
I have a deep and abiding love for all the inhabitants of this planet (Earth) and view each one as my equal.

My message is not new, but with my passionate desire to help heal the planet, I join my voice to the many voices who have sung before and who are now singing to help us all experience "a whole new world".

Yes, I truly believe that LOVE IS THE ANSWER!

May 11, 2009

HAPPY Mother’s Day ! ~ ! FELIZ Dia de la Madre ! ~ EVERY DAY!

A friend commented recently, “Really, Kimberly, sometimes I wonder what the heck you’ve been smoking!” Of course I realized that he was joking. Yet I also knew that under the humor must be an element of his true feelings. (Incidentally, I have never in my life “smoked” ANY thing. Never even had a desire to….though I have picked up cigarette butts several times to place them in trash cans.) :-)

I have realized often in my life that my words and actions are not understood by most others. From their perspective my mental processes (or apparent lack thereof) may even appear quite unstable. Even those who may have more understanding of me and my heart have expressed deep amazement. How in the world could someone who has been through even a Few of the many apparently disastrous experiences that I have…live not just in tremendous PEACE and non-judgment, but…be HAPPY???!*

A week ago I received an email from a man with whom I had visited a few months ago about pursuing a VISA. He shared information about a woman coming to Ecuador who really wanted to meet me. I called her and she ended up flying in that night and spending the next few days with me. I learned much through our association—mostly through observance of myself –and her. She is very involved in natural healing modalities and utilizes certain technologies in her attempts to help the body heal. One of our first experiences after her arrival was when I was getting her something to drink (concocting my raw cacao [chocolate] drink—ummm, yummy!). I had just filled the small glass pitcher with water when she realized what I had done. Gasping, she exclaimed: “You just use TAP WATER?!!!” Grabbing her pendulum, she proceeded to test the purity of the water. In awe, she exclaimed, “This is phenomenal! I’ve never seen water that has tested so high!”

Smiling, I shared with her that, even without consciously attempting to, my “energy” changes everything around me. I also shared with her that for many years prior to coming to Ecuador, I had been very aware of and made great attempts to purify and at times even distill the water I drink and use, always thinking that I needed some kind of machine or other apparatus to help me do this. When I felt to move to Ecuador, I sold or gave away my water machines (along with pretty much everything else I “owned”), realizing that, somehow, they would not be needed.

Still stunned, this woman went to the sink tap and measured the water there…this time with completely different results. I smiled, thrilled, yet not surprised, to see one further verification of the effect of my JOY on the world around me.

A couple days later, she tested my health utilizing her expensive instrumentation. Again marveling, she shared that she had never, in all of her 35 years of experience, tested anyone with as clean and healthy a body as I possessed. This was far from the first time in the last few years that I have been told this by a health-care professional. (Now, for the reader who does not know me well, I will share that the body I inherited at birth came with some serious weaknesses that have caused various amounts of debilitation and necessary daily attention. But, because of my seeking and applying what I have felt to, I have found how to manage…while utilizing it to its current and relatively high mortal capacity.*)

So, what is my “secret”? I guess if you’re still reading up to this point you may have some interest, so here’s the secret…. Although I do not “smoke”, I live my life…as a Drunk! :-) Yes, you read correctly. As the apostles on the “Day of Pentecost”, I live my life…drunk with “new wine”! Do I mean to suggest that I really drink alcoholic beverages??? No, though I have tried them a few times in the last couple years. But…I DON’T NEED THEM to make me feel any better! Wine holds NO appeal to me. (Indeed, I don’t even enjoy the taste!) And, though some may really not understand, and it may appear that I am “crazy” and “speaking in tongues” to them, I am not. I’m speaking the language of JOY. I’m just REALLY, TRULY, POWER-FULLY…HAPPY! :-)

Because of my life’s profound learning experiences, I have found how to be and feel Truly HAPPY—in Any situation. Because of the depth of my understanding and learnings and the incredible “miracles” that I have witnessed with myself and others and all those who have been affected as they have also learned and utilized these same principles, I am writing about this and the incredible ramifications in my book: “The JOY of Harmony”. However, I do feel to share just a bit today in this venue because of my experiences of last week and because of yesterday being “HAPPY Mother’s Day” (or, “FELIZ Dia de la Madre”).

