
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

September 04, 2015

Harmony House Becomes a Physical Reality

I have learned (rather “re-membered”) through my life, to be willing at all times and in all things to follow my pure and holy “heart of hearts”. Although often not understood, and certainly mis-understood by many others, I have proceeded. This “following” has brought me along a precipitous path of intrigue and adventure. I would never have guessed all the lessons that would unfold and the great treasury that would be discovered, one gem at a time. The greatest treasure, the “pearl of great price” I have found hiding within my own self… the True and Divine *ME*.

One mile-stone of my path was my “call” to move to southern Utah as I “am needed there” in 1999. Intrigued and surprised, still I responded and witnessed amazing doors open to expedite this move from Mesa, Arizona, the place I had called “home”.

After a year of living in Cedar City, Utah, my husband at that time agreed to join with me in receiving specific direction as to WHY we had been called there. The answer came through a beautiful shared experience as my mind, and then his, was opened to the need for us to establish a place of refuge and tender care and healing, a place of teaching and living truth in preparation for global peace. The name that I was given was “Harmony House for Children”.

Although many profound opportunities ensued and people magnetically responded, every door that initially appeared to be opening let us know that “the time was not yet ripe”. Two years later, in mid 2003, my 20-year-marriage ended. Wonderingly, I placed “Harmony House” in the back of my mind, knowing that (as in all things) understanding would come in the right time. While discussing our “settlement agreement”, I went over, reached out to, and held my (nearly) former spouse, telling him I forgave him and tenderly loved him. With tears streaming down his cheeks he responded that he did not understand me. Replying that he also did not understand “God” but could allow God to BE God and that that was what I had needed from him was to honor and respect my right to Be *Me*, he begged me to allow him to be a part of “Harmony House” when the time was right to proceed with it. I responded with gentle firmness that “doing the Lord’s work, I can ONLY work with those I can trust and that I had learned I could NOT trust him”. However, I hoped that perhaps the time would come that he Would prove himself trustworthy after all.

After many important life lessons, in 2008 I received another important “transfer”, this one to the South American country of Ecuador. Meeting many people who had been prepared for me unawares, I found myself one day in March of 2009 sitting across the desk from the Governor of Puerto Quito. As five of my near and dear new Ecuadorian friends explained to Narcisa the principles of “La Casa de Armonia” (“Harmony House”) and urged her to consider implementing it there in their impoverished community, I saw Narcisa shift from being preoccupied with her “important” governmental work to, setting it all aside, a stunned expression. Initially incredulous that someone (me) from “the states” would come to their country to assist them in their dire straits, she asked (in Spanish): “How are you going to PAY for this? We have no money, just an overwhelming need!”

Without prior knowledge of the answer to this question, indeed, teaching myself as I trusted my mouth to be an instrument for “the Word”, I explained: “It’s not about money!” I then expounded (to all of us) a profound eternal principle. This principle I will now share with you.

“When the NEEDY are the Target, money is freed up for the Whole Free Market!” Like the “widow with her two mites”, each one of us have Something to contribute to humanity. No matter how poor or insufficient our own situation, we each have a surplus of something. Perhaps we have an extra box of tile sitting around, or a favorite book. Maybe we have some time to share or our grandma’s inheritance that we really don’t need for our self. It could be that we have a vacation coming up or are retired or are looking for a way to satisfy an inner yearning to really do our part to help the current world situation. Regardless of the “surplus”, each of us has something, even if it is our willingness to give a smile or hug to a down-trodden stranger.

With tears streaming down her face, Narcisa pledged that, after the ensuing election, she would contribute 30 hectares of land within her province for the establishment of “La Casa de Armonia”. The other four adults in the room each met her emotional vibration with joy, tears, and similar pledges of support. I watched on in amazed gratitude and awe. However, it was not to be. At least not at that time. Surprisingly, I received a summons from within to leave Ecuador that May and come back to the states. Trustingly, I left, knowing that perhaps I had only been required to “plant the seed” of vision and hope there in Puerto Quito, Ecuador. Maybe a germination period was required before the idea and people were properly matured and ready to proceed. Maybe I was merely the sower and not the reaper of their particular part of the global field. Perhaps I would not take part in that harvest after all.

It has now been six years since my return. These six years have been the continuation of an amazing life where I have continued in my “Trust Fall”. I have had many opportunities to “test” others (unawares to myself at those times, even) to see their heart’s preparation for assisting in what I believe is the work of the “Gods”.

Nearly seventeen months ago, I was introduced by friends to a friend of theirs. Unsuspectingly, I soon found myself in another chapter of intense intrigue. As we quickly realized that we had been prepared from before our mortal memories to join forces, Dave Seely and I have been led through some amazing experiences. As he was still at that time extricating himself from his false ego and the shackles of false beliefs and habits, I became a mentor to him of sorts. As his false sharp edges have been exposed and he has had opportunity to choose to release them and polish the resulting facets of his True Self, he has become the Man that I immediately recognized and that, equally, he has realized all along was waiting to be discovered within himself. It has been probably the *Greatest Love Story* of all time. And *I* have been profoundly blessed to have a starring role in it! 

Though, again, so mis-understood by many who have watched from their unique perspective on the side-lines, everywhere Dave and I have gone, our love and constant adoring physical and verbal hugs of each other has brought forth countless sighing comments from others such as: “I want what you have!” “You two have the fairy-tale kind of love that I had nearly given up was possible!” “You two are so perfect for each other!” Indeed, Dave calls me his “Twin”. Truly, our minds and hearts resonate in uncanny precision and parallelism.

Through our experiences together Those who have guided my heart have used me to “test” Dave and prepare His Heart, allowing him to lay aside his former interests and habits for those that bring him far greater joy. Above all, he has learned the peace of living transparently, unashamed of who he is and willing to also live for the good of all others on this planet. Truly, he has achieved a “mighty change of heart” and placed his life into the hands of Those who guide and know each one of us here on Earth. Likewise, he has adopted as his vision the desire to wisely use his appetites, desires, passions, and all that he has at his disposal to care for the “least among us”. In this, Dave has found his greatest Joy. Yes, we are spiritual “Twins”.

Although our financial where-with-all has been slashed over the last few weeks, we have just sold the home that we have been living in and have had enough to purchase the nearby lot that we resonated with as we proceed now to officially begin the establishment of “Harmony House”. Both of us are consecrating “our time, talents, and everything we have” to the establishment of peace. Though we begin with just a modest abode, each detail has been planned with the goal of creating a place where healing, peace, “joy” may increase the understanding and brotherhood of those who are led to join with us. In this, we will continue our lives together, with our daughter Krystal and any and all others who come to us with “broken hearts and contrite spirits” and, likewise, offer their “two mites” upon “the altar of mankind”. I will finish writing my books of all that I have learned on my journey of love. We will continue giving the “Joy of Harmony Seminars”. And, together, we will teach and enjoy the greatest music ever yet to be composed and explored in our “Music is FUN-da-Mental” classes. Through it all, we will be catalysts for happiness, camaraderie and fun! This will be OUR “two mites”.

Yes, there is rampant anger, war, bloodshed, desecration and ugliness. However, Our focus, the mark of Our Target, is upon “the least among us” in our circle of influence. Somehow, we will continue what we have begun and, eventually, we will leave this world being able to say that we have “fought the God fight” and have done all we possibly could to “establish the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”… for ALL!

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