
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 03, 2017

What is the “Mormon glow”?

(The following is my response to J Joe Townley's question which I posted on Quora:)

Thank you, J Joe Townley, for asking this question.  But, before I proceed to answer it, and with a desire to know more about the perspective of the “asker”... you, I went to your profile.  I saw there that you are a musician, a composer, a lover of classical music.  So am I.  Perhaps with lesser skill than you, but nevertheless, I feel a respect for your interest in music.  What I did not find was if you, yourself, are a “Mormon” or believe You have “the glow.”  I hope that my answer is written in a way that you will find understanding, regardless of your situation. 

Having been a deeply committed “Mormon” for most of my life, I have chosen to disassociate myself from that organization for the past 16 years yet maintain a deep love for the people as well as profound gratitude for my experiences within their midst.  Perhaps my perspective can be particularly beneficial.  Here goes:

The “Mormon Glow” is a literal physical phenomenon.  Although many in our culture do not have access to the sensorial ability to “see” a physical light within and surrounding a human body... in this case, a “Mormon”... some throughout the ages have, and some still do have, “eyes that see.”  Most individuals might argue this point, saying:  “I have two eyes on my face, they work fairly well.  Of course I can see!”    Yet, I would declare that Helen Keller, though blind with her two facial eyes, “saw” much clearer than most in our present generation.  Obviously, there are other ways to “see.”  Although a natural birth-right, this sensorial ability has been largely bred out of “civilized” culture.  But not entirely.  You, J Joe, are obviously aware to some degree.  You obviously have eyes that are not entirely blind.  Yes.  There IS a “Mormon Glow.”.

As a musician, you must be very aware that music is a vibration within the energy field.  Vibration within this degree is capable of being perceived by most human ears.  Truly, it can be said that “music is what feelings sound like.”  Music is also what light sounds like when transposed to the auditory octave.  Additionally, light is what music sounds like when transposed to the visible range.  Many species of animals can hear and respond to a far greater degree of auditory tones than most humans.  Others are acquiring (or re-acquiring) other sensory abilities.  Just because one person can perceive (hear, see, feel) something and another cannot, does not necessarily mean that the catalyst for the perception (vibration/ light) does not exist.

Allow me to present an analogy:

A man passes an open door where he views another man sitting on a sofa, eyes closed, and with an expression of great pleasure on his face as he sways back and forth.  The man decides that he would like to experience the same pleasure as the man on the sofa, so he enters the rooms, silently settles down next to the seated man, closes his eyes, and assumes the same facial features, the same swaying movements.  A third man passes by the open door, peers inside and sees, apparently, two men having the same experience.  However, unknown to this third man, the second man is deaf; therefore, unable to hear, he is not aware that the first man is listening to music which enlivens his soul.  Although he sees the facial expressions and movement, he is not able to hear that which is propelling the hearing man’s experience.  Thus, they may be moving in a synchronized manner, yet this second man is just “going through the motions.”  The third man may as yet have no clue that the other two are not sharing the same type of experience.

Another analogy:

A man responds to an ad for a job interpreting Morse code.  He goes to the office and is told to “wait in the other room.”  Entering, he sees several others there before him, obviously waiting for the same interview.  After a few minutes, this man stands up, walks to a closed door, opens it and walks in, closing the door behind him.  Shortly, he exits that same room, a look of accomplishment on his face.  He has obviously just been hired for the job.  Why him?

While the other waiting interview-wannabees have their thoughts obviously elsewhere, this man was not distracted by his thoughts or senses but was peacefully composed and capable of hearing what the others could not.  Quietly, a code had been being tapped which the man had heard, correctly interpreted, and acted upon:  “If you can translate this, then enter into the room on the east.  You have the job.”  The man who received the job was the one “attuned” to hearing that which the other “chattering minds” had blocked out.  His stillness (mental peace) inside allowed for greater acuity of a sense that they probably all shared, but most were stressfully “passed feeling” (hearing).

Years ago, while walking through the crowded foyer following a televised General Relief Society Meeting (held once a year for Mormon women eighteen and older), a non-member friend of a friend commented to me in total sincerity:  “What soap do you Mormons use?”  She was seeing it.  The “Mormon glow” was picked up by her senses.

Many people, especially LDS (“Mormons”) themselves, can travel the world and be pretty accurate in spotting another Mormon.  A prime example is an R. M. (“returned missionary”).  A young twenty-something man who has recently returned from giving his heart, mind and time for two years to serving (he sincerely believes) his “fellow man” while on an LDS mission often has that glow.  He shines.  Truly, it appears that there is a light or something else nearly tangible emanating from him.  He looks clean, peaceful, sincere, happy.  He radiates a light.

