First, I will freely acknowledge that I am not a member nor affiliated with any religious group. Yet, I DID spend the first forty years of my life as a deeply committed member of a religion that Joseph Smith was involved in founding. In fact, I gave my heart, mind, time, money, deep devotion to it. However, in April of 2001, I chose to step outside of that faith. If interested, one may read my exit story at: Kimberly Davis Wallis' answer to If you left the Mormon church, why did you leave?
It is said that “though you may leave the LDS Church, it can not leave you.” I did not throw away any of the precious experiences I had had during those former four decades. Yet, SINCE my leaving “The Church,” I have experienced much, much more that is even more precious to me and has expanded my understanding beyond what a LDS could ever anticipate…. about some of the principle members and tenants. Some of these experiences were regarding The LDS Temple Endowment, its symbolism, significance, and profound opportunities that were intended to be kept “sacred” but were NEVER intended to be kept “secret.” I have also come to know Joseph’s intentions, methods, actions far greater than any “skeptic” OR devout member ever could. Some of the books that assisted me greatly in my journey of the last thirteen years can be found at: The OFFICIAL and AUTHORIZED website of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder®
In 2001, when my biological father was somehow told that I had left the LDS Church, he called me on the phone and in great anger and derision interrogated me as to why. I would not enter his debate, quoting his own “Article of Faith #11: We claim the privilege of worshipping the Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” He snarled with derision. (After all, the Church and his “eternal family unit” means EVERYTHING to him and by leaving “The Church,” I was threatening his eternal relationship to his God). I understood his perspective, yet saw things so differently. I had no intention, never did, of “offending” him or anyone. However, I had matured enough to be True to Myself by that time. When he retorted: “Have you started your own religion? Are you now a prophet?” I gently yet firmly denied both. I then ended the call by requesting that, should he desire a relationship with me, he would have to come to peace with me and my life choices and treat me with respect.
That was not to be, however. I, in fact, have had numerous experiences where others have curiously asked for my input in various (bizarre) gossip that my dad and others were perpetrating against me. Depending on the intention of the conveyor, I either attempted to clarify the story or just brushed it off. One of the many opportunities that my biological “family” offered me was how to not judge another’s judgment of me. (Thank you! :-) )
Two years after leaving the LDS Church, I divorced my husband of twenty years. He immediately sought out the emotional, financial, familial assistance of my “powerful” LDS family. It was then that the rumors about me REALLY became vile! Even my precious eight living children were sucked into some of them… as they returned with their dad to the LDS Church.
Surprising me, my dad and step-mom called me up one day and invited me out to eat. It was there, at a restaurant, that they attempted to rationally explain to me how they had introduced my ex to his current wife (and provided their Alaskan Cruise honeymoon, etc. etc. etc.). They also divulged: since I was a hardened “apostate” and my former husband was living the “righteous” life as they sanctioned he should and had taken our children back into the LDS faith, they were disowning me and “adopting” him instead as their oldest child. I responded that I respected their right to create whatever “family” they wanted, live whatever life they chose, but that there was much, much, much that they did not understand, including me and my life, my former marriage, the LDS Church, etc. I wished them well and again reminded them that the “family” I chose to be a part of was a global family of peace and mutual respect.
In the ensuing years, my former husband has received the notoriety, been invited and included in “family” photos, parties, reunions, vacations, gifts that my biological siblings enjoy. I have not. Bizarre, I know, but nevertheless, understandable IF one knows the “hooks” of the current LDS Church. I, on the other hand, have been (as warned), the “black sheep,” their embarrassment. With the deep love that I have for each of my biological “relatives” as well as all those on the planet, I sincerely wish that each of their journeys had been sweeter, yet I realize that each are free to choose their path in life. They have their rights to explore whatever paths seem right and proper to them.
Yet, a truism is: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
IF the peoples’ hearts (which is represented by their actions and words) represent the “fruit” of an ideology, then there are both sweet and delicious, AND bitter and poisonous fruit on the LDS branch of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
In a very thought-filled video, the concept of “following the spirit” is critically examined, showing how, depending upon the spiritual maturity and individual inclination, various individuals can each receive differing answers to their sincere questions of “which church is true.” Perhaps this video will be helpful to you.
Now, leading back to the question and my answer. Yes! I truly, deeply believe that Joseph Smith Jr. WAS God’s prophet. I KNOW HIM. I know his heart. I know his tears and attempts. I was there then. I am here now.
How could I truly believe this about Joseph and yet want NOTHING to do with the current LDS church?
If one truly wants to understand Joseph’s intentions and actions, the most correct and amazing book on this subject is also found at the above mentioned site: The OFFICIAL and AUTHORIZED website of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder® (“Without Disclosing My True Identity: The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.”)
Blasphemous, perhaps, but I have come to realize that my dad WAS correct in one particular regarding me. I have joined the ranks of Joseph Smith, Jr. and other “True Messengers.” I have even come to understand how EVERYONE of us as “children of God” are intended, indeed, Must, likewise learn how to convey correct and timely messages for our mutual “Father.” In this way, and in answer to Moses’s desires, we EACH become clear receptacles and mouthpieces for Divinity. (Numbers 11:29 But Moses replied, "Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!")
So, yes. Because I understand Joseph’s heart and intents, his life, I DO “believe that (he) was God’s prophet.” Likewise, I have discovered the way that I and all sincere others can become messengers of Truth likewise. Blasphemous, perhaps. Empowering, definitely!
May we each find the LIGHT (pure and clear) within ourselves. May we each learn to lean on No Man but “the Kingdom of Heaven” within ourselves. This was the message that Moses wished to have his people receive. This was the message that Jesus wished to have his people receive. This was the message that Joseph wished to have his people receive. This is the message that I and all “True Messengers” (a.k.a. “prophets”) wish to have our people receive.
May we bring forth a cleansed, redeemed, paradisiacal earth wherein dwell holy and beautiful people of ONE GLOBAL FAMILY with “no poor among them,” as was accomplished by Enoch and others. This is my hope. This is my vision. This is my purpose for living. Namaste’.
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