
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

January 01, 2011

The "Dtoo-Dtee" (January 1, 2011/ 1-1-11)

This afternoon, I drove my newly 18-year-old son, Tanner, back to his dad's house. Tanner and his brothers and sisters had spent time with Krystal and I over this past week while celebrating our relationships along with Christmas/ New Year's/ and his birthday. What an intense, wonderful time! :-)

As I drove, I saw something that spurred a shared memory. When Tanner was a small toddler he had problems communicating because of a pronounced lisp. One day as I drove, he excitedly pointed to something outside the car and enthusiastically tried to share something. It sounded like he said: "Dtoo Dtee!!!!!" In trying to understand and share in his enthusiasm, I questioned, "What's a 'dtoo-dtee'?" Frustrated, he repeated, "No! 'dtoo-dtee'!" "Duty?" asked one of his older siblings. "NO! dtoo-dtee!" Tyler, Alyssa and Bryanne and I all attempted earnestly to make sense of what Tanner was attempting to convey--with no success. UNTIL...Tanner gestured with his hands at his feet while he said (and this, we DID understand), "You know...you take off your dtoos (shoes), dtie them, and dtrow (throw)them in the dtee(tree)!" Ahhh...NOW we understood! We had (now a few miles back) driven past the huge oak tree growing near the road that (as it must have been winter-time and leaf-less and easy to see its contents) was decorated with myriad pairs of shoes that had been tied in pairs and thrown up (in decoration?) into its branches. My children and I had (previous to this) called this tree the "shoe tree".

As Tanner and I reminisced on this tender memory of mis-communication turning (through shared desire and persistence) into communication, we then shared about communication itself. I poignantly offered my experiences of aching to be able to communicate with my dear friends in Ecuador, and how often it had brought tears to my eyes as our disparate languages did not allow for complete understanding. We talked about the acquisition of verbal language for children and its displacement of real communication via body language and the shared voice and understanding of "soul contact". I explored with him the concept of "reverse speech" and its acquisition in young children and my personal intrigue with this as Krystal had begun (at about 15 months old) to "speak" this...later substituting it with (its reverse) the english language.

I shared with him my belief that verbal language allowed for the proliferation of non-integrous communication, lying and deceit which, interestingly (at least for me) the invention of "reverse-speech" instruments are able to detect (though most of us do not have available, nor are many even aware of this).

I later pondered that the only real understanding *I* have is through *My* experience as "Kimberly". Through my personal endeavoring to REALLY LEARN through my life's experiences the lessons that I bring to *me*, I have attempted to become completely congruent with who *I AM* and live *TRUE* to *Me*.

This first day of the first month of this new year I am desiring to share daily entries of my experiences and my ponderings leading to (I hope) the wisdom that they might afford. I know not if anything I will live and attempt to share through this blog will ever be read by another...much less touch or help another life. But if, indeed, it does, or they do...my own life will be that much more blessed.

Recently watching the movie "Julie and Julia" which chronicled a year in the life of "Julie" as she worked through a cookbook of Julia Child and blogged about her experiences, I was struck with how her experiences did, indeed, end up affecting many others...and bringing to her her joy of sharing (through the written word) her passion (cooking food).

Although anyone who enters my home will attest that I seem to enjoy sharing food and feeding others...my TRUE JOY is blessing others with *spiritual food* and pointing their awareness more directly toward the *One* who can TRULY feed each one of us. For most of us, this *One* lies unheard and seemingly dormant deep within.

As I have become more and more focused on hearing and following this *One* within *Me*, I have heard unspeakable things that have given me tremendous peace and personal direction. What I have experienced goes way beyond the *path* that I had (as a young girl and teenager) thought I wanted to walk. But, OH, the JOY in walking an untrod path and finding my *Own* way.

I awoke this morning to scant lyrics from the tune "No Man Is An Island" going through my mind. As I looked up the full lyrics and pondered on them, I *saw*, again, how, indeed, we are all connected and this world-wide web can allow us each, individually, to share our separate-yet-intertwined experiences with each other, leading to the inevitable joining of hearts and minds into a global family, enriched through our own lives' experiences and the sharing and connecting of those with each other.

To life, love and shared "dtoo-dtee's"!

Hugs and smiles,
Kimberly :-)

"No Man Is An Island"
No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man's joy is joy to me,
Each man's grief is my own.

We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.

I saw the people gather,
I heard the music start,
The song that they were singing,
Is ringing in my heart.

No man is an island,
Way out in the blue,
We all look to the one above,
For our strength to renew.

When I help my brother,
Then I know that I,
Plant the seed of friendship,
That will never die.

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