Many pictures depicting the one known as “Jesus the Christ” include a halo around his head.  “Mother Mary” usually is portrayed as having that same light.  Angels do too.  So do many other “prophets” and “masters” from other religions and cultures as well.  In fact, the term “Halo Effect” is often used to describe the “glow” that practically shines forth around and within certain beings.  When this effect is witnessed the character is usually expected to be a genuinely trust-worthy person.

Why?  Why some and not others?  Do “Mormons” have a corner on the market of light?  Do all Mormon’s have this glow?  Does no one else?

Let’s dig a little deeper to explain just what this concept is.

Hidden even from most Mormons, in the very book that they believe is “theirs”:   their religion, their “goodness;” lies precious clues.  And these very clues are missed by the Mormons themselves.

One such clue:

According to the Book of Mormon, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were a group of people who, after a significant change of heart, covenanted that they would never again participate in war.  They chose to bury their weapons, cease their judgments and war-like behavior, even laying down their lives while rejoicing if required (and it later became required) in a changed attempt to peacefully co-exist and represent human kindness to all, even and especially towards those whom they have previously viewed (for many prior generations) as having deeply wronged them and their forefathers. 

What Mormons fail to realize is the great hint Joseph attempted to give them in naming these people with their changed hearts and lives.  Although formerly they had referred to the various factions as “Nephites,” “Lehites” and “Lamanites,” etc., they now had laid down not only their contrived weapons, but also their mental and verbal attempts at division and labeling.  They now shared a new collective NON-Name.  They were “ANTI” group designations, seeing everyone on the planet as their mutual brothers and sisters and all people as belonging to the one human race and included in one global family.  They were NOT “Nephites,” NOT “Lamanites,” NOT Anything-ites.  They now saw themselves as individuals, each a part of the whole global family of man.  Anonymous, if you will.

Along with this one clue regarding a changed heart bringing a lack of judgment and division, Mormons have missed other tremendous clues.  Scriptural phrases abound in the Book of Mormon regarding a new sensory ability being developed.  Like trying to describe sight to one born blind, various phrases have been employed to attempt to whet the initiates’ appetites and give a vision and hope to proceed through to the promised reward:  CHARITY (wisdom with “eyes that see,” “ears that hear”). These various phrases are: “and thus we see,” “thus we see,” “thus we may see,” “we can behold,” “we can see,” and, finally, the descriptive and meaningful “and thus we can plainly discern.”

Mormon, the principle abridger of the Book of Mormon, and the one from which the Mormon nickname derives, employs this phrase in abridging the account of the remarkable conversion of the Lamanites who changed their name to the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. As I shared before, they presented themselves to be slaughtered by their former fellow Lamanites rather than risk offending “God” by using their swords against them. After recording these extraordinary events, Mormon observes:

“And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that . . . they buried their weapons of war, for peace.”  Mormon goes on to explain that the Anti-Nephi-Lehies “would lie down and perish, and praised God even in the very act of perishing under the sword.” In sharing this significant account of applied faith, Mormon explains:

Now when the Lamanites saw this they did forbear from slaying them; and there were many whose hearts had swollen in them for those of their brethren who had fallen under the sword, for they repented of the things which they had done.

“And it came to pass that they threw down their weapons of war, and they would not take them again, for they were stung for the murders which they had committed; and they came down even as their brethren, relying upon the mercies of those whose arms were lifted to slay them.

Mormon records that “the people of God were joined that day by more than the number who had been slain” and that “those who had been slain were righteous people, therefore we have no reason to doubt but what they were saved.” He then adds, “Thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his people.”

Mormon later comments: “And thus we can plainly discern, that after a people have been once enlightened by the Spirit of God, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallen away into sin and transgression, they become more hardened, and thus their state becomes worse than though they had never known these things.

Segregation and contention offend conscience (the light of Christ) and often provoke one to assuage conscience through self-justification.  The Book of Mormon story-line starts off with two older brothers, Laman and Lemuel, and continues throughout with their posterity and others justifying their contempt of their brothers in attempts to feel better themselves as well as gain “converts” to their “more correct” actions and perspectives. Mormon sometimes referred to this pattern of self-justification and indoctrination as the incorrect “tradition of their fathers.” Indeed, he records that in an uninterrupted pattern, Lamanite parents had taught their children to hate their cousins over many generations.  They were “better than” others, “puffed up” in the pride and vanity; God’s chosen people.

Repeatedly within the book they hold up as “the most correct book upon the earth,” there are hints given to the setting one’s self or group up as better than another/ others along with justifying further judgment, contentions, alienation.  Ironically, as a Mormon male climbs the ladder of religious “success,” he is given opportunities to be “set apart” (segregated, “puffed up”) as more special, more powerful, given greater and greater “priesthood.”  Little do these “believers” realize that as one separates himself and his family because of religion, culture, socio-economic status, opportunities to learn, political or gender bias, country of origin, capabilities, etc. he is cutting himself off bit by bit from this very “light of Christ” (conscience) that is inherent in all people everywhere at birth.  His “Mormon glow” actually diminishes the farther he “ascends” the ladder of “priesthood authority.”

