
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

January 11, 2011

Women, Who Are We, Really? (January 10, 2011--1/10/11)

True empowerment comes for a woman when she realizes she does not need a
man or anyone else to validate her worth, assure her of her beauty or her
desirability or provide for her in any way.

True empowerment for a woman is when she realizes that she is, indeed,
whole, holy, divine; when she can embrace her imperfections and flaws and
see them as part of a perfect package.

Nothing in this world can stop an empowered woman living her passion.

Sometimes, others can give women experiences in:

Each of these experiences can take the foundation of peace right out from
under an individual, causing one to lose her balance and feel momentary
misery. The duration of the "moment" is in her control, however.

What women choose to do with these experiences can either create a "victim"
out of themselves OR bring forth their empowered, true nature.

In the end, victimhood is merely a temporary stepping stone to a woman's
discovery of WHO SHE REALLY IS.

Without those difficult experiences, what would we learn?

Every great story is written from an involved cast of creative characters and a
plot with many twists and turns that leaves the reader hanging on and turning
each page in eager anticipation.

Each of our lives can be fully embraced and each character acknowledged with
appreciation for their part in our story.

In the end...it's all about life and happily ever afters...... .

It's the getting there that can be exciting and met with acceptance and
gratitude, even in the void of the unknowns.

As we flow through our lives in grace and peace, the "Groundhog
Day" experiences need not be oft repeated as we learn our lessons most

Gratitude and joy speeds the process.

Smiles lighten both our own load and those beneficiaries of our gift of light.

May we each remember our divinity as we stretch our mental sinews to
maintain our peaceful balance and learn our lessons in self-discovery.
The revelation of WHO WE REALLY ARE is worth any and all the experiences it
took to get to that place.

As we remind each other--through our radiation of JOY--we, in essence, lift
each other's burdens.

After all is said and done, we can see that our initially painful interactions with
each other (most often spurred by the "male" qualities elicited by fear and
control) allowed for opportunities to experience and learn.

The whole set and scenery changes the moment we make the concerted choice
to live continually in our state of joy, remembering that, indeed, IT'S ALL
GOOD! (a.k.a. "it's all God!")

May we remember and LIVE,

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