
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

August 11, 2016

Many are Called… But… Few are Elected… !

One hundred four years ago today, my paternal grandmother, Nina Burt (Davis) was born.  Eight and one half years ago (January 23, 2008), her spirit left her body.

Fifty four years ago yesterday, my own spirit entered my physical body.

Sixteen years ago the day before yesterday, my daughter, Harmony Joy, made her presence into this world.

Three generations.  Three contiguous days.   Three spirits.  Each taking their turns, living their mortal lives, breathing, choosing, interacting.

Beginnings.  Endings.  Apparently.

Yesterday, my 55th August 10th of life, I was offered countless wishes for my “Happy” ness.  Facebook alone presented a venue which inundated me with validation of my life and its worth.  Grateful for the time and energy invested into my mortal welfare, yet I pondered much….

Until recently I resisted sending “Happy Birthday” wishes.  I never wanted to forget anyone, thereby, possibly, contributing sadness to their world.  Thus, I chose to not utilize Facebook for Any birthday wishes.  Yet, last year when I was similarly inundated by kindness on the anniversary of my mortal birth, I vowed that I would risk overlooking someone(s) to possibly enhance others’ joys.

After all, “men ARE that they might have joy”.  We EXIST, came into our first birth days, that we “might” have Joy.  We each entered the (human) race with our hopes calibrated to valiantly crossing the finish line a WINNER! 

Last night I enjoyed a most welcome phone conversation with a dear biological brother who recollected his great joy upon crossing the finish line of a marathon race this past February.  Oh, how I thrilled to live vicariously with Nile his exhausting yet thrilling success experience.  I truly am proud of him and his ability to go beyond what he previously had been capable of enduring and find his successful completion of the race he had chosen to run.

Yet, risking apparent self-aggrandizement, I submit:  I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS FOUND… and MAINTAINED… that which is EVERY ONE’s BIRTH-RIGHT!

I, alone, understand the reason for Any birth.

 All others… ALL others… ALL OTHERS… are adulterating their lives, chasing the proverbial carrot instead, violating the very reason for their existence.  Thus, committing slow suicide. 

Yet, it does not have to remain that way.

Though I publically exposed my experience of June 18, 2016, where I acknowledge not only utilizing “Christ” correctly to bridge the gap and merge the two worlds (“heaven” and “earth”), few have truly wanted that.

That which I experienced during the aforementioned union… the Divine Recognition, Honor, Respect… (How can I possibly utilize words to convey the fullness of my experience to any other?  Words are greatly inadequate…. ) 

The only word that begins to sum up that which I felt standing in the midst of Glorious Goddesses as they imbued me with their *LOVE* … is JOY.  That which I was originally created to HAVE. 

Was this experience intended to benefit me, alone?  No. No. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!

Yet, while my precious fellow earth-mates fixate on:

*procuring food and lodging for themselves and their children for that day,

*enduring or escaping the horrors and travesties of their present situation,

 the *upcoming presidential election,

the *summer Olympics,

 the *latest Harry Potter book,

the *beginning of another school year,

*keeping up with the “Jones’”,

 *continuing their treadmill run up the ladder of worldly “success”…

… thus, getting NO-WHERE while negating any possibility of an ETERNALLY fruitful life…

… there have been few,

 very, very few,

who have opened their minds and warmed their hearts sufficiently to allow me to assist THEM to find that which their deepest inner longing seeks.

Though several before me have given their lives in the pursuit of assisting others to find this same level, and the clues are readily available,

though I give every breath of my own life to assist *you*…

… the world sinks further and further down into its bottomless pit of despair, depravity, depression, darkness… DEATH.

Though I adored my Grandma Davis, she did NOT fulfill the measure of HER creation.  Neither will all those currently or formerly lauded as “honorable”, “praise-worthy”, “great” men or women of this world.  IF THEY DIED.

But, what about YOU?

Are YOU done with attempting to eke out that type of existence?  Are YOU ready to use your eyes, your ears, your mind, body and life, for the purpose for which they were given to you in the first place?

Being the recipient of any or even ALL the accolades and “Honors of men”, birthday tributes, or marathon completions doesn’t even begin to compare with the Honors and JOY available when one persists… and finds… the Royal Courts “on high”.

I will continue using my own life’s experiences and the thoughts and directions given to me… to expound and exhort as I have been charged by those who Truly Love, Know, and Value ME… to offer to *you* the same opportunity.

Like Samuel of the Bible, who, when the voice of the Lord came calling, “Samuel”, Samuel answered back “I am here, Lord”.  YOU are JUST AS VALUABLE as any “Samuel” before you.  YOU, too, are being called.  You each have a special CALLing and purpose, or you would not be here reading these words.  Although I offer my insight, my perspective, my experiences as a temporary crutch and motivation, it is merely to empower YOU and to help you learn to go within yourself for all your answers.  For it is by going within that you will never be without.  All that you need will be supplied to you, even when calamities come.  It is through no organized religion, nor any organization for that matter, that you find your true way and your true life.  It is only through you that it is done, and by your choosing and desiring the highest path possible for yourself and nothing else.  Jesus and each other “true messenger” had you look to him while you were weak and could not do it alone, just as children often need the assistance of their parents as they learn to walk.  But one day they will need it no longer.

