As I left Michelle, I began weeping. The two young men with me tried to console me by saying that "this was normal. There are many children just like this throughout the country. It's normal. These children have experienced much, like a 60 year old man."
How my heart yearned to hold her (and each of these other children) in my arms and to help fill their empty stomachs and hearts. Oh! For each child in our global family to feel loved, appreciated, to have their physical and emotional needs met so that they were free to pursue their own, unique HAPPINESS!
I have been told that many parents have children precisely so that they can set them out on the streets to work for money for the family. Possibly, it was Michelle's older sister (about 14, perhaps) who had a tiny baby strapped to her back, walking up and down through the cars on the street, selling her wares. Other parents "rent" their children out to work for others. Some of these parents never see their children again. Sometimes these children are found having been physically and emotionally violated. The now-deceased father of the family I'm renting from took a young girl in and raised her for a time when she was young, alleviating her family from providing for one more mouth to feed and body to clothe.
Oh, how often my eyes are flooding with tears. I have a work to do, a passion in my heart to listen to and follow. Somehow, My life will not be "in vain." Little Michelle, finding a way to help implement the Worldwide United Foundation's plan will guide my life and thoughts. I pledge to you and the millions of others--in Ecuador, and worldwide--that your life will be blessed because of mine. This hope and picture in my mind bring me great joy and light a flame that will not be extinguished.
Michelle--lyrics (Lennon/McCartney)
Michelle, my belle*. These are words that go together well, my Michelle.
Michelle, my belle. Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble.**
I love you, I love you, I love you. That's all I want to say.
Until I find a way I will say the only words I know that you'll understand.
Michelle, my belle. Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble. I need to, I need to, I need to. I need to make you see, oh, what you mean to me. Until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean. I love you. I want you, I want you, I want you. I think you know by now I'll get to you somehow. Until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand.
Michelle, my belle. Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble. I will say the only words I know that you'll understand, my Michelle.
(**Are the words which go together well, go together well.)
Last weekend, the people I'm renting from took Krystal and I to San Pablo--a tiny village about two hours north of Quito. This was our first excursion out of Quito in the 5 weeks we've been here. In this tiny village, which lay among verdant fields, mountains and lakes, was squallor and poverty. The dirt and stone streets that were in decay among the houses and stores were likewise, filled
with those begging and selling. And yet...
the weekend we were there was their annual birthday celebration. What comaraderie and sense of "family" they exuded. We were able to join in with their music, dancing, and fireworks. Fun!
Here is a hand-crafted and assembled "work of fire" that turned, twisted, and progressively lit itself as those assembled looked on. And the band played on....
Here is Krystal with her new friend, Stephanie, and her father Ricardo (the one who picked me up from the airport and has helped me much in getting established and learning the language). Also in the picture are Fernando Sr. and his wife Elena. Fernando is my friend, Fernando's, father. He and Elena have invited Krystal and I to their house tomorrow for a long weekend. They live in "El Oriente"--in the Amazon Rain Forest. According to them, the real poverty is there.
Here is Krystal and Hugo, washing the vegetables for a dinner in the huge sink outdoors.
Techi allowed Krystal to help bake a cake. Krystal was thrilled with each step of the process. Here she is licking the batters to the frosting she just helped make.
Patti and Techi preparing dinner in the kitchen.
With Diego (another Diego--Ricardo's brother-in-law) we go to the Otovallo Market. Here is a man cutting open coconuts to sell for their milk.
Until next time......
Smiles as we each follow the barometer of our heart!
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