As I teach English classes to the local young children here in Ecuador, I am most importantly sharing with them the principles I have learned (actually, remembered) in living as a POWER-ful, PEACE-ful, HAPPY (full) PERSON. When a child/person learns in this kind of environment and with these principles, the learning is rapidly expedited and so incredibly meaningful…and fun!

One of the things I utilize periodically is my “laughing bag”. Though just a plain red cotton bag, it is powerful! I first demonstrate by putting my head up to and a little in to its open end and take a deep breath. (I do this all a little melodramatically!) :-) When I bring my head out, I am “uncontrollably” laughing. Because laughter and humor is contagious and is our most profound human quality, the children…LOVE THIS …and begin laughing themselves! The bag then goes around and around the circle while everyone takes turns.

Any previous, non-happy/peaceful thought is quickly forgotten and the climate is ripe for enjoyable learning and sharing. This is one simple technique that helps train children to CHOOSE their emotion and to CHANGE their state of mind to a higher frequency…at will. This helps a child “exercise” their emotional “muscles” and gain True Power in their lives.

Although I realize and utilize the power of real food (as intended by nature), I have also learned and put into continual practice the power of JOY. “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” Truly, our words, thoughts and feelings (that which we “generate” within and then “radiate” out to others) …are powerful and can change the state of our health and life…while also affecting matter (including the water previously mentioned) in and around us.

It’s interesting to me the simpleness of the way to a truly happy life. Though there are many in the past and present who have and are secluding themselves into verdant, pure locations (“temples”, “sanctuaries”, pristine valleys with like-minded people) to heal and find “bliss”, “nirvana”, regeneration of health, etc. I KNOW that it is personally possible to live and interact even in a polluted environment and even while consuming “food” and water which would appear as “poison”… AND NOT HAVE IT AFFECT our mental OR physical state. (I live across the street from bus terminals and within feet of power lines in busy, downtown [highly polluted] Quito. The pollution I sweep and dust from my apartment each week is phenomenal! However, it holds no power over ME—because I do not allow it to! I transmute it.)

So, in a sense, I AM “drunk”. In fact, it could be said that I am “high” on life!

Certainly, as I find the way to make the changes that I am desiring to bring forth, particularly “Harmony House”, I will be able to move to a more pure and life-promoting location and situation. However, until that time, I am “soaring” and utilizing my mental and emotional processes to make the most of my situation…even when it may not appear “perfect”.

Throughout the history of this planet, one person or group of individuals has usually sought “power” over another… or even over many others. However, I believe that REAL “power” cannot be taken through force. Real “power” is developed and found from within. It is a gift or a characteristic that we give to ourselves. The key is having power over our THOUGHTS, our ACTIONS and our own EMOTIONS—knowing that we can ALWAYS CHOOSE our response and how we will act OR RE-act in any situation.

Indeed, “Peace on Earth” begins with peace of mind. INNER Harmony. Once the world learns this they won't get fooled again into thinking that anything or anyone OUTside of their own heart (emotions), mind (thoughts), and physical body (actions) have anything to do with “loving one’s neighbor as themselves” and taking charge of their lives. (Real Power. Real Peace.) “Blessed are the peacemakers." Yes, the “blessings” are given NOW… and continue into the future.

THIS, NO ONE can TAKE from us!

Although I have sooo much more to share on this subject, I will pause for now along with the invitation to stay tuned and, if interested, watch for my upcoming book that goes into far more detail with much more “meat”, even step-by-step “how-to” instructions of how to REALLY do this. Also, I will explore how to “train up” children in living, not as “victims” thinking they need an outside power source (candy, things, attention, etc. etc.), but as powerful, happy, peace-filled individuals…no matter their life’s situation. These principles are NOT games of pretend or “burying” negative feelings. They work. They have changed many lives and helped many children have strong foundations.

I have also recently finished writing a book (for children…and adults) entitled “I AM WHO I AM”. A very gifted artist friend is possibly going to be illustrating it. If anyone reading this has ideas regarding its publishing (or the publishing of my other books as they are finished) and would like to share them, please do!

Until next time…KEEP SMILING! :-)

Hugs to all,

*More will be shared about my life and, particularly my valuable experiences which, though extremely difficult at times, have helped me to learn these principles in the forthcoming book “The JOY of Harmony” and in my autobiography “Re-claiming My Heart”. :-)