
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

June 19, 2017

What should I gift to my father on father's day?

That depends !  J  Who do you consider your father?

This may seem a bizarre question, but let me strive to explain, hopefully in a way to bring understanding:

A bird creates a nest, releases fertilized eggs from within her body, then sits upon them to keep the eggs at a stable warm temperature to allow for their further development.  After the maturation is complete within that cramped sphere, a young bird cracks open her shell, emerges from her “womb” which would have become her “tomb” if she had stayed longer, and gradually becomes comfortable with the next stage of her life in her new world… the nest.  Here, the mother, not the egg via the mother, but the mother directly (and/ or father) feed the hatchling from their own mouth.  The tiny bird sees her parent fly off, returning some time later with yummy food which is transferred from mother’s beak to child’s mouth, thus appeasing the gnawing pain felt in its stomach. 

Mother birds have sufficient wisdom to understand that this tiny new creature is still dependent upon her for its continued life.  She also understands that neither her life nor her child’s is complete if she overdoes her role and continues to care for her growing young after it has developed to a point of being capable of caring for itself.  Thus, the time eventually comes when the young bird MUST venture forth from its second womb, the nest, and seek its own food.  Sometimes, the bird’s attempt is not successful and, instead of discovering its wings and flight, it plummets down to the ground and meets an untimely demise.  Other times, its second birth… into the heights and breadths of a three dimensional world… is successful.  Then, this maturing bird is entitled to enjoy another reality:  It can FLY!  Eventually, this next stage might allow her to find a mate for herself and go through her own scenario of bearing eggs and raising progeny.  Always, the goal is to maintain a balance so that all generations’ life cycles are correctly and successfully realized and all of nature remains in relative harmony. 

Although birds hatch and quickly appear very much like their parent, some animals go through various stages of transformation until their final body type.  A caterpillar must maneuver through egg, worm, cocoon, and finally, butterfly.  Each stage requires a different skill set, a different appetite and food source, and a different body.  A tadpole first emerges as an egg, and then begins to grow a tail, and then feet, finally losing his tail as his gills develop into lungs.  This newly developed creature, a frog, in no way resembling its original “self,” must now leave his world of water and be “born again” into an atmosphere of oxygen.  To fail to correctly and completely take a breath of air means sure and sudden death, even after successful completion of each former stage.

Is man any different?

No, not in the ways that he has arrogantly and ignorantly assumed!  Yet, because there is no correct “vision, the people perish.”  We have, as a culture, bought into a severely lowered understanding of our potential, individually and globally.  In our collective ignorance, we have accepted half-truths and false understandings. We have been accepting, “honoring,” and paying tribute to the wrong “fathers!”  J

Stay with me here….  J

Are You My Mother is a simple, well-loved children’s classic that I have read scores of times to children who see the gentle humor, feeling the growing tension of the search, as a little bird seeks to find his “mother.”  The book opens with a mother bird sitting on her egg. When the egg begins to move, she leaves the nest to find some food for her anticipated baby. In her absence, the egg hatches, and the hatchling sets out in search of his mother. He asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother and each, more or less, say "no." He sees a rusty car, a far-away boat, and an airplane, questioning each of them, “are YOU my mother?” only to determine that, no, they each fail his test. Finally, he finds a construction digger, which he calls a “Snort.”  The digger lifts him high in the air, frightening him terribly, then drops him back into his nest where he meets his mother as she is returning home from her own quest.  Snuggling together at last, the bird (and each child) feels deeply reassured that his world is safe and secure once again.   He has found his rightful mother. 


So, what does this have to do with the question of a gift for Father’s Day?  Please… allow me to expand your awareness on this MOST important of ALL topics.  J  (Although my thesis is NOT “religious,” I will expose hidden jewels from several avenues.  There is SOOOO much to glean on this subject.  What I share here, because of my desire to be as concise as possible, will merely scratch the surface and warrants many more disclosures.  I suggest that each reader with determination to understand, open her heart and mind and sincerely ask for further insight.)

Okay.  Here goes:  J

Many religions have specific rites of passage.  One shared by most is some form of “baptism,” in which the initiate is symbolically washed clean with water.  Within the LDS religion, the baptism is not considered complete unless it is followed by the “confirmation” ordinance.  Clueless to its hidden symbology, most “religious” people, including the LDS, fail to understand the deep significance of their confirmation.  The mandate is:  Receive the Holy Ghost.”

When a tender infant leaves his mother’s womb and is, thus, born of the water(s), because his spiritual eyes are still immature, he quickly closes them and adopts (as prophesied) “eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear.”  Thus, in his spiritual “blindness,” he fails to realize that his initial birth into the world of matter is merely a temporary “second womb,” the womb of spirit or emotion.  Only when a person spiritually (emotionally) matures (which usually takes many, many life times!) and completes his spiritual (emotional) journey concomitantly with his physical development, is his original goal realized.  (Picture the analogy in fairy tale of “Beauty” finding the “Beast” and the two falling in love… of necessity BEFORE “the last rose petal falls”… or rather, death ensues.) 

The baptism (for those who believe in and use its veracity) is merely a “second chance” on one’s first birth.  Coming out of the water, dripping wet and symbolically naked (in pure white clothes), the initiate has been “washed clean” and is allowed another opportunity to start afresh to live “right-use-ly.”  An absolute and zealous change of mind (“repentance”) with an accompanying determination to live in accord with the highest within one’s self is a personal, non-religious “baptism.”  However, again, this physical birth and subsequent baptism only signify the “FIRST birth.”  “Must” allows no wiggle room.  There is a mandate:  “Man MUST be born AGAIN or he can in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Another birth is requisite.

