
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

February 20, 2015

Eat, Drink and *BE* Mary ! :-) (part 1)

Okay, Dear Reader... Did you catch the (apparent) typo?

The title of today's post: "Eat, Drink and *BE* Mary !" should have been spelled "Merry" as in the adjectival use: "cheerful and lively". Or, did I really mean "Marry" as in the verb, signifying "cause to meet or fit together, unite, combine, wed, join in marriage, fuse, mix, blend, merge"?

Nope, Dear Reader... Although I will certainly explore those other meanings (and each of them DO hold great significance to that which I intend to explore), today's title was intentionally spelled "Mary".


I propose that in this grand "buffet table of life", most, if not nearly EVERY mortal has been partaking (through their eating, drinking, and actions) of that which has rendered them a zombie, lifeless, nearly soul-less. TRULY as "whited sepulchers"! With the plethora of choices available, the grand spotlight has been focused to a greater and greater extend on that which is "delicious to the taste" (or carnal senses) and "very desirable", yet offers only a "dumbed-down" existence.

For those who continue with me, I will offer a very different perspective. This viewpoint (my own) will shine the light on just WHAT man(un)kind has been feasting upon and how death of the spirit and thus of the body has always followed. Yet, death is the back-door entrance into a state of rest. There IS another way. This "other" way brings one through the Grand Front Door Entrance into a literal state of "bliss, drunkenness, and JOY" beyond comparison to any of the sensual delights which temporarily titillate or satisfy those seeking mortal pleasures.

It is precisely this other way that I have dedicated my life to discovering, living, and assisting all others to explore... as they desire.

So... for those who have read and pondered upon my former post "When Nature Wants A Man", and if (as many if not all concur) "Men ARE that they might have (This) JOY", just WHAT has man(un)kind been missing? What variables can be shifted, added, deleted to properly, completely, and eternally bring about this sought-after state?

Let's continue to explore it together... uniting ("marrying") the entire family of man back into one cheerful, full-of-LIFE, global society of... (are you ready for this?) "Mary"'s. :-) Is this vision I hold even possible? Oh, yes! Though few in recorded history, there have been significant hints given. And, there have been those of us who appear as mere mortals who have found and embraced this state!

Just this weekend, my 18-year-old son, after a few shared texts, asked me: "Mom, are you Drunk?" My answer to him was: "YES! :-) On LOVE!" And I am certainly not the first to have found this divine elixir.

In the symbolic language of love (again, hidden within plain sight throughout myriads of poetic and mystical/scriptural texts), "wine" represents the divine love that intoxicates the soul; "getting drunk" means losing oneself in that love; the "cup" refers to one's body and mind, etc. Indeed, for any who have caught a few drops of this grand potion, life and mortality pale so in comparison that they can and will NEVER be content again until they receive the never-ending "fountain of living water" (or "living elixir") that is promised to be opened up within THEMSELF!

Truly, one drop is enough to ruin the rest of one's mortal life and weary one into a continual search for the divine wine-bearer. Rumi stated it well: "The wine I drink is the fire of love And God Himself pours it into my mouth!" and "We drink the wine of our own blood, Aged in the barrels of our souls, We would give our lives for a sip of that nectar, Our heads in exchange for one drop."

So... for all those courageous souls who desire to journey with me across this illusory existence and into one of REAL JOY and lasting drunkenness, exchanging former patterns of eating, drinking and being, for *LIFE*... hang on to your seats and prepare with open heart and mind to enter into a state of transcendent beauty and delight. We have much to explore, including who "Mary" is...! :-)

Till next time...

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