Yes, Mormon’s have more reason to shine than some others.  They have a great book filled with hints at their disposal.  But, failing to understand HOW to read it, they miss the clues.  Over time, many once-shining Mormons lose their light.  Thus, the “Mormon Glow” fades.  Unknowingly, these very LDS who gravitate largely to the “goodness” of the “white-skinned” people held up throughout the book as the epitome of the followers of Christ, become less and less “white and delightsome” and more “past feeling,” “dark” and “loathsome.”  Until the day when there is utterly “no light within” them.  Paradoxically, they fail to realize that the “dark-skinned” race which they are repeatedly advised to avoid intermarrying refers NOT TO THE COLOR OF THE PHYSICAL SKIN but to the LACK OF AURA/ LIGHT... the SPIRITUAL SKIN.  Their very feelings of superiority (being “God’s Chosen People”) takes away the very light they once had until they are left to their own left-brained, dark devises.

Yes, as their own favored book also warns:  "Blindness comes by looking beyond the mark."  "The mark" refers to assisting "the work of the Father" in joining back together in one equal family unit.  Each and all enjoying global humanity.

How does this happen?  Well, Jesus warned about following leaders and using their eyes to see and chart one’s course in life by.  He warned his followers in Matthew 5 to “pluck out” the eye, or rather, leave the fellowship of one who attempted to “see for them” and guide them to “heaven”, their religious leader. Jesus went on to say that it was better to enter into the kingdom of heaven blind rather than to fall into the ditch with one’s blind guide.

Yet, the very things the current LDS church encourages:  seeking worldly knowledge and educational degrees, the pursuit of money, to be acknowledged as an “honorable man or woman” by society, worldly success and talents, “genealogy work,” temporal beauty, all these “targets” increase one’s stress, confusion, and take away their light.  The very Mormon culture alienates an otherwise “disciple of Christ” from a view of global harmony:  seeing all others as equal, precious, and of one’s true family. 

Although acknowledging that a “perfect brightness of hope” is encouraged within “the Church,” Utah, the Mormon capital of the world, is also the “Prozac capital of the world.”  Innumerable are the Mormon women who put on their “Sunday Faces” yet inwardly are depressed and stressed in attempting to be who they are outwardly dictated to be.

So, are there good, “light and delightsome” people within the Mormon ranks, exhibiting the “Mormon Glow”?  Yes, many, many of them.  They truly are a delight.  However, those with this “Glow” exist everywhere, within many different denominations, and particularly among those who have left any religion and found “the Kingdom of Heaven” within them self. 

Anyone can do this. Again, the Book of Mormon holds clues.  King Benjamin gave this hint:  “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.”  While claiming to be “children of God,” the Mormons fail to real-eyes that their very light is amped up by assisting humanity; not for their own personal sense of worth, nor adding numbers to their personal segregated group/ religion, but as benefits all humanity equally.  Truly, the more one learns to trust the light within them self, the greater they can trust that very light and the more it grows, becoming brilliant, clear and expansive.  Palpable.  When a human being grows in “light” and “intelligence” they literally, spiritually, mature and become no more a spiritual “child of God” but a full-fledged adult “Beloved Sun.”  Shining and radiant as their spiritual parent.

My husband remembers two experiences vividly.  The first occurred while talking with a “Hari Krishna” four decades ago in a grocery store parking lot.  He remembers never yet seeing anyone so alive, so radiant.  The second was in conversation with a “Jehovah’s Witness.”  He will never forget the beauty or palpable light of either of them.  Neither can time diminish the feeling he felt in either of their presence.  There are many “spiritually beautiful and alive, white and delightsome” people.  Within any skin tone and every culture and every religion, including the “religion” of atheism.

Seen by some, felt by others, the feeling of JOY, otherwise known as “a perfect brightness of hope” IS an attainable state.  As one truly seeks this reward:  JOY with its counterpart CHARITY, they Will, indeed, eventually find it... if they seek it with ALL their heart.  That is the universal promise.  No matter which religion or absence of religion one finds them self in.  Their journey will end in that brilliant, palpable vibration.  Until then, “eyes that see” WILL see a happy, clean, alive “GLOW” within and surrounding those who have discovered “Heaven” within themselves.

May we each look for the light within each other.  May we each develop our true “eye-sight.”  May we each grow the light within our self... until the entire globe becomes a glowing orb.  A collective “sun” of God, a “Body of Christ”.  Harmonious, Glowing, Humanity.  Namaste’:  the light within me sees and honors the light within you.