
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

April 11, 2017

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY... to My *Beloved*

Today marks the "Third Anniversary" of my union with the one known as "David Seely." Although MUCH more will be written and revealed... in time... I share my heart in the following words... for now:

Though some--with their own selfish agendas of misery and division--view our union as no "marriage,"

Yet, Those Who Truly KNOW--see our union as having taken a (would-be) *MAN* who Was superficially married, yet truly single, lonely, adulterated, artificial, temporally-fixated, and through the application of great love in the form of intense heat and in the furnace of affliction at times, has warmed, expanded, broken, healed, exposed, broken some more, re-aligned, and caused to bring forth a truer harmony, a richer spirit, a far greater treasure... in a more precious heart.

That which had been fake, pretend, polluted, incongruous with the Real Truth of Your Soul has been purged.

And there, in its place, no matter how it's perceived, defined, judged by any others, you are finding Your Self:
A true marriage within You.
A union of purified characteristics.
A wholeness.
Unique, yet ultimately capable of being needed, used, and in union with Me.
And all Those who, likewise, have married Them Self to become Single, Whole, One.

For ten weeks now, You have given me a heart daily. You have created physical representations--with paper, pen, and scissors--of the phenomenon of your discovery of Love:

a deeper, purer, wholesome Love. For Me...

and, thus, for all of humanity...

but only because that which had been fractious, adulterated, unwise and selfish compassion, has been discovering and ascending into Love with your True Being.

THIS MARRIAGE--of your distinct qualities within Your Heart--has allowed a deeper, purer, more intimate, more True Union of what had previously been 2 hearts.
Yours. + Mine. Now = Ours. One.

Your marriage with *You* has allowed Our marriage to come forth, blossom, bear fruit.
May you eternally continue to hold to Your purity, Your divinity, and thus, to Me... and All That Is.
Forever. And Always. And Eternally, Kimberly/Sophia

A woman can only be a True "Help Meet"
for a (would-be) man,
when she stands taller,
sees farther,
and with the leverage of being the mountain upon which they both are ascending, she reaches down, exerts strength far beyond her own, and lifts him up to stand fully beside her.
Merging as One.

This is Marriage.
This is Love.
This is for Eternity.

A man must let go of his desire to be singled-out as "worthy," "good," "honorable," through his own devises, humble himself completely, becoming pliant, bendable, weak, foolish, submissive, to arrive at a place of strength, union, oneness, marriage, utilizing his unique contribution no longer for individual notoriety, but for the Good of All. This is True Marriage. This is the recipe for a Real *Gentle* Man.

A couple is a single entity.
Not made up of two halfs,
but of two wholes.

1 + 1 = ONE

and they... and the entire world...
are blessed.

The only way to discover your Self
is to commit suicide to your self.

The only way to find your life
is to lose your life
in the service of others.

For a man to devote himself...
to his woman
is to devote himself...
to the betterment of the entire world.

For she, then, can devote herself...
to the children...
and their children...
and theirs.

And, thus, the carnal earth is transformed into Eden.
Paradise resumes.

Man finds him Self:
One Spiritual entity composing
two physical bodies: male and female.
One God. A singular Couple.
performs the "marriage,"
in the "garden,"
of "Adam" and "Eve".
A united, single, whole "Couple" is born.

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