond-amazing reward is always personal. Yet, full realization of this "Pearl of Great Price" is held on reserve for each one of us.
All that is required is the correct answering (through one's very life) of this all-important question: "What is wanted?"
So, Dear Reader, here we go. I will give my utmost to assist each of you brave ones in your journey. And, I promise... Each of you will invariably acknowledge at your personal journey's end: "It was so worth it! Every bit!"
May we each see each other on the other side of that veil and, together, rejoice and embrace in grand celebration is my vision. In peace and with great hopes, Kimberly
January 20, 2015
Today's Message
I was awakened today with the words:
"By superimposing beliefs over the reality of a situation, one forces the reality to appear to conform to one's beliefs... instead of remaining open and allowing the reality to reveal its True Nature."
January 19, 2015
October brought me face-to-face with an unknown beast.... I was confronted by a personal fear. Having, I had thought, previously conquered all fears, I was stunned, then to find one jump out into my experience. Dave (who has yet to be introduced to you, Dear Reader) and Krystal (now ten years old) and I decided to do an easy hike that day around Pioneer Park (the red Dixie Rock) in St. George, Utah.
Covering not much more than 60 feet, and with mostly a gradual ascent, the crimson sandstone rock had long ago split open, revealing a crevice about thirteen inches wide and, in most places, about twenty feet high. Knowing that my body could fit through that thirteen inches and that many people had survived the experience, I saw no reason to hold back and began making my way through.
Not far into the "shimmy" I had the overwhelming sensation of claustrophobia well up within me. Fear and terror sought to overcome me! Trapped by the sheer walls on two sides and with fellow hikers in front and behind, there was nothing I could do but to will myself through. I breathed deeply and told myself that all was well, I could continue, there was nothing to be afraid of. Still, with others beginning their ascent behind Dave (who was behind me), I also did not want to hinder or bog down any of their experiences. I willed myself to continue.
As I felt the fear, I also pulled back mentally and *watched* myself experience the fear. This split allowed me to, as a more mature *big sis*, encourage myself to keep going. Dave and Krystal were precious! Each of them were patient and encouraging. Step by step, hand grip by hand grip, I fought my desire to scream and continued to inch forward and upward. About half-way through the slot was a small cavernous opening where I was able to step aside and allow those behind me to continue forward while I caught my breath, sat down on a rock and put my head below my knees for a few minutes while I loved myself back into my peace. Again, Krystal and Dave were magnanimous in their patient encouragement.
Continuing on after a few minutes, I eventually lived through it and, obviously made it out of the canyon. As I relaxed at the top and we continued our hike around the stunning views and colored rock of the area, I pondered deep and wide: where had that fear come from? What trauma from my past could have been brought forth for me to look at? Knowing, with my tenacity, that I would some day face that fear again and go through the canyon a second time, I continued to also be open to learning what I had exposed to myself about myself.
Yesterday morning Dave asked, upon seeing that the weather would be gorgeous, if I wanted to try the hike again. I immediately responded with "Yes!" So we did.
This time, Dear Reader, I was able to sail right through, with very little inner tremor. I KNEW that I would live through the experience this time: Been there, done that! And... I did. In fact, immediately after making my way through with the other courageous folk that had congregated for their personal exploration, I triumphantly expressed at the top: "I DID IT!"
I have long lived with the confidence that "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me!" Often in my life I have had to call on all the inner reserves I could muster. At times, there have been "Angels" at my disposal who (like Dave and Krystal) have been there to provide help and encouragement. This, I believe, is what we each can offer to each other. This is also, Dear Reader, that which I desire to share with YOU! YOU can do all things and make it through all trauma in your path! And... together, we are so much stronger than each one of us alone.
I love you, Dear Reader, and believe in you. May you make today bless-ed... for yourself and for each of the other potential "Angels" within your sphere. In peace....
January 18, 2015
January 18th--A Day of Great Significance to Me--The Exploration and Revelation Begins to Unfold
A careful investigator of my life will quickly note that my journey has been one of intense and continuous striving for understanding. With an open mind and an active curiosity I have felt self-driven to find the answers that made the most sense to discovering *Who I Am* and *What Am I Here For*??? My life's adventures have led me to and through much territory which others would not even consider exploring. Along my journey, I have come to discover the meaning and power of *Words* and how hypnotic and lulling they can become... truly casting *spells* and administering *sleeping potions* to those caught in their snares. Indeed, the pen IS mightier than the sword.
Ironically, it has been my own fixation with words that has propelled me down a path of grand discovery. Unafraid, I have armed myself with confidence and determination to uncover what things REALLY mean, what symbols REALLY represent, who I REALLY AM.
It is precisely This grand adventure, Dear Reader, which (should you continue) you may now walk with me as I share *Key Words* and understandings. For those with open minds and warm hearts, I will lead YOU through a maze of self-discovery and intrigue such as you have never known and could not even suppose.
Relying predominantly upon my own life's experiences, I will additionally use common symbols and myths, scriptures and nature to unfold that which has lain hidden in plain sight of each of us all along.
Among myriad of other words and subjects, I plan to explore the REAL meanings and significance of terms such as:
holy spirit of promise,
a couple,
true marriage,
becoming ONE,
son (of God),
the promises in "scripture",
the deep longings hidden within each human breast,
the true needs of mortals,
love, its meaning and acquisition,
raising children properly,
"doing unto others",
correctly utilizing (and healing) our senses,
Welcome Aboard!
a couple,
becoming ONE,
holy spirit of promise,
son of God,
true marriage,
January 17, 2015
A New Day Is Dawning...
Oh, how momentous has been this last year! Oh, how my heart swells open with the joy, wonder, and adventure of it all! Oh, how I have been compelled more than ever to cling to that holy place within my being to steer me through this grand adventure that I have been living!
But, oh... how the increase in clarity and wisdom has opened up and enveloped me because of my path. And now, dear Reader, I am about to make available to any and all willing and prepared to review the ride with me. Hang on to your hats and buckle your seat belts 'cause...
(Beginning tomorrow, January 18, 2015, I will begin "blogging" again. My intent will be the edification and elevation of all those who are able to maneuver to and through what I offer on my website: www.loveistheanswer.info .)
With love and hope for all mankind, Kimberly
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