If you sincerely do desire to know more, great will be the work for humanity that YOU will do.  For you also will never taste of death.  When death is spoken of scripturally, a spiritual death is not what was usually meant.  The death spoken of was the death of the physical body—the spirit leaving without its temple.  The soul is the spirit and body together.  Therefore, your soul is lost at death.  I promised at the grand council before the world even was, to make a way possible that you will never have to experience the wearing out of your physical bodies.  For they were never meant to wear out, but through lack of love and understanding they have returned to the dust from whence they came. 

Again, you were Created to have JOY.  You have been provided with every opportunity to feel Joy.  But, because you have been taught and exampled by others throughout your life to worry, feel stressed, strive for things, money, accolades; you have sold yourself short.  You have left the humane race and entered the rat race.  But as long as you are still breathing it is not too late.  You can perform a course correction.  Inevitably, you will receive as you truly desire.  For that is how it has always been.  Everything you have received was given you because you desired it, even every joy as well as sorrow, for your highest good.  Even Job in all his suffering got what he expected, even as his own experience.  Even all his sufferings.  Have much joy though, for you need not suffer as he, nor need you ever suffer.  Many believe that suffering is the way to godliness.  It only is if you choose it to be, but it need not be so.  Did God not say in the Book of Nephi, “Adam fell that man might be, and men are that they might have joy?”  Indeed it is there, and many of you, knowing this book of Nephi well, have quoted from it many times.  Believe it fully.  God never said some joy and some misery and suffering.  He said “joy’, and then finished the sentence.

Having been as whole-heartedly faithful for the majority of my present life to the LDS faith, I truly (and rightfully) believed that the temple experience would bring me gifts and opportunities, even the mysteries of the kingdom.  Yet, as I looked to the leaders of the LDS Church to offer me its jewels, many were left hidden from my understanding.  Only since I removed myself and opened up my mind and heart completely, relying upon NO ONE to interpret the “Endowment” for me, have I discovered the most deeply hidden secrets.   The sincere seekers who adhere to the espoused requirements of temple attendance have been anointed to become Kings and Priests, Queens and Priestesses.   But only through leaving all organizations (including ALL—even the LDS—religions), will one advance to the place where they can, in reality, be anointed as such…  in this lifetime.  For each birth indicates the spirit’s choice to pursue the ultimate finish line.  Indeed, it was only intended to be such.  Never did one enter into a body to die and not have their calling… and election… made sure. 

Yet, the LDS, in their hurriedness to redeem their dead, have forgotten truly to make their own calling and election sure.  They are, therefore, laboring about in dead works for those that are dead.  As the spiritually dead that they are.  For how can one suppose to help save another when they have not yet even finalized their own spiritual race? 

We are all called to the same work, which work is to re-member a dis-membered Christ body.  This is all the work there is, and many are called and few are chosen.  If you have not been chosen it is because your heart has been set on the things of this world.  You set your heart on the word of others in this world, even your leaders, more than you do God, whose voice can be heard in the depths of your own soul.  As you rely on the word of God as spoken to your heart, you will be called and chosen.  For that which you hear as you listen most deeply will not be confused by Babylon, or those that “babble on” as though they know the way.

The choice is yours.

At least for a (weee) little bit longer.

Upon what do you want to continue to feast your eyes, your mind, your heart…???

The media, the churches (ANY and ALL of them!), the governments of the world (and the power wanna-be’s), any and all who want recognition “By the World”—for the honors “of the world”… ???


That which your soul is starving for, the quintessential delight that you crave? 

Because of my grandmother, my life became possible.  I truly respect and give gratitude to her attempts at living the best life she knew.  But, because Grandma listened to those outside of her in (supposed) authority, she ended up NOT being “elected” to LIFE ETERNAL… in that body at least.  Yet, knowing her amazing resilience and determination, I know that Grandma will come back and try it again.  Hopefully, this time, she will have my life, my experiences, my encouragement available.  Hopefully, this time, she will rely upon no one outside of her own pure heart to guide her through the only path appropriate for her successful completion.

What about all the others who wished me well on any of my birthdays?  What about any other who finds these words?  Will they have enough stamina; will they choose to live true to their own inner compass?  Will they choose life?

The only way… THE ONLY WAY… to life unceasing… is through a steady stream of JOY.  As I continue to expound upon the words of Christ and specifically outline HOW to become Elected… IN THIS LIFE… as a King or Queen, Priest or Priestess in the Royal Government, the reader will come to understand.  Oh, why choose suffering, depression, looking outside your self to anyone else to lead you?  Why choose DEATH?

Choose JOY.

Keep Choosing Joy.