As Jesus taught Nicodemus:  a man (EVERY human) MUST be “born again”… of “the spirit,” the whole spirit or Holy Spirit. 

The grave is not the goal!  As is promised throughout fairytales, scripture, myth, the LDS Endowment, and, most of all, within humanity’s inner “knowing,” death is NOT the front door into heaven.  It is the back, revolving door. To “run and not be weary, to walk and not faint” and to have “the destroying angel pass one by,” to receive “immortality and eternal life”… IS the goal.    Dying is merely a failed attempt at reaching one’s final destination. 

Purposely synchronized, one’s “Father” awaits each “hide and seek” quest, eager and ready to provide all that was formerly promised:  “Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and in the sinews….”  There has never been a greater gift promised.  Never a more sincere mandate:  “RECEIVE the Holy Ghost!”… the proffered gift.

There is only ONE “True” Father for each one of us.  “He” is the one that will feed his mortal avatar correctly and guide him or her to a complete and final merger with all its promised reward.  Thus, the body and spirit (whole, holy emotional well-being [JOY]) becoming one inseparably connected and immortal “Soul.”

Although this truth is naively promoted by many in the statement:  “I am a child of God,” out of the other side of their mouth and a second after singing this song, they may be discussing the inevitability of their death.  WHAT?!  If a tadpole were to promote that he was a child of a frog, and yet fail to continue his full development into froghood, dying in complacency, that would be a lamentable thing!

Having precious and respectful love for each human on this planet, still, my role is to “pull the rug out from under” mortality’s feet and remind those prepared of their original, implanted goal.  Yes, I will continue to rock your foundation!  J  A mortal, biological “father,” one who contributes his DNA upon conception, is intended to be a source of protection, assistance and nurturing for his progeny.  BUT ONLY UNTIL THAT CHILD MATURES PHYSICALLY.  It is intended that that child is raised correctly into respect for himself and all others and mentored how to maintain his emotional stability, also by the time of physical maturity.  This is spiritual maturity.  At that point, the child-parent relationship is then re-defined as one of equals.  The two are now equal, respectful, global siblings… just like everyone else. 

To endeavor to enforce a permanent relationship of “father/ mother à son/ daughter” is a horrendous disservice.  That is the mamma bird disallowing her child from finding her own wings and creating her own life… as an equal.  We are ONE global family; all “brothers” and “sisters.”  The LDS Church’s “eternal family” focus has created confusion, heartache, and contributed significantly to the rising generations’ suicide epidemic.  Again, we are ALL ONE GLOBAL FAMILY of siblings.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks, and yet ye would not.…”

When the still, small, inner voice (of one’s “Father”) is not heard or collides with the pleading or demanding outer voice of the biological parent who insists that NO, *HE* is the one who should be “honored” that the child’s “days may be long upon the land,” the cognitive dissonance that ensues has left in its wake confusion, depression, anger, and… often led to what appears to be the only way out… ending the great tug-of-war.  But, this emotional and mental “Armageddon” could lead to “rest,” “revival,” and “the front door” into “heaven,” if only one knew that that front door exists and is possible. Yet, there HAVE been some who have found this very door, leaving clues to its existence and pathway.

The Greatest Gift one can give one’s mortal father, mother, sister, brother, neighbor, self… is to accept the gift from one’s TRUE Eternal “Father” of “receiving the Holy Ghost.”  Yet, “He” will “force no man to heaven.”   His gift must be truly wanted.  Tried and discarded must be one’s selfish individual “free” will.  In its place, with confidence and humility must be the declaration:  “THY will be done.”  I want what THOU wants for me, not what my without-wisdom avatar THINKS it wants.  And what is the True Eternal “Father’s” Will?  To grant each and every one of us, His children, with “immortality and eternal life,” living in a restored “paradisiacal” earth where there is NO POOR among us and we each and all live with mutual respect and honor for each other.  THIS is eternal family life.

When our decisions are ALL made from the sincere lens of “what is best for everyone?” versus “what do I (which includes my own biological family) want?” then we are likely gifting “an acceptable gift” for our True Father.  We are then helping Him in His work and His glory (“to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”).  Anything less is a fleeting and corrupt gift while refusing “His” proffered gift, and contributes to the disintegration of global harmony, working against the Father and His work for all of his global family:  to provide ALL of His children with their basic necessities and to protect their self will as they pursue happiness in their journey of finding Him… and eternal life. 

Here is the link for us to globally and as one united family put the Father’s Plan into action:  http://www.humanityparty.com/

Exactly one year ago this “Father’s Day”:  June 18, 2016, I experienced what few currently on this planet have experienced.  I merged, once again, with my own Eternal Father.  I received “His” gift.  My receipt of “His” gift to me was the greatest Father’s Day gift I could ever give “Him.”  I wrote about my experience in the following link: 

Because of the unspeakable JOY I felt, and continue to feel continually, every day of my life, MY next pursuit is fulfilling my responsibility to assist any other so desirous of receiving and giving that same unfathomable gift.  Oh, how I longingly look forward to a grand, global “Father’s Day!”  J

So… “How is this done, you ask?”  Oh, I am so glad that you are curious!  I would love to demonstrate.  Stay tuned…..

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